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Leon Anavi
Published © CC BY

Detecting Flammable Gases, Smoke and Alcohol with MQ-135

MQ-135 is a low-cost sensor for monitoring air quality and detecting dangerous gases. It is super easy to use it with ANAVI Gas Detector!

BeginnerProtip30 minutes2,368
Detecting Flammable Gases, Smoke and Alcohol with MQ-135

Things used in this project

Hardware components

MQ-135 Gas Sensor Module
ANAVI Gas Detector
HTU21D Temperature & Humidity I2C Sensor
Mini I2C OLED Display (SSD1306)


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ANAVI Gas Detector

Open source hardware made with KiCad


ANAVI Gas Detector - Arduino Sketch

The default Arduino sketch for ANAVI Gas Detector


Leon Anavi
5 projects • 6 followers
Software engineer and open source enthusiast
