Luis Ortiz
Published © MIT

Smart Modular Watering System

This system will water your plants automatically, monitor the level of the water reservoir and will keep your plants happy on many aspects.

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Things used in this project

Hardware components

SparkFun Blynk Board - ESP8266
SparkFun Blynk Board - ESP8266
Ultrasonic distance sensor (HC-SR04)
Soil Moisture Sensor
This sensor returns an analog reading.
Relay (generic)
I used a Relay module from Pololu. Any relay module that works at +5V will work.
Water Pump
Any small DC water pump will work.
UV Sensor (VEML6070)
Used to interface the Blynk board with the Ultrasonic distance sensor.
Resistor 2.21k ohm
Resistor 2.21k ohm
Used as pull-up for the UV Sensor. 4.7K or 10K will do the work too.
Resistor 330 ohm
Resistor 330 ohm
Used as a current limiting resistor on for a LED.
Resistor 270K ohm
RSET resistor used on the UV Sensor.
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
Capacitor 100 nF
Capacitor 100 nF
Used for decoupling.
5V DC/DC Converter
If you don't have a +5V source, you may need one.
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
AA Batteries
AA Batteries
Rechargable NiMH Batteries
4xAA battery holder
4xAA battery holder

Software apps and online services

Autodesk Fusion
I used sketchup to design all the 3D Parts, but you can use other alternatives if you plan to redesign the 3D printed parts for your project.

Hand tools and fabrication machines

3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
You know a 3D printer is always a great addition to any DIY project. :)
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

Smart Modular watering system mount

Smart Modular watering system mount



Clear tube End cap 5/16"

Clear tube End cap 5/16"

Tubing bracket for Window planter.

Tubing bracket for Window planter.


Smart Modular Watering System main assembly

Shows how all modules are connected.

Distance Sensor, ATtiny45 schematic

Interfaces between the Sparkfun Blynk board and the Ultrasonic distance sensor.

UV Sensor breakout (VEML6070)

A UV Sensor is a nice addition to a watering system. The VEML6070 is an I2C UV sensor.


Distance Sensor, ATtiny45 source code

Source code for the ATtiny45 microcontroller used to interface the Blynk board with the ultrasonic distance sensor. It will send the distance in cms every time the I2C master requests it.
// Code for the ATtiny (Slave)
// Luis Ortiz -
// July 3, 2016
// This program is designed to use an ATtiny45 (or compatible) microcontroller 
// to read the water level of a container using an ultrasonic range finder HC-SR04.
// - Readings will be pushed through I2C
// - alarmPin: HIGH if the water level exceeds a threshold.
// - alarmPin: HIGH if sensor readings not between min and max range (this may be
//             useful to detect problems with the sensor.

#define I2C_SLAVE_ADDRESS 0x74 // Address of the slave

#define echoPin 4 // Echo Pin
#define trigPin 3 // Trigger Pin
#define LEDPin 1  // Onboard LED Pin / alarmPin

// As safety method, all measurements will be constrained to min and max range.
#define maxRange 100 // Maximum range
#define minRange 2   // Minimum range

#define waterThreshold 25 // Critical Water Level

#include <TinyWireS.h> //

uint8_t distance = 0;
long duration; // Duration used to calculate distance

long lastMicros = 0;

long microsONDelay = 10;
long microsOFFDelay = 50000;

int lastTrig;

void setup() {

  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  lastTrig = LOW;
  lastMicros = micros();

  pinMode(LEDPin, OUTPUT); //PB1
  digitalWrite(LEDPin, LOW);

void loop() {
  if ( lastTrig == LOW ) {
    if ((micros() - lastMicros) >= microsOFFDelay) {
      digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
      lastMicros = micros();
      lastTrig = HIGH;
  }else if ( lastTrig == HIGH ) {
    if ((micros() - lastMicros) >= microsONDelay) {
      digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
      duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
      lastMicros = micros();
      lastTrig = LOW;
      //Calculate the distance (in cm) based on the speed of sound.
      distance = constrain(duration/58.2, minRange, maxRange);
      if ( distance >= maxRange || distance <= minRange ) {
        digitalWrite(LEDPin, HIGH);
      }else {
        if ( distance >= waterThreshold )
          digitalWrite(LEDPin, HIGH);
          digitalWrite(LEDPin, LOW);


void sendDistance() {

Source Code for the SparkFun Blynk Board

Source code for the SparkFun ESP8266 Blynk Board
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial    // Comment this out to disable prints and save space
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#include <SparkFunHTU21D.h> // Temperature and Humidity Sensor
#include <Wire.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>

// Blynk Virtual Variable Mapping //
#define VIRTUAL_LED                    V1 //This LED will indicate when the watering system is on/off in the app.
#define VIRTUAL_TEMPERATURE_F          V5
#define VIRTUAL_TEMPERATURE_C          V6
#define VIRTUAL_HUMIDITY               V7

#define VIRTUAL_WATERING_TIME          V10

#define VIRTUAL_UV_INDEX               V19
#define VIRTUAL_WATER_LEVEL            V22

#define VIRTUAL_RUNTIME                V30

// Blynk Settings //
char BlynkAuth[] = "blynkAuthToken";
char WiFiNetwork[] = "SSID";
char WiFiPassword[] = "WiFiPassword";

// Hardware Settings //
#define WS2812_PIN 4 // Pin connected to WS2812 LED
#define BUTTON_PIN 0
#define LED_PIN    5
HTU21D thSense;

// Sensors settings   //
#define VEML6070_ADDRESS_WRITE (0x70 >> 1)     // Address of UV Sensor VEML6070 Write 0x38h

#define VEML6070_ADDRESS_READ_MSB (0x73 >> 1)  // Address of UV Sensor VEML6070 MSB 0x39h
#define VEML6070_ADDRESS_READ_LSB (0x70 >> 1)  // Address of UV Sensor VEML6070 LSB 0x38h

#define HCSR04_ADDRESS 0x74                    // Address of Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 (Water Level)

// Hardware Definitions //
uint8_t selfTestResult = 0;

// Variable Definitions //
bool firstConnect = true;

bool notifyFlag = false;

uint8_t wireR[2] = {0, 0};
uint16_t uvIndex = 0;

uint8_t waterLevel = 0;
uint8_t waterLevelThreshold = 20;  //Low Water Level: anything above or equal to this number is considered low water level.
uint16_t moistureThreshold = 520;   //Plant(s) will be watered if soil moisture is below this value.
uint16_t moisture = 0;

long lastWateringTime;
long wateringInterval = 60 * 60 * 1000; //How often system checks if plant(s) require water
long wateringTime = 15 * 1000;          //The amount of time sprinkler will be watering each time -in milliseconds-.
bool watering = false;                  //Watering system is currently On/Off (true/false).

long lastMeasuringTime;
long measuringInterval = 5 * 1000;      // How often system reads some sensors values in milliseconds

WidgetLED led1(VIRTUAL_LED); // LED widget in Blynk App

void setup()
  // Initialize hardware
  Serial.begin(9600); // Serial
  pinMode(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT); // Button input
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // LED output

  // Initialize Blynk
  Blynk.begin(BlynkAuth, WiFiNetwork, WiFiPassword);
  while (Blynk.connect() == false) {
    // Wait until connected

  // Si7021 Test //
  if (scanI2C(0x40)) { // Si7021 is i2c address 0x40
    Serial.println("Si7021 test succeeded");
    selfTestResult |= (1 << 1);
    Serial.println("Si7021 test failed");

  Wire.write(0b00000110); // 1T
  Serial.println("UV Sensor VEML6070 Initialized");

  lastWateringTime = millis() - wateringInterval + 20000; // system will start checking moisture 15 seconds after being turned on
  lastMeasuringTime = millis() - measuringInterval;

void loop() {
  if ( millis() - lastMeasuringTime >= measuringInterval ) { //Read sensor values that are required for decision making
    Wire.requestFrom(HCSR04_ADDRESS, 1);
    while ( Wire.available() )
      waterLevel =;
    lastMeasuringTime = millis();
    //Serial.println("Water level:" + String(waterLevel));

  if ( !watering ) {
    if ( millis() - lastWateringTime >= wateringInterval ) {
      Serial.println("Water level: " + String(waterLevel));
      Serial.println("UV Index: " + String(uvIndex));

      notifyFlag = false;                            //to avoid repeating notifications, reset flag after each watering interval.
      moisture = analogRead(A0);

      if ( moisture < moistureThreshold ) {
        Serial.println("Moisture reading (" + String(moisture) + ") below Moisture threshold (" + String(moistureThreshold) + ").");
        Serial.println("Watering plant(s) for " + String(wateringTime / 1000) + " seconds.");

        watering = true;
        led1.on(); // Turn the H2O LED on in the app
        digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);        
      }else {
        Serial.println("Soil moisture (" + String(moisture) + ") OK. Plant(s) do not need water at this time.");
      lastWateringTime = millis();
  }else { //Watering plant(s)
    if ( millis() - lastWateringTime >= wateringTime ) {
        Serial.println("Sprinkler system is Off.");
        watering = false;
        lastWateringTime = millis();; // Turn the H2O LED off in the app
        digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);        

  if ( waterLevel >= waterLevelThreshold ) {
    if ( !notifyFlag ) {
      Blynk.notify("Water level is running low."); // Notify!
      Serial.println("Water level (" + String(waterLevel) + ") above threshold (" + String(waterLevelThreshold) + "). Water level is running low.");
      notifyFlag = true;

  // Execute as often as possible during the loop;

// Check for a response from an I2C device
bool scanI2C(uint8_t address) {
  Wire.write( (byte)0x00 );
  if (Wire.endTransmission() == 0)
    return true;
  return false;

// Value ranges are ignored once values are written
// Board runs hot, subtract an offset to try to compensate:
float tempCOffset = 0; //-8.33;
  float tempC = thSense.readTemperature(); // Read from the temperature sensor
  tempC += tempCOffset; // Add any offset
  float tempF = tempC * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0; // Convert to farenheit
  // Create a formatted string with 1 decimal point:
  Blynk.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_TEMPERATURE_F, tempF); // Update Blynk virtual value

  float tempC = thSense.readTemperature(); // Read from the temperature sensor
  tempC += tempCOffset; // Add any offset
  Blynk.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_TEMPERATURE_C, tempC); // Update Blynk virtual value

  float humidity = thSense.readHumidity(); // Read from humidity sensor
  Blynk.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_HUMIDITY, humidity); // Update Blynk virtual value

BLYNK_WRITE(TEMP_OFFSET_VIRTUAL) { // Very optional virtual to set the tempC offset

  tempCOffset = param.asInt();

  int inputThreshold = param.asInt();

  wateringTime = constrain(inputThreshold, 10, 30) * 1000; // converting to milliseconds
  notifyFlag = false;

  Serial.println("Watering time set to: " + String(wateringTime / 1000) + " seconds.");

  int inputThreshold = param.asInt();

  wateringInterval = constrain(inputThreshold, 1, 5) * ( 60 * 60 * 1000 ); //converting to milliseconds
  notifyFlag = false;

  Serial.println("Watering interval set to every " + String(wateringInterval / (60 * 60 * 1000)) + " hour(s).");

  wireR[0] = 0;
  wireR[1] = 0;  
  uvIndex = 0;

  Wire.requestFrom(VEML6070_ADDRESS_READ_MSB, 1);
  while ( Wire.available() )
    wireR[0] =;

  Wire.requestFrom(VEML6070_ADDRESS_READ_LSB, 1);
  while ( Wire.available() )
    wireR[1] =;

  uvIndex = wireR[0] << 8;
  uvIndex |= wireR[1];

  Blynk.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_UV_INDEX, uvIndex); // Update Blynk virtual value

BLYNK_READ(VIRTUAL_WATER_LEVEL) { //this value is refreshed in the loop since it is used for decision making.
  Blynk.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_WATER_LEVEL, waterLevel); // Update Blynk virtual value

  int inputThreshold = param.asInt();

  moistureThreshold = constrain(inputThreshold, 1, 1024);
  notifyFlag = false;

  Serial.println("Moisture threshold set to: " + String(moistureThreshold));

  int inputThreshold = param.asInt();

  waterLevelThreshold = constrain(inputThreshold, 1, 255);
  notifyFlag = false;

  Serial.println("Water level threshold set to: " + String(waterLevelThreshold));

  if ( firstConnect ) {
    // Two options here. Either sync values from phone to Blynk Board:
    //Blynk.syncAll(); // Uncomment to enable.
    // Or set phone variables to default values of the globals:
    Blynk.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_MOISTURE_THRESHOLD, moistureThreshold);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_WATER_LEVEL_THRESHOLD, waterLevelThreshold);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_WATERING_TIME, wateringTime / 1000); //Converting from milliseconds to seconds.
    Blynk.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_WATERING_INTERVAL, wateringInterval / ( 60 * 60 * 1000) ); //Converting from milliseconds to hours
    //Blynk.notify("Smart Modular Watering System Ready!"); // Notify!
    firstConnect = false;


Luis Ortiz
1 project • 29 followers
Systems Engineer by day, avid tinkerer at night. I spend free time in DIY projects involving electronics, 3-D Printing and automation.


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