We decided to develop a Bluetooth Stopwatch that would be used in sports-related activities. We focused on the profile and portability aspect of the stopwatch. We wanted to make an interface with easy to use software and only three buttons. To keep processing power and our systems light, we decided to implement one BeagleBone Black (BBB) as our actual "Stopwatch" and another BBB as a host that would stay on indefinetly and act as a "Server" where it would await Bluetooth commands from our stopwatch.
In the code, we have developed profiles for our Linux mascots, Tux and Boris. Below we have included instructions on how to setup and run our application.
After setting up the hardware, you will enter the welcome screen where you will Press START to select a profile. Using the LAP Button you will be able to cycle through the profiles. In order to select a profile, you will hit the START Button To start the stopwatch, press the START Button
Press the LAP Button when you want to lap, and a split time will appear.
Once you are done, press the STOP Button to stop the program and register the final time. After the Stop button has been pressed, the data will transfer to connected Bluetooth receiver and uploaded onto Google Sheets. We have included a video below of a demonstration.
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