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mxlfrbtMaksim Masalski
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Build a Radxa X4 ROS2 Car Robot Using Intel Robotics SDK

Create a wheeled robot based on Visual SLAM technology powered by Radxa X4 N100 Board, Realsense D435i camera, Intel Robotics SDK software.

IntermediateProtip4 hours472
Build a Radxa X4 ROS2 Car Robot Using Intel Robotics SDK

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Radxa X4 Board
Powebank 60W to power Radxa X

Software apps and online services

Intel Robotics SDK Software
Project has two parts: - Robot part running ROS1 using Raspberry PI 4B. It creates an interface to communicate with the robot motors and encoders data. - Host part running ROS2 using Robotics SDK. It will generate control commands, and will publish them using ROS1-ROS2 bridge.


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2 projects • 4 followers
Maker, educator and creator.
Maksim Masalski
3 projects • 32 followers
An expert in design and development of Autonomous Mobile Robots based on ROS2, real-time operating system applications for Automotive.


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