#include <cppQueue.h>
// demo: CAN-BUS Shield, send data
// loovee@seeed.cc
#include <SPI.h>
#include <can-serial.h>
#include <mcp2515_can.h>
#include <mcp2515_can_dfs.h>
#include <mcp2518fd_can.h>
#include <mcp2518fd_can_dfs.h>
#include <mcp_can.h>
#include <math.h>
#define ADC_REF 5 //reference voltage of ADC is 5v.If the Vcc switch on the seeeduino
//board switches to 3V3, the ADC_REF should be 3.3
#define GROVE_VCC 5 //VCC of the grove interface is normally 5v
#define FULL_ANGLE 100 //full value of the rotary angle is 300 degrees
#define CAN_2515
#define ON 1
#define OFF 0
#define MAX_LENGTH 100
// Set SPI CS Pin according to your hardware
#if defined(SEEED_WIO_TERMINAL) && defined(CAN_2518FD)
// For Wio Terminal w/ MCP2518FD RPi Hat
// Channel 0 SPI_CS Pin: BCM 8
// Channel 1 SPI_CS Pin: BCM 7
// Interupt Pin: BCM25
const int SPI_CS_PIN = BCM8;
const int CAN_INT_PIN = BCM25;
// For Arduino MCP2515 Hat:
// the cs pin of the version after v1.1 is default to D9
// v0.9b and v1.0 is default D10
const int SPI_CS_PIN = 9;
const int CAN_INT_PIN = 2;
#ifdef CAN_2518FD
#include "mcp2518fd_can.h"
mcp2518fd CAN(SPI_CS_PIN); // Set CS pin
#ifdef CAN_2515
#include "mcp2515_can.h"
mcp2515_can CAN(SPI_CS_PIN); // Set CS pin
const int B = 4275; // B value of the thermistor
const int R0 = 100000; // R0 = 100k
const int pinTempSensor = SCL; // Grove - Temperature Sensor connect to SCL
//const int vibrationSensor = SCL;
const int Buzzer = 6;
unsigned long startMillis; //some global variables available anywhere in the program
unsigned long currentMillis;
const unsigned long period = 100;
float lastDegrees;
float lastTemp;
int present_condition = 0;
int previous_condition = 0;
unsigned char flagRecv = 0;
unsigned char guage[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
unsigned char temp[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
unsigned char button[8];
unsigned char len = 0;
typedef struct {
unsigned long id;
unsigned char toggle[8];
CanBusPacket_t canBusPacket;
CanBusPacket_t canBusPacketTest;
unsigned char cnt = 0;
cppQueue q(sizeof(CanBusPacket_t), MAX_LENGTH, FIFO, true);
void setup() {
//pinMode(vibrationSensor, INPUT);
pinMode(pinTempSensor, INPUT);
pinMode(Buzzer, OUTPUT);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(CAN_INT_PIN), MCP2515_ISR, FALLING); // start interrupt
while (CAN_OK != CAN.begin(CAN_250KBPS)) { // init can bus : baudrate = 500k
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println("CAN init fail, retry...");
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println("CAN init ok!");
startMillis = millis(); //initial start time
CAN.init_Mask(0, 0, 0x7ff); // there are 2 mask in mcp2515, you need to set both of them
CAN.init_Mask(1, 0, 0x7ff);
CAN.init_Filt(0, 0, 0x601); // there are 6 filter in mcp2515
void MCP2515_ISR() {
if (CAN_MSGAVAIL == CAN.checkReceive()) {
unsigned char toggle[8];
CAN.readMsgBuf(&len, toggle);
canBusPacket.id = CAN.getCanId();
canBusPacket.toggle[0] = toggle[0];
canBusPacket.toggle[1] = toggle[1];
canBusPacket.toggle[2] = toggle[2];
canBusPacket.toggle[3] = toggle[3];
canBusPacket.toggle[4] = toggle[4];
canBusPacket.toggle[5] = toggle[5];
canBusPacket.toggle[6] = toggle[6];
canBusPacket.toggle[7] = toggle[7];
q.push(&canBusPacket); // Push char to cppQueue
void loop() {
// send data: id = 0x00, standrad frame, data len = 8, stmp: data buf
float voltage;
float temperature;
float degrees;
int sensor_value;
int a;
float R;
int present_graph;
currentMillis = millis();
previous_condition = present_condition;
if ((currentMillis - startMillis) >= period) {
sensor_value = analogRead(ROTARY_ANGLE_SENSOR);
voltage = (float)sensor_value*ADC_REF/1023;
degrees = 100 - ((voltage*FULL_ANGLE)/GROVE_VCC);
a = analogRead(pinTempSensor);
R = 1023.0/a-1.0;
R = R0*R;
temperature = 1.0/(log(R/R0)/B+1/298.15)-273.15; // convert to temperature via datasheet
// present_condition = 1- (digitalRead(vibrationSensor));
// present_graph = 100 * present_condition;
startMillis = currentMillis;
unsigned char guage[8] = {0x2B, 0x02, 0x20, 0x07, degrees, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
unsigned char temp[8] = {0x2B, 0x00, 0x20, 0x07, temperature, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
//unsigned char indicator[8] = {0x2B, 0x05, 0x20, 0x07, present_graph, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
if(lastDegrees != degrees){
CAN.sendMsgBuf(0x67B, 0, 8, guage);
lastDegrees = degrees;
// if (previous_condition != present_condition) {
// CAN.sendMsgBuf(0x67B, 0, 8, indicator);
// previous_condition = present_condition;
// }
if(lastTemp != temperature){
CAN.sendMsgBuf(0x67B, 0, 8, temp);
lastTemp = temperature;
if (!q.isEmpty()) { // Only if q is not empty
if ( canBusPacketTest.toggle[4] == 0x01 &&
canBusPacketTest.toggle[0] == 0x2B &&
canBusPacketTest.toggle[1]==0x04 &&
canBusPacketTest.toggle[2]==0x20 &&
canBusPacketTest.toggle[3]==0x08) {
digitalWrite(6, HIGH);
digitalWrite(6, LOW);
// for(int i = 0; i<len; i++) { // print the data
// Serial.print(canBusPacketTest[i], HEX);
// Serial.print("\t");
// }
// if ( button[4] == 0x01 && button[0] == 0x2B && button[1]==0x03 && button[2]==0x20 && button[3]==0x07) {
// digitalWrite(13, ON);
// delay(1000);
// digitalWrite(13, OFF);
// delay(1000);
// for(int i = 0; i<len; i++) { // print the data
// Serial.print(button[i], HEX);
// Serial.print("\t");
// }
// }
// Serial.print("\n");
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