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Kevin Loeffler
Published © GPL3+

Out-scam the Scammers with SkimScam

Detect credit card skimmers with ML and an IoT gadget!

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours48
Out-scam the Scammers with SkimScam

Things used in this project

Hardware components

PSoC™ 62S2 Wi-Fi BT Pioneer Kit
Infineon PSoC™ 62S2 Wi-Fi BT Pioneer Kit

Software apps and online services

ModusToolbox™ Software
Infineon ModusToolbox™ Software
Terminal software, such as PuTTY


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Simple diagram of finished project

LEDs will illuminate to indicate the board is scanning for networks or if a potential skimmer has been found.


WiFi Data

Complete WiFi dataset used to train the autoencoder. Originally from Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/code/kerneler/starter-wifi-data-8dbf1bc6-7
No preview (download only).

Keras Autoencoder Training Notebook

Python notebook used to train the autoencoder with the WiFi dataset, also attached to this page. This is in IPYNB format.
Error opening file.

Pre-trained Autoencoder Model

This model was pre-trained so that you can use it right away in ModusToolbox
No preview (download only).


All the code you need to get things going in ModusToolbox to build this project.


Kevin Loeffler
4 projects • 4 followers
Hacker from Colorado that's into renewable energy, ed-tech, and open source.
