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I invite you to use a Radxa X4 to build a ROS2 powered robot featuring Robotics SDK and Realsense 3D Vision camera technology.
In this tutorial you will learn more about Robotics SDK software using Radxa X4 board as host part of the system.
Briefly About Robotics SDKA development Robotics SDK software aimed to boost development of the AMR(Autonomous Mobile Robots) robots in logistics, last-mile delivery and industrial automatisation service fields. I say Robotics SDK product is a Robotics OS for robot OEMs manufacturers. This robust solution upgrades mobile robots with the most cutting-edge, industrial-grade functionality available at Intel.
Robotics SDK equips AMR robots with essential autonomy skills for precise localization and navigation, complemented by an advanced set of ITS Path Planned Navigation Plugins. It works using Intel-proprietary algorithms and products like ADBSCAN, CollabSLAM. These products facilitate seamless and autonomous operation.
Prerequisites- Firstly, if you don't have any ROS robot then follow Part 1 of the MIKRIK Robotics tutorial here. Build a tele-operated car robot, running ROS1 Raspberry node. After you made it, continue following steps described here.
- If you have any ROS robot, you can add VSLAM functionality to it by following steps below. You can setup ROS1-ROS2 bridge with your robot, or run all communications using ROS2 if your robot runs ROS2. If you have /cmd_vel topic provided by your robot, you can communicate between a robot and Robotics SDK host software with minimal changes. Read more here
- Currently CAD files are not available for a free download, and you can only purchase plastic chassis on Tindie, or replace chassis with any other bought on the internet.
- Buy a second-hand Realsense camera on Ebay ~100$. It can be D415, D430, D435 or D435i, and so on.
To power Radxa X4 board you can use a powerbank with Type-C cable.
Now I will share steps to make Visual SLAM based on Realsense D435i camera work in three modes: mapping, localization, and localization with navigation. Of course, you can use any other Realsense camera, just replace camera name in config file, like GMSL Realsense camera.
Part 2 Setup Robotics SDK on your Radxa X4 host computerStep 2.1 Install Ubuntu 22.04 for Intel IoTDownload a Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop version Intel IoT for Radxa X4 Intel Atom X7000E Series CPU here
If you already have installed 22.04 LTS Ubuntu Desktop, you may try to replace kernel with kernel for Intel IoT. It worked for me. Steps are described here.
Note: When I installed the necessary Ubuntu Dekstop version I lost my built-in WiFi module connectivity, didn't investigate it further, and installed an external Wi-Fi dongle that worked straight from the box. If you met with the same problem, let me know, maybe necessary to build a drivers for a built-in WiFi module that are not included in the Intel IoT kernel.
Step 2.2 Install Intel Robotics SDKFollow official documentation page Getting Started Guide
During the installation steps choose genXe in the prompt terminal window.
When you will reach the step to install actually Robotics SDK, using command below, check if it works:
sudo apt install ros-humble-robotics-sdk
In my case, I got an error, and was not able to install Robotics SDK it using default apt method
For me it worked only using aptitude command with a few tricks.
sudo aptitude install ros-humble-robotics-sdk
When it will print you a first solution, type "n".
Second solution, and again type "n".
Third solution, and again type "n".
The last time type "n".
And on the fifth solution solution suggestion, type "Y".
Type "Y" here too.
Remove unnecessary namespace 'camera'.
Open configuration file
sudo vi /opt/ros/humble/share/realsense2_camera/launch/
Delete default value 'camera' of the camera_namespace. That means line below change from
{'name': 'camera_namespace', 'default': 'camera', 'description': 'namespace for camera'}
{'name': 'camera_namespace', 'default': '', 'description': 'namespace for camera'}
Part 3 Mapping Mode using Robotics SDKBefore launch Mapping and Localization you need to change files in the default Robotics SDK installation folder.
Step 3.1 Clone The Github Repository With Launch FilesClone the repo mikrik_robotics_sdk
cd ~
git clone
Step 3.2 Mapping Mode SetupCollab Visual SLAM mapping is done using two ROS2 nodes: univloc_tracker and univloc_server, each of them has a separate launch file. Please, read more about Collab SLAM on the Robotics SDK page here.
Make a copy of the Univloc Tracker Launch file
sudo cp /opt/ros/humble/share/univloc_tracker/launch/ /opt/ros/humble/share/univloc_tracker/launch/
Open newly created file using sudo:
sudo vi /opt/ros/humble/share/univloc_tracker/launch/
In L21 replace string
configFilePath = os.path.join(get_package_share_directory('univloc_tracker'),'config','tracker.yaml')
with the string that leads to the new config file in a folder cloned from my Github repo
configFilePath = '/home/<your-username-here>/mikrik_robotics_sdk/tracker_configs/mikrik_robot_tracker.yaml'
Tracker file is ready. Make sure that path <your-username-here> to the config file mikrik_tracker.yaml is the correct one.
Now you have to edit Univloc Server launch file.
Make a copy of the file Univloc Server launch file
sudo cp /opt/ros/humble/share/univloc_server/launch/ /opt/ros/humble/share/univloc_server/launch/
Open server file again using sudo
sudo vi /opt/ros/humble/share/univloc_server/launch/
Replace in a newly created file L104 from
rviz_config = os.path.join(get_package_share_directory('univloc_server'), 'config', 'rviz2_server.rviz')
rviz_config = '/home/<your-username-here>/mikrik_robotics_sdk/rviz_configs/mikrik_server_localization_nav2.rviz'
Make sure that inside the bridge launch script is the correct path to the sourced files. Open file, and replace sample file names with your system specific file names, path, and Ethernet IP address.
vi ~/mikrik_robotics_sdk/scripts/
Make script executable
cd ~/mikrik_robotics_sdk/scripts/
sudo chmod u+x
Step 3.3 Mapping Mode Launch CommandsSSH and launch ROS1 node on Raspberry PI firstly.
ssh <username>@<raspberry-ip-address>
Then enter ros folder
cd ~/mikrik/ros
Change to root
sudo su
Source variables and launch all ROS1 nodes
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch mikrik_description bringup.launch
Now SSH from your host computer to Radxa
ssh <username>@<radxa-ip-address>
Then launch VNC on Radxa
vncserver -localhost no -geometry 1920x1080 -depth 16 :42
Then open Terminal, and launch bridge and mapping commands below.
Launch the ROS1-ROS2 bridge on Radxa
cd ~/mikrik_robotics_sdk/scripts/
In a second terminal tab finally launch Mapping Mode on your x86 Radxa board
cd ~/mikrik_robotics_sdk/scripts/
After launching the script, the RViz window will open. Enable the "Map" checkbox to display the 2D map in RViz. By default, this option is disabled.
Now you can drive robot around and build map.
Mapping ProcessPart 4 Robotics SDK Localization ModeLocalization uses the same tracker file, but a different configuration file. I created a copy of the tracker file with a mark "loc" meaning "localization". It will contain a path to the different tracker config file, to make it work in localization mode.
Step 4.1 Localization Mode SetupCreate a copy of the tracker file again
sudo cp /opt/ros/humble/share/univloc_tracker/launch/ /opt/ros/humble/share/univloc_tracker/launch/
Open file using sudo
sudo vi /opt/ros/humble/share/univloc_tracker/launch/
In L21 replace string
configFilePath = '/home/<your-username-here>/mikrik_robotics_sdk/tracker_configs/mikrik_robot_tracker.yaml'
to the string that leads to the new config file
configFilePath = '/home/<your-username-here>/mikrik_robotics_sdk/tracker_configs/mikrik_robot_tracker_localization.yaml'
Make script executable
cd ~/mikrik_robotics_sdk/scripts/
sudo chmod u+x
Step 4.2 Localization Mode Launch CommandsNotes: Make sure script contains correct path to all files. Assuming that ROS1-ROS2 bridge is already running.
Launch Localization Mode
cd ~/mikrik_robotics_sdk/scripts/
After you launched localization mode, very important to check that your rviz opened correctly. Map created during the Mapping Step must be loaded, and visible in rviz, you must see moving TF-tree of the robot.
Make sure that rviz title name on the top of window shows the path to the config file mikrik_server_localization_nav2.rviz.
If it is not, then double check that path to the rviz config file is a correct in file
You no need to close rviz window, proceed with navigation node setup.
Localization ProcessPart 5 Navigation ModeNow you can get navigating on the map.
Step 5.1 Navigation SetupCreate a copy of the default nav2 launch file:
sudo cp /opt/ros/humble/share/nav2_bringup/launch/ /opt/ros/humble/share/nav2_bringup/launch/
Add two remappings.
Open with sudo launch file
sudo vi /opt/ros/humble/share/nav2_bringup/launch/
Add two remapping into section in L57 Instead of
remappings = [('/tf', 'tf'),
('/tf_static', 'tf_static')]
Add remappings
remappings = [('/tf', 'tf'),
('/tf_static', 'tf_static'),
('/cmd_vel', '/mobile_mikrik/cmd_vel'),
('/map', '/univloc_server/map')]
Save file.
Change inside navigation script path to the nav2 configuration file relevant to your file system
cd ~/mikrik_robotics_sdk/scripts/
Change in line L4 path to the config file
Now you can launch Navigation node!
Step 5.2 Navigation Mode LaunchMake sure that ROS1-ROS2 Bridge, and Localization node are running!
Make script executable
cd ~/mikrik_robotics_sdk/scripts/
sudo chmod u+x
Launch it by running
cd ~/mikrik_robotics_sdk/scripts/
If everything is correct, you will see that localization rviz window got updated with a costmap on it.
You might also install realsense-viewer to check your camera performance and to update its firmware. Follow official Realsense guide to install GUI interface app for your camera.
Troubleshooting- If you don't see TF tree and map, make sure that ROS1-ROS2 bridge running on Radxa X4.
- If brdige is runnning, make sure that you launched ROS1 nodes on Raspberry side.
Met an issue? Please join my Slack channel or leave comments below the post.
Todo list- Radxa X4 GPIO support. Switch from Raspberry Pi ROS1 GPIO readings fully to the Radxa X4 GPIO. It will require to rework existing Mikrik ROS1 source code for Raspberry Pi4.
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