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Maka HernandezRAKwireless
Published © GPL3+

Connect a RAK7204 to Helium and Forward Its Data to Ubidots

Start working with Helium along with your RAK devices. This project presents the integration of a RAK7204 to Ubidots over Helium LongFi.

BeginnerProtip3 hours3,484
Connect a RAK7204 to Helium and Forward Its Data to Ubidots

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Helium Hotspot (LoRaWAN)
Helium Hotspot (LoRaWAN)
WisNode Sense Home RAK7204
RAKwireless WisNode Sense Home RAK7204

Software apps and online services



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RAK7204 WisNode Sense Home Decoder

// Function to decode uplink data.
// Decode decodes an array of bytes into an object.
//  - port contains the LoRaWAN fPort number
//  - bytes is an array of bytes, e.g. [225, 230, 255, 0]
// The function must return an object, e.g. {"temperature": 22.5}
function Decoder(bytes, port) {
 var decoded = {};
 var hexString=bin2HexStr(bytes);
 return rakSensorDataDecode(hexString);
// convert array of bytes to hex string.
// e.g: 0188053797109D5900DC140802017A0768580673256D0267011D040214AF0371FFFFFFDDFC2E
function bin2HexStr(bytesArr) {
 var str = "";
 for(var i=0; i<bytesArr.length; i++) {
   var tmp = (bytesArr[i] & 0xff).toString(16);
   if(tmp.length == 1) {
     tmp = "0" + tmp;
   str += tmp;
 return str;
// convert string to short integer
function parseShort(str, base) {
 var n = parseInt(str, base);
 return (n << 16) >> 16;
// convert string to triple bytes integer
function parseTriple(str, base) {
 var n = parseInt(str, base);
 return (n << 8) >> 8;
// decode Hex sensor string data to object
function rakSensorDataDecode(hexStr) {
 var str = hexStr;
 var myObj = {};
 while (str.length > 4) {
   var flag = parseInt(str.substring(0, 4), 16);
   switch (flag) {
     case 0x0768:// Humidity
       myObj.humidity = parseFloat(((parseShort(str.substring(4, 6), 16) * 0.01 / 2) * 100).toFixed(1)) + "%RH";//unit:%RH
       str = str.substring(6);
     case 0x0673:// Atmospheric pressure
       myObj.barometer = parseFloat((parseShort(str.substring(4, 8), 16) * 0.1).toFixed(2)) + "hPa";//unit:hPa
       str = str.substring(8);
     case 0x0267:// Temperature
       myObj.temperature = parseFloat((parseShort(str.substring(4, 8), 16) * 0.1).toFixed(2)) + "°C";//unit: °C
       str = str.substring(8);
     case 0x0188:// GPS
       myObj.latitude = parseFloat((parseTriple(str.substring(4, 10), 16) * 0.0001).toFixed(4)) + "°";//unit:°
       myObj.longitude = parseFloat((parseTriple(str.substring(10, 16), 16) * 0.0001).toFixed(4)) + "°";//unit:°
       myObj.altitude = parseFloat((parseTriple(str.substring(16, 22), 16) * 0.01).toFixed(1)) + "m";//unit:m
       str = str.substring(22);
     case 0x0371:// Triaxial acceleration
       myObj.acceleration_x = parseFloat((parseShort(str.substring(4, 8), 16) * 0.001).toFixed(3)) + "g";//unit:g
       myObj.acceleration_y = parseFloat((parseShort(str.substring(8, 12), 16) * 0.001).toFixed(3)) + "g";//unit:g
       myObj.acceleration_z = parseFloat((parseShort(str.substring(12, 16), 16) * 0.001).toFixed(3)) + "g";//unit:g
       str = str.substring(16);
     case 0x0402:// air resistance
       myObj.gasResistance = parseFloat((parseShort(str.substring(4, 8), 16) * 0.01).toFixed(2)) + "KΩ";//unit:KΩ
       str = str.substring(8);
     case 0x0802:// Battery Voltage
       myObj.battery = parseFloat((parseShort(str.substring(4, 8), 16) * 0.01).toFixed(2)) + "V";//unit:V
       str = str.substring(8);
     case 0x0586:// gyroscope
       myObj.gyroscope_x = parseFloat((parseShort(str.substring(4, 8), 16) * 0.01).toFixed(2)) + "°/s";//unit:°/s
       myObj.gyroscope_y = parseFloat((parseShort(str.substring(8, 12), 16) * 0.01).toFixed(2)) + "°/s";//unit:°/s
       myObj.gyroscope_z = parseFloat((parseShort(str.substring(12, 16), 16) * 0.01).toFixed(2)) + "°/s";//unit:°/s
       str = str.substring(16);
     case 0x0902:// magnetometer x
       myObj.magnetometer_x = parseFloat((parseShort(str.substring(4, 8), 16) * 0.01).toFixed(2)) + "μT";//unit:μT
       str = str.substring(8);
     case 0x0a02:// magnetometer y
       myObj.magnetometer_y = parseFloat((parseShort(str.substring(4, 8), 16) * 0.01).toFixed(2)) + "μT";//unit:μT
       str = str.substring(8);
     case 0x0b02:// magnetometer z
       myObj.magnetometer_z = parseFloat((parseShort(str.substring(4, 8), 16) * 0.01).toFixed(2)) + "μT";//unit:μT
       str = str.substring(8);
       str = str.substring(7);
 return myObj;

UbiFunction: Helium Integration

// Import the 'axios' library so we can make HTTP request from the function
var axios = require("axios");
// Define Ubidots constant
const UBI_TOKEN = "BBFF-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
const UBI_URL_API_2 = "https://industrial.api.ubidots.com/api/v2.0";
const UBI_URL = "https://industrial.api.ubidots.com/api/v1.6";
// Main function - runs every time the function is executed.
// "args" is a dictionary containing both the URL params and the HTTP body (for POST requests).
async function main(args) {
 var data = {};
  var appEUI = args["app_eui"];
 var payload = args["decoded"]["payload"];
 var payloadStatus = args["decoded"]["status"];
 var devEUI = args["dev_eui"];
 var devAddr = args["devaddr"];
 var downlinkUrl = args["downlink_url"];
 var nodeId = args["id"];
 var organizationId = args["metadata"]["organization_id"];
 var name = args["name"];
 var payloadBase64 = args["payload"];
 var reportedAt = args["reported_at"];
 // Check if the device does not exist in Ubidots Platform
 var deviceStatus = await ubidotsGetDevice(UBI_TOKEN, devAddr);
 // If the device does not exist, create it
 if (deviceStatus == 404) {
   await ubidotsDeviceCreation(UBI_TOKEN, name, devAddr);
 // Filter the payload received from helium
 const variables = Object.entries(payload).reduce((previous, current) => {
   const [key, value] = current;
   const varValue = parseFloat(value);
   const unit = value.replace(/[\d\.]/g, '')
   return [...previous, [key, varValue, unit]];
 }, []);
 // Create respective custom variables
 for (const variable of variables) {
   var variableStatus = await ubidotsVariableCreation(UBI_TOKEN, devAddr, variable[0], variable[0], variable[2]);
   data[variable[0]] = variable[1]
 // Send variables' values to Ubidots
 var variablesRequest = await ubidotsSendVariableValues(UBI_TOKEN, devAddr, data);
  return {"status": variablesRequest};
* Create a custom device in Ubidots Platform
* API Documentation: docs.ubidots.com
* @arg token [Mandatory], Ubidots account's Token
* @arg deviceName [Mandatory], device's friendly name
* @arg deviceLabel [Mandatory], single and unique label of device
* @arg lat [Optional], latitude corresponding to the device's location
* @arg lng [Optional], longitude corresponding to the device's location
* @return response/error, request response
async function ubidotsDeviceCreation(token, deviceName, deviceLabel, lat = 0, lng = 0) {
 var endpoint = UBI_URL_API_2.concat("/devices");
 var deviceParams = {
   "label": deviceLabel,
   "name": deviceName
 if (lat != 0 && lng != 0) {
   deviceParams.properties = {
     "_location_fixed": {
       "lat": lat,
       "lng": lng
 return axios.post(endpoint, deviceParams, {
   headers: {
     "content-type": "application/json",
     "X-Auth-Token": token
 .then(function (response) {
 .catch(function (error) {
* Get an existent device in Ubidots Platform
* API Documentation: docs.ubidots.com
* @arg token [Mandatory], Ubidots account's Token
* @arg deviceLabel [Mandatory], single and unique label of device
* @return response/error, request response
async function ubidotsGetDevice(token, deviceLabel) {
 var endpoint = UBI_URL_API_2.concat("/devices/~" + deviceLabel);
 return axios.get(endpoint, {
   headers: {
     "content-type": "application/json",
     "X-Auth-Token": token
 .then(function (response) {
   return response.statusText;
 .catch(function (error) { 
   return error.response.status;
* Create a custom variable in Ubidots Platform
* API Documentation: docs.ubidots.com
* @arg token [Mandatory], Ubidots account's Token
* @arg deviceLabel [Mandatory], single and unique label of device
* @arg variableName [Mandatory], variable's friendly name
* @arg variableLabel [Mandatory], single and unique label of variable
* @arg unit [Mandatory], unit associated to the value of the variable
* @return response/error, request response
async function ubidotsVariableCreation(token, deviceLabel, variableName, variableLabel, unit) {
 var endpoint = UBI_URL_API_2.concat("/variables");
  var variableParams = {
   "label": variableLabel,
   "name": variableName,
   "device": "~".concat(deviceLabel).toLowerCase(),
   "unit": unit
 return axios.post(endpoint, variableParams, {
   headers: {
     "content-type": "application/json",
     "X-Auth-Token": token
 .then(function (response) {
   return response.statusText;
 .catch(function (error) {
   return error.response.status;
* Handle a POST request to Ubidots API
* API Documentation: https://ubidots.com/docs/sw/
* @arg token [Mandatory], Ubidots account's Token
* @arg device_label [Mandatory], single and unique label of device
* @arg payload [Mandatory], variables and values to be sent in a JSON format
* @return response/error, request response
async function ubidotsSendVariableValues(token, deviceLabel, payload) {
 var endpoint = UBI_URL.concat("/devices/" + deviceLabel);
  return axios.post(endpoint, payload, {
   headers: {
     "content-type": "application/json",
     "X-Auth-Token": token
 .then(function (response) {
   return response.statusText;
 .catch(function (error) {
   return error.response.status;


Maka Hernandez
29 projects • 124 followers
27 projects • 53 followers
A pioneer in providing innovated and diverse LPWA connectivity solutions for IoT edge devices.


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