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Jeroen Hilgers
Created March 12, 2016 © CC BY

Kids player with parent lock

Kids locks on electronics hopelessly fail when exposed to actual kids. This device distracts the kid to save daddy's electronic stuff.

AdvancedShowcase (no instructions)12 hours203
Kids player with parent lock

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino MKR1000
Arduino MKR1000
RGB Diffused Common Cathode
RGB Diffused Common Cathode
Pushbutton switch 12mm
SparkFun Pushbutton switch 12mm
Resistor 2.21k ohm
Resistor 2.21k ohm
Resistor 4.75k ohm
Resistor 4.75k ohm
Resistor 3k3
Capacitor 220nf
Capacitor 68uF
Capacitor 1uF (ceramic)
Speaker: 3W, 4 ohms
Speaker: 3W, 4 ohms
I2C LCD display 128x64 pixels


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Project files

This repository contains all files for the project.


Jeroen Hilgers

Jeroen Hilgers

1 project • 0 followers
AVR and robotics hobbyist
