A. Connecting LED
- The -ve terminal of the LED is connected to the GND pin of the WiFi module.
- Take +ve terminal of the LED (Bigger one) and warp it with 330 ohm Register.
- Connect the +ve end of the LED to GPIO pin 1 of WiFi Module.
B. Connecting LDR
- Take any terminal of the LDR and connect it to 3.3V of WiFi Module.
- Connect other terminal of the LDR to A0 pin.
- Take any terminal of the 10k ohm Resister and connect it to GND.
- And other end of Resister is connected to A0 pin.
NOTE: Connect all components on a Breadboard without connecting to power supply or performing any cross check. It may cause damage to the components.
Setting up IFTTT(ForVoice Automation)
- Browse to https://ifttt.com/ and create an Account.
- Login to your Account.
- Click on IfThisThenThat.
- Click on +This.
- Search Google Assistant and click on it.
- Click on Say a Simple Phrase and in next window type the basic commands you want to perform using Google Assistant. And after that click on create Trigger.
- Now click on +That.
- Search for Webhooks and click on that.
- On next window click on Make a Web Request.
- In URL field feed https://cloud.boltiot.com/remote/9de89bb2-5ef4-47b3-9aea-757b64898d85/digitalWrite?pin=1&state=HIGH&deviceName=BOLT3849213
(NOTE: Here, you have replace API and Device_id with your own.
And pin according to your GPIO pin connected. )
- Method will be selected as GET to make a request.
- Left the other elements and click on Create Action.
- your Applet is now ready to use.
NOTE: The Applet should be created on that Account which is used for Google Assistant.
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