We have created power strip, which can be controlled remotecontroller, using an Arduino nano board, relay board, and Bluetooth transceiver. It removed the exposure of the power strip wires and connected them to boards so that the power strip can be controlled through the Arduino board. Later, the MIT App Inventor 2 was used to create remote control applications.
The following is the App Inventor code.
The code is designed to turn off and turn off power strip by sending a specific signal to the Bluetooth transceiver. In each case, the power strip is also designed to be displayed on the app screen, whether the power strip is turned on or off.
The code is also designed to prompt users to reconnect when Bluetooth is not connected and use the designated picture as an icon for buttons.
Finally, this code confirms that Bluetooth is connected.
This picture shows the case design for RDWorks V8. Made by makercase.