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Justin Lutz
Published © MIT

Air-lert: Notify Workers of unsafe environmental conditions!

An alert is given (via a speaker and text message) if unsafe air conditions are detected and a person is in the room.

IntermediateFull instructions provided10 hours220
Air-lert: Notify Workers of unsafe environmental conditions!

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Infineon XMC1300 Boot Kit
Infineon S2GO RADAR BGT60LTR11
Blues Notecarrier B
Blues Notecarrier B
Blues Notecard (Wi-Fi)
Blues Notecard (Wi-Fi)
Arduino MP3 Shield
Adafruit Arduino MP3 Shield
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Pimoroni SGP30 TVOC/eCO2 sensor

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)


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AirLert Schematic

Shows the basic interconnects between the hardware. XMC1300 Boot Kit and Arduino Uno are powered via USB. SGP30 is connected to the Notecarrier via I2C Quiic cable. Notecarrier and XMC1300 are connected via I2C jumpers. A single cable connects the XMC1300 to the Arduino Uno. The radar is connected with 2 jumpers (TD/PD) to the XMC1300 Boot kit.


AirLert Arduino sketches

Two sketches: one for the XMC Boot Kit 1300, which reads the sensor data and sets a trigger pin if the CO2 value exceeds a threshold. The second sketch is for the Arduino Uno with the MP3 shield, which plays a .wav file warning message if the pin is triggered.


Justin Lutz

Justin Lutz

23 projects • 38 followers
Quality manager by day, tinkerer by night. Avid runner. You can tell I'm a dad because of my jokes.
