This is a soldering badge with through hole components with a drawing of my cat. Abraham and I presented this badge during the Jalisco Maker Faire as giveaways ^^
Super simple circuit oscillator to flash LEDs.
It consists of 2 PNP transistors to toggle the RC circuits and flash the LEDs.
Here is a nice tutorial if you want to know with details how this circuit works.
Used a 3V coin battery.
Used Inkscape to generate the "art" of my cat.
I wanted to add more details on copper but wasn't sure because at the moment I hadn't decided the placement. I added more details on copper directly on KiCAD.
We modified the symbols a little bit (increased the pads size and holes), added notes on silkscreen so it would be easier to solder.
This kid soldered it!
You can play with the R and C values to change the period the LEDs toggle no need for MCU. Hours and hours of blinky LEDs.
Bonus! A pic of my cat
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