This is a Robot making tutorial. We call it as Soccer Bot. In this project we are going to share how you can make a robot that are able to play soccer with another soccer robot. Our robot will be controlled by using an Smartphone through the Bluetooth Communication.
What is Soccer Bot?Simply a Soccer Bot is a type of robot that can play Soccer. This type of robot basically design in such a way that can remotely and autonomously play football. It has some unique features like it can handle the shock effect very easily. This robot is also can move very fast.
Required Hardware and ToolsRequired Hardware
01. Arduino Mega
02. L298N Motor Driver
03. HC-05 Bluetooth Module
04. DC Motor (4)
05. Mini Breadboard
06. Lipo Battery (1000mAh)
07. Jumper Wires(Male to Male)
08. White Thin Plywood Board
09. Wheel (4)
10. L-shaped Extension
11. Screws, Nut and Bolts
Required Too
1. Screw Driver Set
2. Anti-cutter
3. Drill Machine
4. Glue Gun with Glue Stick
5. Soldering Iron with Lead
6. Digital Multimeter
Circuit AnalysisThe circuit design is so simple for this project. But you always need to alert while connecting the wires. Because if you mismatch any connections your robot will be burned.
Connections between Arduino and Motor Driver
1. Digital Pin 8 to Motor Driver IN1 Pin
2. Digital Pin 9 to Motor Driver IN2 Pin
3. Digital Pin 11 to Motor Driver IN3 Pin
4. Digital Pin 10 to Motor Driver IN4 Pin
5. Arduino VIN pin to Motor Driver +5V Pin
6. Arduino GND Pin to Motor Driver GND Pin
Note: Here we give the power (+5V) to the Arduino from motor driver. This motor drive is able to supply +5V to any other components.
Connections between Motors and Motor Driver
We have used one port of the motor driver with 2 DC motor. Because our selected motor driver cannot control 4 motor at a time. So, we used 2 ports that can control 4 motors. You can connect the motor as the circuit diagram section.
Note: Sometimes you will face a problem in this step after uploading the code. The problem is the motor will not rotate properly. Like when you want to move the four motors forward direction, it maybe rotates in the backward direction. Then you need to modify the code such as replace the forward code for the backward direction and vice versa. Or you can replace the motors connections. It will also goes for right and left rotation.
Connections between Bluetooth Module to Arduino
1. Bluetooth Module VCC to Arduino +5V Pin
2. Bluetooth Module GND Pin to Arduino GND Pin
3. Bluetooth Module RX Pin to Arduino TX Pin
4. Bluetooth Module TX Pin to Arduino RX Pin
Connections between Lipo Battery to Motor Driver
1. Lipo Battery Positive Pin to Motor Driver +12V Pin
2. Lipo Battery Negative Pin to Motor Driver GND Pin
Note: We used 11.1V Lipo Battery. In the Circuit diagram it shows that we use 3.7V battery. That is not correct. You must need up to 7V battery for this project.
Robot Building ProcessStep-1
First we design our robot in a paper. Its is must to-do thing.
Then we choose its body shape and structure. We used thin Plywood Board for making the body of the robot.
Here is the final design of our Bot. We used white thin Plywood Board. It required a lot of screws and other stuffs.
From this photo you can see the screws, nut and bolts. We need some L-shaped angles to fix the robot in the four side. We made it as rectangle shape.
Then Fix the Circuit according to our schematic diagram that provides in the schematic section.
After completing the circuit building you are good to go to upload the code to your Arduino Mega Board. Just plug the USB cable to connect your Arduino and PC/Laptop. Then write the code according to the code section and then upload the code. Here you need to unplug the RX and TX connections of the Arduino while uploading the code. It is mandatory to progress the uploading.
Then you are all set to play Soccer with your Bot.
Bluetooth App Dashboard CreationIn this project we have used a free Android App for controlling our Bot.
The link of that App:
Search the App (Bluetooth Electronics) in the Play Store from your Android Phone and install the application to your phone.
After completing the installation open the Bluetooth Electronics App.
Turn on your mobile Bluetooth and pair with the Bluetooth module.
Then Select an empty panel to design your required buttons for Right, Left, Forward, Backward, Right Forward, Left Forward and Stop movement. After selecting the empty panel you need to click the Edit button.
In this step you will see an empty panel. Now in the right bar you need to select Buttons option. Now drag and drop the your required buttonsin the panel.
In this part you need to name the buttons according to your code. First click on the button and then click the Edit button and write the correct name of the button. Then press Ok button. Here, you need to write your key vale in the Press Text field. You do not need to do anything with your Release Text field.
Then Select the Go back to your home screen. Now Select your edited panel and click Connect button to add the panel with your Bluetooth module. Here after connecting your Bluetooth module you will be able to control your Bot by using your Android Phone.
Warning- Here you need to connect all the connections perfectly. Because it will destroy your whole Robot.
- Connect your battery very carefully. At least recheck the connections of your battery.
- Remove RX and TX connections from your Arduino while uploading the code.
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