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Ramin Sangesari
Published © GPL3+

Build a Wi-Fi Toy Boat with Wukong2040 and RPI Pico W

Learning how to build a Wi-Fi controlled boat with using Wukong2040 and Raspberry Pi Pico W

BeginnerFull instructions provided1 hour1,268
Build a Wi-Fi Toy Boat with Wukong2040 and RPI Pico W

Things used in this project

Hardware components

ELECFREAKS Wukong2040 Breakout Board For Raspberry Pi Pico
Elecfreaks 360 Degrees Building Blocks Servo
L9110 Fan Motor Module

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Wukong2040 Toy Boat Schematic




Ramin Sangesari

Ramin Sangesari

24 projects β€’ 319 followers
Programmer and IoT Developer
