It is a workshop that conducts experiments of electronic work while enjoying old music.
August 11, 2019M5StickC Balance RobotThe M5StickC contains an accelerometer, gyroscope, battery, and so on. By simply adding a motor and driver, an inverted pendulum could be created. We exhibited at M5Stack User Group Meeting on August 2 and at Manufacturer Fair Tokyo on August 3rd.
It is a whole picture. From left, M5StickC, motor driver and motor. The white adhesive tape is used to prevent impact when the unit falls.Screen Shot 2019-08-16 at 5.18.18 PM
Motor driver is Kyoritsu Eleshop KP-DRV8830
A 4.7kΩ resistor is used for i2c pull-up.
The motor is also RM0TV0009AWZZ from Kyoritsu Eleshop.
The shaft is covered with a 0.8mm inner diameter heat shrink tube.
The motor and board are fixed with double-sided tape.
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This is the back side.
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This is a circuit diagram.
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Click here for MPU6886 compatible version.
Kiraku Labo

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