This device is an automatic hand wash dispenser which dispenses a specific amount of handwashing liquid on to your hands when placed under a distance measuring sensor(ultrasonic sensor).
Here the ultrasonic sensor is used to detect the presence of hand placed under the device ( 20 cm from the sensor).
A 12 V Peristaltic pump is employed to eject the right amount of liquid at the right time. i.e. when the hands are placed in the 20 cm range.
The Arduino UNO board controls the pump based on the distance obtained from the ultrasonic sensor.
The peristaltic pump is controlled via NPN Transistor (BC 547), a flyback diode (IN4007) is connected in parallel with the motor. The diode protects the Arduino from the back emf produced by the pump.
An adapter (12 V 1 A DC Output) is used to power the Arduino, which in turn controls the 12 V Pump.
Make sure the U. S. sensor is placed just above the outlet of the peristaltic pump so that it can detect the hands kept under the outlet.
Make sure the U. S. sensor is placed just above the outlet of the peristaltic pump so that it can detect the hands kept under the outlet.
The code given below can be modified to obtain the required amount of liquid, the details regarding this are given in the code.
Put the inlet tube of the pump inside the solution which is to be dispensed.
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