We installed AVRA assembler on Linux as in project Program ATtiny with AVRA assembler. This project will run a similar program on the ATmega32. Assembly Program Arduino is another project where we use AVRA with the Uno.
PreparationCreate a folder to save our assembly program. Save the attached asm32.asm program or copy-paste from below.
Use this code in our program. It is attached to the project. Notice the first line is to include another file named "m32def.inc" this file provides definitions, a map of the ATmega32 processor. We are going to look closer at this file.
.include "m32def.inc"
.def mask = r16 ; mask register
.def ledR = r17 ; led register
.def oLoopR = r18 ; outer loop register
.def iLoopRl = r24 ; inner loop register low
.def iLoopRh = r25 ; inner loop register high
.equ oVal = 80 ; outer loop value
.equ iVal = 800 ; inner loop value
.org 0x00
clr ledR ; clear led register to zero
ldi mask,0xFF ; load the mask register 11111111
out DDRA,mask ; set PORTA to all 8 bits OUT
out PORTA,ledR ; write led register to PORTA
inc ledR ; increment ledR from 0 to 255
ldi oLoopR,oVal ; initialize outer loop count
ldi iLoopRl,LOW(iVal) ; intialize inner loop count in inner
ldi iLoopRh,HIGH(iVal) ; loop high and low registers
sbiw iLoopRl,1 ; decrement inner loop register
brne iLoop ; branch to iLoop if iLoop register != 0
dec oLoopR ; decrement outer loop register
brne oLoop ; branch to oLoop if outer loop register != 0
rjmp start ; jump back to start
AVRA Assembly CommandOpen CLI terminal and type in the AVRA assembly command $avra -I /usr/share/avra at32.asm. Capital -I tells AVRA to look in the directory /usr/share/avra for files to include.
avra -I /usr/share/avra at32.asm
We get errors and no output files are generated. It says line 461 of file /usr/share/avra/m32def.inc is too long.
Not all of the code we are using is in our file asm32.asm. The command .include "m32def.inc" tells AVRA to add the contents of another file to our program file. Something is wrong and AVRA cannot complete the assembly.
Type $ more /usr/share/avra/m32def.inc and see what the file says. It is a version from 2005.
Open these files with a text editor and you will see mostly comments. The lines of active code are #define or .equ statements. By defining what digits to substitute for DDRA or PORTB it provides a map or translation of the physical chip.
These files are not complicated, you can write one, yourself. The issue is after line 461. Can you see what is different about line 462? It is much longer than the other lines.
AVRA comes with definitions files for 49 different MicroChip MCUs. You have to find and add a m328pdef.inc definition file to program Uno boards. MicroChip Studio avrasm2.exe supports 132 different processors. A little editting and you can use them all.
Add the attached m32def.inc file to our project folder. It is the most recently updated version of the file. A complete set is on github. Open it with notepad and see what is in it.
Now with the definitions file in the same project folder we will simplify our assembly command.
Open a CLI terminal window in this directory and type
avra asm32.asm
We should get our output files.
Our terminal screen can still show warnings but no errors.
Connect the ATmega32 development board to the PC with a USBtiny or USBasp programmer. Type in command.
avrdude -p m32 -c usbasp -U flash:w:asm32.hex:i
We should see a succesful upload
Try to copy the new m32def.inc file into the /usr/share/avra folder and you may not have the privileges. Open a terminal and type
sudo cp m32def.inc /usr/share/avra
This replaces the file in the definitions folder with the new one. Sudo means you are doing this as the root user.
.include "m32def.inc"
.def mask = r16 ; mask register
.def ledR = r17 ; led register
.def oLoopR = r18 ; outer loop register
.def iLoopRl = r24 ; inner loop register low
.def iLoopRh = r25 ; inner loop register high
.equ oVal = 80 ; outer loop value
.equ iVal = 800 ; inner loop value
.org 0x00
clr ledR ; clear led register to zero
ldi mask,0xFF ; load the mask register 11111111
out DDRA,mask ; set PORTA to all 8 bits OUT
out PORTA,ledR ; write led register to PORTA
inc ledR ; increment ledR from 0 to 255
ldi oLoopR,oVal ; initialize outer loop count
ldi iLoopRl,LOW(iVal) ; intialize inner loop count in inner
ldi iLoopRh,HIGH(iVal) ; loop high and low registers
sbiw iLoopRl,1 ; decrement inner loop register
brne iLoop ; branch to iLoop if iLoop register != 0
dec oLoopR ; decrement outer loop register
brne oLoop ; branch to oLoop if outer loop register != 0
rjmp start ; jump back to start
Assembly x86old line 461 has been shortened
now line 417 #define ADATE = 5;
from https://github.com/DarkSector/AVR/blob/master/asm/include/m32def.inc
;***** THIS IS A MACHINE GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT ********************
;***** Created: 2011-02-09 12:03 ******* Source: ATmega32.xml ************
;* A P P L I C A T I O N N O T E F O R T H E A V R F A M I L Y
;* Number : AVR000
;* File Name : "m32def.inc"
;* Title : Register/Bit Definitions for the ATmega32
;* Date : 2011-02-09
;* Version : 2.35
;* Support E-mail : avr@atmel.com
;* Target MCU : ATmega32
;* When including this file in the assembly program file, all I/O register
;* names and I/O register bit names appearing in the data book can be used.
;* In addition, the six registers forming the three data pointers X, Y and
;* Z have been assigned names XL - ZH. Highest RAM address for Internal
;* SRAM is also defined
;* The Register names are represented by their hexadecimal address.
;* The Register Bit names are represented by their bit number (0-7).
;* Please observe the difference in using the bit names with instructions
;* such as "sbr"/"cbr" (set/clear bit in register) and "sbrs"/"sbrc"
;* (skip if bit in register set/cleared). The following example illustrates
;* this:
;* in r16,PORTB ;read PORTB latch
;* sbr r16,(1<<PB6)+(1<<PB5) ;set PB6 and PB5 (use masks, not bit#)
;* out PORTB,r16 ;output to PORTB
;* in r16,TIFR ;read the Timer Interrupt Flag Register
;* sbrc r16,TOV0 ;test the overflow flag (use bit#)
;* rjmp TOV0_is_set ;jump if set
;* ... ;otherwise do something else
#ifndef _M32DEF_INC_
#define _M32DEF_INC_
#pragma partinc 0
; ***** SPECIFY DEVICE ***************************************************
.device ATmega32
.equ SIGNATURE_000 = 0x1e
.equ SIGNATURE_001 = 0x95
.equ SIGNATURE_002 = 0x02
; ***** I/O REGISTER DEFINITIONS *****************************************
; Definitions marked "MEMORY MAPPED"are extended I/O ports
; and cannot be used with IN/OUT instructions
.equ SREG = 0x3f
.equ SPL = 0x3d
.equ SPH = 0x3e
.equ OCR0 = 0x3c
.equ GICR = 0x3b
.equ GIFR = 0x3a
.equ TIMSK = 0x39
.equ TIFR = 0x38
.equ SPMCR = 0x37
.equ TWCR = 0x36
.equ MCUCR = 0x35
.equ MCUCSR = 0x34
.equ TCCR0 = 0x33
.equ TCNT0 = 0x32
.equ OSCCAL = 0x31
.equ OCDR = 0x31
.equ SFIOR = 0x30
.equ TCCR1A = 0x2f
.equ TCCR1B = 0x2e
.equ TCNT1L = 0x2c
.equ TCNT1H = 0x2d
.equ OCR1AL = 0x2a
.equ OCR1AH = 0x2b
.equ OCR1BL = 0x28
.equ OCR1BH = 0x29
.equ ICR1L = 0x26
.equ ICR1H = 0x27
.equ TCCR2 = 0x25
.equ TCNT2 = 0x24
.equ OCR2 = 0x23
.equ ASSR = 0x22
.equ WDTCR = 0x21
.equ UBRRH = 0x20
.equ UCSRC = 0x20
.equ EEARL = 0x1e
.equ EEARH = 0x1f
.equ EEDR = 0x1d
.equ EECR = 0x1c
.equ PORTA = 0x1b
.equ DDRA = 0x1a
.equ PINA = 0x19
.equ PORTB = 0x18
.equ DDRB = 0x17
.equ PINB = 0x16
.equ PORTC = 0x15
.equ DDRC = 0x14
.equ PINC = 0x13
.equ PORTD = 0x12
.equ DDRD = 0x11
.equ PIND = 0x10
.equ SPDR = 0x0f
.equ SPSR = 0x0e
.equ SPCR = 0x0d
.equ UDR = 0x0c
.equ UCSRA = 0x0b
.equ UCSRB = 0x0a
.equ UBRRL = 0x09
.equ ACSR = 0x08
.equ ADMUX = 0x07
.equ ADCSRA = 0x06
.equ ADCH = 0x05
.equ ADCL = 0x04
.equ TWDR = 0x03
.equ TWAR = 0x02
.equ TWSR = 0x01
.equ TWBR = 0x00
; ***** BIT DEFINITIONS **************************************************
; ***** EEPROM ***********************
; EEDR - EEPROM Data Register
.equ EEDR0 = 0 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 0
.equ EEDR1 = 1 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 1
.equ EEDR2 = 2 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 2
.equ EEDR3 = 3 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 3
.equ EEDR4 = 4 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 4
.equ EEDR5 = 5 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 5
.equ EEDR6 = 6 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 6
.equ EEDR7 = 7 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 7
; EECR - EEPROM Control Register
.equ EERE = 0 ; EEPROM Read Enable
.equ EEWE = 1 ; EEPROM Write Enable
.equ EEMWE = 2 ; EEPROM Master Write Enable
.equ EERIE = 3 ; EEPROM Ready Interrupt Enable
; ***** WATCHDOG *********************
; WDTCR - Watchdog Timer Control Register
.equ WDP0 = 0 ; Watch Dog Timer Prescaler bit 0
.equ WDP1 = 1 ; Watch Dog Timer Prescaler bit 1
.equ WDP2 = 2 ; Watch Dog Timer Prescaler bit 2
.equ WDE = 3 ; Watch Dog Enable
.equ WDTOE = 4 ; RW
.equ WDDE = WDTOE ; For compatibility
; ***** EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT ***********
; GICR - General Interrupt Control Register
.equ GIMSK = GICR ; For compatibility
.equ IVCE = 0 ; Interrupt Vector Change Enable
.equ IVSEL = 1 ; Interrupt Vector Select
.equ INT2 = 5 ; External Interrupt Request 2 Enable
.equ INT0 = 6 ; External Interrupt Request 0 Enable
.equ INT1 = 7 ; External Interrupt Request 1 Enable
; GIFR - General Interrupt Flag Register
.equ INTF2 = 5 ; External Interrupt Flag 2
.equ INTF0 = 6 ; External Interrupt Flag 0
.equ INTF1 = 7 ; External Interrupt Flag 1
; MCUCR - General Interrupt Control Register
.equ ISC00 = 0 ; Interrupt Sense Control 0 Bit 0
.equ ISC01 = 1 ; Interrupt Sense Control 0 Bit 1
.equ ISC10 = 2 ; Interrupt Sense Control 1 Bit 0
.equ ISC11 = 3 ; Interrupt Sense Control 1 Bit 1
; MCUCSR - MCU Control And Status Register
.equ ISC2 = 6 ; Interrupt Sense Control 2
; ***** TIMER_COUNTER_0 **************
; TCCR0 - Timer/Counter Control Register
.equ CS00 = 0 ; Clock Select 1
.equ CS01 = 1 ; Clock Select 1
.equ CS02 = 2 ; Clock Select 2
.equ WGM01 = 3 ; Waveform Generation Mode 1
.equ CTC0 = WGM01 ; For compatibility
.equ COM00 = 4 ; Compare match Output Mode 0
.equ COM01 = 5 ; Compare Match Output Mode 1
.equ WGM00 = 6 ; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ PWM0 = WGM00 ; For compatibility
.equ FOC0 = 7 ; Force Output Compare
; TCNT0 - Timer/Counter Register
.equ TCNT0_0 = 0 ;
.equ TCNT0_1 = 1 ;
.equ TCNT0_2 = 2 ;
.equ TCNT0_3 = 3 ;
.equ TCNT0_4 = 4 ;
.equ TCNT0_5 = 5 ;
.equ TCNT0_6 = 6 ;
.equ TCNT0_7 = 7 ;
; OCR0 - Output Compare Register
.equ OCR0_0 = 0 ;
.equ OCR0_1 = 1 ;
.equ OCR0_2 = 2 ;
.equ OCR0_3 = 3 ;
.equ OCR0_4 = 4 ;
.equ OCR0_5 = 5 ;
.equ OCR0_6 = 6 ;
.equ OCR0_7 = 7 ;
; TIMSK - Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register
.equ TOIE0 = 0 ; Timer/Counter0 Overflow Interrupt Enable
.equ OCIE0 = 1 ; Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Match Interrupt register
; TIFR - Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag register
.equ TOV0 = 0 ; Timer/Counter0 Overflow Flag
.equ OCF0 = 1 ; Output Compare Flag 0
; ***** TIMER_COUNTER_2 **************
; TIMSK - Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask register
.equ TOIE2 = 6 ; Timer/Counter2 Overflow Interrupt Enable
.equ OCIE2 = 7 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Match Interrupt Enable
; TIFR - Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register
.equ TOV2 = 6 ; Timer/Counter2 Overflow Flag
.equ OCF2 = 7 ; Output Compare Flag 2
; TCCR2 - Timer/Counter2 Control Register
.equ CS20 = 0 ; Clock Select bit 0
.equ CS21 = 1 ; Clock Select bit 1
.equ CS22 = 2 ; Clock Select bit 2
.equ WGM21 = 3 ; Clear Timer/Counter2 on Compare Match
.equ CTC2 = WGM21 ; For compatibility
.equ COM20 = 4 ; Compare Output Mode bit 0
.equ COM21 = 5 ; Compare Output Mode bit 1
.equ WGM20 = 6 ; Pulse Width Modulator Enable
.equ PWM2 = WGM20 ; For compatibility
.equ FOC2 = 7 ; Force Output Compare
; TCNT2 - Timer/Counter2
.equ TCNT2_0 = 0 ; Timer/Counter 2 bit 0
.equ TCNT2_1 = 1 ; Timer/Counter 2 bit 1
.equ TCNT2_2 = 2 ; Timer/Counter 2 bit 2
.equ TCNT2_3 = 3 ; Timer/Counter 2 bit 3
.equ TCNT2_4 = 4 ; Timer/Counter 2 bit 4
.equ TCNT2_5 = 5 ; Timer/Counter 2 bit 5
.equ TCNT2_6 = 6 ; Timer/Counter 2 bit 6
.equ TCNT2_7 = 7 ; Timer/Counter 2 bit 7
; OCR2 - Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register
.equ OCR2_0 = 0 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 0
.equ OCR2_1 = 1 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 1
.equ OCR2_2 = 2 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 2
.equ OCR2_3 = 3 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 3
.equ OCR2_4 = 4 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 4
.equ OCR2_5 = 5 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 5
.equ OCR2_6 = 6 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 6
.equ OCR2_7 = 7 ; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 7
; ASSR - Asynchronous Status Register
.equ TCR2UB = 0 ; Timer/counter Control Register2 Update Busy
.equ OCR2UB = 1 ; Output Compare Register2 Update Busy
.equ TCN2UB = 2 ; Timer/Counter2 Update Busy
.equ AS2 = 3 ; Asynchronous Timer/counter2
; ***** TIMER_COUNTER_1 **************
; TIMSK - Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register
.equ TOIE1 = 2 ; Timer/Counter1 Overflow Interrupt Enable
.equ OCIE1B = 3 ; Timer/Counter1 Output CompareB Match Interrupt Enable
.equ OCIE1A = 4 ; Timer/Counter1 Output CompareA Match Interrupt Enable
.equ TICIE1 = 5 ; Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Interrupt Enable
; TIFR - Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag register
.equ TOV1 = 2 ; Timer/Counter1 Overflow Flag
.equ OCF1B = 3 ; Output Compare Flag 1B
.equ OCF1A = 4 ; Output Compare Flag 1A
.equ ICF1 = 5 ; Input Capture Flag 1
; TCCR1A - Timer/Counter1 Control Register A
.equ WGM10 = 0 ; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ PWM10 = WGM10 ; For compatibility
.equ WGM11 = 1 ; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ PWM11 = WGM11 ; For compatibility
.equ FOC1B = 2 ; Force Output Compare 1B
.equ FOC1A = 3 ; Force Output Compare 1A
.equ COM1B0 = 4 ; Compare Output Mode 1B, bit 0
.equ COM1B1 = 5 ; Compare Output Mode 1B, bit 1
.equ COM1A0 = 6 ; Compare Ouput Mode 1A, bit 0
.equ COM1A1 = 7 ; Compare Output Mode 1A, bit 1
; TCCR1B - Timer/Counter1 Control Register B
.equ CS10 = 0 ; Prescaler source of Timer/Counter 1
.equ CS11 = 1 ; Prescaler source of Timer/Counter 1
.equ CS12 = 2 ; Prescaler source of Timer/Counter 1
.equ WGM12 = 3 ; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ CTC10 = WGM12 ; For compatibility
.equ CTC1 = WGM12 ; For compatibility
.equ WGM13 = 4 ; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ CTC11 = WGM13 ; For compatibility
.equ ICES1 = 6 ; Input Capture 1 Edge Select
.equ ICNC1 = 7 ; Input Capture 1 Noise Canceler
; ***** SPI **************************
; SPDR - SPI Data Register
.equ SPDR0 = 0 ; SPI Data Register bit 0
.equ SPDR1 = 1 ; SPI Data Register bit 1
.equ SPDR2 = 2 ; SPI Data Register bit 2
.equ SPDR3 = 3 ; SPI Data Register bit 3
.equ SPDR4 = 4 ; SPI Data Register bit 4
.equ SPDR5 = 5 ; SPI Data Register bit 5
.equ SPDR6 = 6 ; SPI Data Register bit 6
.equ SPDR7 = 7 ; SPI Data Register bit 7
; SPSR - SPI Status Register
.equ SPI2X = 0 ; Double SPI Speed Bit
.equ WCOL = 6 ; Write Collision Flag
.equ SPIF = 7 ; SPI Interrupt Flag
; SPCR - SPI Control Register
.equ SPR0 = 0 ; SPI Clock Rate Select 0
.equ SPR1 = 1 ; SPI Clock Rate Select 1
.equ CPHA = 2 ; Clock Phase
.equ CPOL = 3 ; Clock polarity
.equ MSTR = 4 ; Master/Slave Select
.equ DORD = 5 ; Data Order
.equ SPE = 6 ; SPI Enable
.equ SPIE = 7 ; SPI Interrupt Enable
; ***** USART ************************
; UDR - USART I/O Data Register
.equ UDR0 = 0 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 0
.equ UDR1 = 1 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 1
.equ UDR2 = 2 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 2
.equ UDR3 = 3 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 3
.equ UDR4 = 4 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 4
.equ UDR5 = 5 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 5
.equ UDR6 = 6 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 6
.equ UDR7 = 7 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 7
; UCSRA - USART Control and Status Register A
.equ USR = UCSRA ; For compatibility
.equ MPCM = 0 ; Multi-processor Communication Mode
.equ U2X = 1 ; Double the USART transmission speed
.equ UPE = 2 ; Parity Error
.equ PE = UPE ; For compatibility
.equ DOR = 3 ; Data overRun
.equ FE = 4 ; Framing Error
.equ UDRE = 5 ; USART Data Register Empty
.equ TXC = 6 ; USART Transmitt Complete
.equ RXC = 7 ; USART Receive Complete
; UCSRB - USART Control and Status Register B
.equ UCR = UCSRB ; For compatibility
.equ TXB8 = 0 ; Transmit Data Bit 8
.equ RXB8 = 1 ; Receive Data Bit 8
.equ UCSZ2 = 2 ; Character Size
.equ CHR9 = UCSZ2 ; For compatibility
.equ TXEN = 3 ; Transmitter Enable
.equ RXEN = 4 ; Receiver Enable
.equ UDRIE = 5 ; USART Data register Empty Interrupt Enable
.equ TXCIE = 6 ; TX Complete Interrupt Enable
.equ RXCIE = 7 ; RX Complete Interrupt Enable
; UCSRC - USART Control and Status Register C
.equ UCPOL = 0 ; Clock Polarity
.equ UCSZ0 = 1 ; Character Size
.equ UCSZ1 = 2 ; Character Size
.equ USBS = 3 ; Stop Bit Select
.equ UPM0 = 4 ; Parity Mode Bit 0
.equ UPM1 = 5 ; Parity Mode Bit 1
.equ UMSEL = 6 ; USART Mode Select
.equ URSEL = 7 ; Register Select
.equ UBRRHI = UBRRH ; For compatibility
; ***** ANALOG_COMPARATOR ************
; SFIOR - Special Function IO Register
.equ ACME = 3 ; Analog Comparator Multiplexer Enable
; ACSR - Analog Comparator Control And Status Register
.equ ACIS0 = 0 ; Analog Comparator Interrupt Mode Select bit 0
.equ ACIS1 = 1 ; Analog Comparator Interrupt Mode Select bit 1
.equ ACIC = 2 ; Analog Comparator Input Capture Enable
.equ ACIE = 3 ; Analog Comparator Interrupt Enable
.equ ACI = 4 ; Analog Comparator Interrupt Flag
.equ ACO = 5 ; Analog Compare Output
.equ ACBG = 6 ; Analog Comparator Bandgap Select
.equ ACD = 7 ; Analog Comparator Disable
; ***** AD_CONVERTER *****************
; ADMUX - The ADC multiplexer Selection Register
.equ MUX0 = 0 ; Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
.equ MUX1 = 1 ; Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
.equ MUX2 = 2 ; Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
.equ MUX3 = 3 ; Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
.equ MUX4 = 4 ; Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
.equ ADLAR = 5 ; Left Adjust Result
.equ REFS0 = 6 ; Reference Selection Bit 0
.equ REFS1 = 7 ; Reference Selection Bit 1
; ADCSRA - The ADC Control and Status register
.equ ADCSR = ADCSRA ; For compatibility
.equ ADPS0 = 0 ; ADC Prescaler Select Bits
.equ ADPS1 = 1 ; ADC Prescaler Select Bits
.equ ADPS2 = 2 ; ADC Prescaler Select Bits
.equ ADIE = 3 ; ADC Interrupt Enable
.equ ADIF = 4 ; ADC Interrupt Flag
.equ ADATE = 5 ;
.equ ADFR = ADATE ; For compatibility
.equ ADSC = 6 ; ADC Start Conversion
.equ ADEN = 7 ; ADC Enable
; ADCH - ADC Data Register High Byte
.equ ADCH0 = 0 ; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 0
.equ ADCH1 = 1 ; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 1
.equ ADCH2 = 2 ; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 2
.equ ADCH3 = 3 ; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 3
.equ ADCH4 = 4 ; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 4
.equ ADCH5 = 5 ; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 5
.equ ADCH6 = 6 ; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 6
.equ ADCH7 = 7 ; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 7
; ADCL - ADC Data Register Low Byte
.equ ADCL0 = 0 ; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 0
.equ ADCL1 = 1 ; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 1
.equ ADCL2 = 2 ; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 2
.equ ADCL3 = 3 ; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 3
.equ ADCL4 = 4 ; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 4
.equ ADCL5 = 5 ; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 5
.equ ADCL6 = 6 ; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 6
.equ ADCL7 = 7 ; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 7
; SFIOR - Special Function IO Register
.equ ADTS0 = 5 ; ADC Auto Trigger Source 0
.equ ADTS1 = 6 ; ADC Auto Trigger Source 1
.equ ADTS2 = 7 ; ADC Auto Trigger Source 2
; ***** PORTA ************************
; PORTA - Port A Data Register
.equ PORTA0 = 0 ; Port A Data Register bit 0
.equ PA0 = 0 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTA1 = 1 ; Port A Data Register bit 1
.equ PA1 = 1 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTA2 = 2 ; Port A Data Register bit 2
.equ PA2 = 2 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTA3 = 3 ; Port A Data Register bit 3
.equ PA3 = 3 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTA4 = 4 ; Port A Data Register bit 4
.equ PA4 = 4 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTA5 = 5 ; Port A Data Register bit 5
.equ PA5 = 5 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTA6 = 6 ; Port A Data Register bit 6
.equ PA6 = 6 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTA7 = 7 ; Port A Data Register bit 7
.equ PA7 = 7 ; For compatibility
; DDRA - Port A Data Direction Register
.equ DDA0 = 0 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 0
.equ DDA1 = 1 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 1
.equ DDA2 = 2 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 2
.equ DDA3 = 3 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 3
.equ DDA4 = 4 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 4
.equ DDA5 = 5 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 5
.equ DDA6 = 6 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 6
.equ DDA7 = 7 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 7
; PINA - Port A Input Pins
.equ PINA0 = 0 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 0
.equ PINA1 = 1 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 1
.equ PINA2 = 2 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 2
.equ PINA3 = 3 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 3
.equ PINA4 = 4 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 4
.equ PINA5 = 5 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 5
.equ PINA6 = 6 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 6
.equ PINA7 = 7 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 7
; ***** PORTB ************************
; PORTB - Port B Data Register
.equ PORTB0 = 0 ; Port B Data Register bit 0
.equ PB0 = 0 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTB1 = 1 ; Port B Data Register bit 1
.equ PB1 = 1 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTB2 = 2 ; Port B Data Register bit 2
.equ PB2 = 2 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTB3 = 3 ; Port B Data Register bit 3
.equ PB3 = 3 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTB4 = 4 ; Port B Data Register bit 4
.equ PB4 = 4 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTB5 = 5 ; Port B Data Register bit 5
.equ PB5 = 5 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTB6 = 6 ; Port B Data Register bit 6
.equ PB6 = 6 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTB7 = 7 ; Port B Data Register bit 7
.equ PB7 = 7 ; For compatibility
; DDRB - Port B Data Direction Register
.equ DDB0 = 0 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 0
.equ DDB1 = 1 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 1
.equ DDB2 = 2 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 2
.equ DDB3 = 3 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 3
.equ DDB4 = 4 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 4
.equ DDB5 = 5 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 5
.equ DDB6 = 6 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 6
.equ DDB7 = 7 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 7
; PINB - Port B Input Pins
.equ PINB0 = 0 ; Port B Input Pins bit 0
.equ PINB1 = 1 ; Port B Input Pins bit 1
.equ PINB2 = 2 ; Port B Input Pins bit 2
.equ PINB3 = 3 ; Port B Input Pins bit 3
.equ PINB4 = 4 ; Port B Input Pins bit 4
.equ PINB5 = 5 ; Port B Input Pins bit 5
.equ PINB6 = 6 ; Port B Input Pins bit 6
.equ PINB7 = 7 ; Port B Input Pins bit 7
; ***** PORTC ************************
; PORTC - Port C Data Register
.equ PORTC0 = 0 ; Port C Data Register bit 0
.equ PC0 = 0 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTC1 = 1 ; Port C Data Register bit 1
.equ PC1 = 1 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTC2 = 2 ; Port C Data Register bit 2
.equ PC2 = 2 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTC3 = 3 ; Port C Data Register bit 3
.equ PC3 = 3 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTC4 = 4 ; Port C Data Register bit 4
.equ PC4 = 4 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTC5 = 5 ; Port C Data Register bit 5
.equ PC5 = 5 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTC6 = 6 ; Port C Data Register bit 6
.equ PC6 = 6 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTC7 = 7 ; Port C Data Register bit 7
.equ PC7 = 7 ; For compatibility
; DDRC - Port C Data Direction Register
.equ DDC0 = 0 ; Port C Data Direction Register bit 0
.equ DDC1 = 1 ; Port C Data Direction Register bit 1
.equ DDC2 = 2 ; Port C Data Direction Register bit 2
.equ DDC3 = 3 ; Port C Data Direction Register bit 3
.equ DDC4 = 4 ; Port C Data Direction Register bit 4
.equ DDC5 = 5 ; Port C Data Direction Register bit 5
.equ DDC6 = 6 ; Port C Data Direction Register bit 6
.equ DDC7 = 7 ; Port C Data Direction Register bit 7
; PINC - Port C Input Pins
.equ PINC0 = 0 ; Port C Input Pins bit 0
.equ PINC1 = 1 ; Port C Input Pins bit 1
.equ PINC2 = 2 ; Port C Input Pins bit 2
.equ PINC3 = 3 ; Port C Input Pins bit 3
.equ PINC4 = 4 ; Port C Input Pins bit 4
.equ PINC5 = 5 ; Port C Input Pins bit 5
.equ PINC6 = 6 ; Port C Input Pins bit 6
.equ PINC7 = 7 ; Port C Input Pins bit 7
; ***** PORTD ************************
; PORTD - Port D Data Register
.equ PORTD0 = 0 ; Port D Data Register bit 0
.equ PD0 = 0 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTD1 = 1 ; Port D Data Register bit 1
.equ PD1 = 1 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTD2 = 2 ; Port D Data Register bit 2
.equ PD2 = 2 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTD3 = 3 ; Port D Data Register bit 3
.equ PD3 = 3 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTD4 = 4 ; Port D Data Register bit 4
.equ PD4 = 4 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTD5 = 5 ; Port D Data Register bit 5
.equ PD5 = 5 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTD6 = 6 ; Port D Data Register bit 6
.equ PD6 = 6 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTD7 = 7 ; Port D Data Register bit 7
.equ PD7 = 7 ; For compatibility
; DDRD - Port D Data Direction Register
.equ DDD0 = 0 ; Port D Data Direction Register bit 0
.equ DDD1 = 1 ; Port D Data Direction Register bit 1
.equ DDD2 = 2 ; Port D Data Direction Register bit 2
.equ DDD3 = 3 ; Port D Data Direction Register bit 3
.equ DDD4 = 4 ; Port D Data Direction Register bit 4
.equ DDD5 = 5 ; Port D Data Direction Register bit 5
.equ DDD6 = 6 ; Port D Data Direction Register bit 6
.equ DDD7 = 7 ; Port D Data Direction Register bit 7
; PIND - Port D Input Pins
.equ PIND0 = 0 ; Port D Input Pins bit 0
.equ PIND1 = 1 ; Port D Input Pins bit 1
.equ PIND2 = 2 ; Port D Input Pins bit 2
.equ PIND3 = 3 ; Port D Input Pins bit 3
.equ PIND4 = 4 ; Port D Input Pins bit 4
.equ PIND5 = 5 ; Port D Input Pins bit 5
.equ PIND6 = 6 ; Port D Input Pins bit 6
.equ PIND7 = 7 ; Port D Input Pins bit 7
; ***** CPU **************************
; SREG - Status Register
.equ SREG_C = 0 ; Carry Flag
.equ SREG_Z = 1 ; Zero Flag
.equ SREG_N = 2 ; Negative Flag
.equ SREG_V = 3 ; Two's Complement Overflow Flag
.equ SREG_S = 4 ; Sign Bit
.equ SREG_H = 5 ; Half Carry Flag
.equ SREG_T = 6 ; Bit Copy Storage
.equ SREG_I = 7 ; Global Interrupt Enable
; MCUCR - MCU Control Register
;.equ ISC00 = 0 ; Interrupt Sense Control 0 Bit 0
;.equ ISC01 = 1 ; Interrupt Sense Control 0 Bit 1
;.equ ISC10 = 2 ; Interrupt Sense Control 1 Bit 0
;.equ ISC11 = 3 ; Interrupt Sense Control 1 Bit 1
.equ SM0 = 4 ; Sleep Mode Select
.equ SM1 = 5 ; Sleep Mode Select
.equ SM2 = 6 ; Sleep Mode Select
.equ SE = 7 ; Sleep Enable
; MCUCSR - MCU Control And Status Register
.equ MCUSR = MCUCSR ; For compatibility
.equ PORF = 0 ; Power-on reset flag
.equ EXTRF = 1 ; External Reset Flag
.equ BORF = 2 ; Brown-out Reset Flag
.equ WDRF = 3 ; Watchdog Reset Flag
.equ JTRF = 4 ; JTAG Reset Flag
.equ JTD = 7 ; JTAG Interface Disable
; OSCCAL - Oscillator Calibration Value
.equ CAL0 = 0 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit0
.equ CAL1 = 1 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit1
.equ CAL2 = 2 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit2
.equ CAL3 = 3 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit3
.equ CAL4 = 4 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit4
.equ CAL5 = 5 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit5
.equ CAL6 = 6 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit6
.equ CAL7 = 7 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit7
; SFIOR - Special Function IO Register
.equ PSR10 = 0 ; Prescaler Reset Timer/Counter1&0
.equ PSR2 = 1 ; Prescaler Reset Timer/Counter2
.equ PUD = 2 ; Pull-up Disable
; ***** BOOT_LOAD ********************
; SPMCR - Store Program Memory Control Register
.equ SPMEN = 0 ; Store Program Memory Enable
.equ PGERS = 1 ; Page Erase
.equ PGWRT = 2 ; Page Write
.equ BLBSET = 3 ; Boot Lock Bit Set
.equ RWWSRE = 4 ; Read While Write secion read enable
.equ ASRE = RWWSRE ; For compatibility
.equ RWWSB = 6 ; Read While Write Section Busy
.equ ASB = RWWSB ; For compatibility
.equ SPMIE = 7 ; SPM Interrupt Enable
; ***** TWI **************************
; TWBR - TWI Bit Rate register
.equ TWBR0 = 0 ;
.equ TWBR1 = 1 ;
.equ TWBR2 = 2 ;
.equ TWBR3 = 3 ;
.equ TWBR4 = 4 ;
.equ TWBR5 = 5 ;
.equ TWBR6 = 6 ;
.equ TWBR7 = 7 ;
; TWCR - TWI Control Register
.equ TWIE = 0 ; TWI Interrupt Enable
.equ TWEN = 2 ; TWI Enable Bit
.equ TWWC = 3 ; TWI Write Collition Flag
.equ TWSTO = 4 ; TWI Stop Condition Bit
.equ TWSTA = 5 ; TWI Start Condition Bit
.equ TWEA = 6 ; TWI Enable Acknowledge Bit
.equ TWINT = 7 ; TWI Interrupt Flag
; TWSR - TWI Status Register
.equ TWPS0 = 0 ; TWI Prescaler bits
.equ TWPS1 = 1 ; TWI Prescaler bits
.equ TWS3 = 3 ; TWI Status
.equ TWS4 = 4 ; TWI Status
.equ TWS5 = 5 ; TWI Status
.equ TWS6 = 6 ; TWI Status
.equ TWS7 = 7 ; TWI Status
; TWDR - TWI Data register
.equ TWD0 = 0 ; TWI Data Register Bit 0
.equ TWD1 = 1 ; TWI Data Register Bit 1
.equ TWD2 = 2 ; TWI Data Register Bit 2
.equ TWD3 = 3 ; TWI Data Register Bit 3
.equ TWD4 = 4 ; TWI Data Register Bit 4
.equ TWD5 = 5 ; TWI Data Register Bit 5
.equ TWD6 = 6 ; TWI Data Register Bit 6
.equ TWD7 = 7 ; TWI Data Register Bit 7
; TWAR - TWI (Slave) Address register
.equ TWGCE = 0 ; TWI General Call Recognition Enable Bit
.equ TWA0 = 1 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 0
.equ TWA1 = 2 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 1
.equ TWA2 = 3 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 2
.equ TWA3 = 4 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 3
.equ TWA4 = 5 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 4
.equ TWA5 = 6 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 5
.equ TWA6 = 7 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 6
; ***** LOCKSBITS ********************************************************
.equ LB1 = 0 ; Lock bit
.equ LB2 = 1 ; Lock bit
.equ BLB01 = 2 ; Boot Lock bit
.equ BLB02 = 3 ; Boot Lock bit
.equ BLB11 = 4 ; Boot lock bit
.equ BLB12 = 5 ; Boot lock bit
; ***** FUSES ************************************************************
; LOW fuse bits
.equ CKSEL0 = 0 ; Select Clock Source
.equ CKSEL1 = 1 ; Select Clock Source
.equ CKSEL2 = 2 ; Select Clock Source
.equ CKSEL3 = 3 ; Select Clock Source
.equ BODEN = 6 ; Brown out detector enable
.equ BODLEVEL = 7 ; Brown out detector trigger level
; HIGH fuse bits
.equ BOOTRST = 0 ; Select Reset Vector
.equ BOOTSZ0 = 1 ; Select Boot Size
.equ BOOTSZ1 = 2 ; Select Boot Size
.equ EESAVE = 3 ; EEPROM memory is preserved through chip erase
.equ SPIEN = 5 ; Enable Serial programming and Data Downloading
.equ JTAGEN = 6 ; Enable JTAG
.equ OCDEN = 7 ; Enable OCD
; ***** CPU REGISTER DEFINITIONS *****************************************
.def XH = r27
.def XL = r26
.def YH = r29
.def YL = r28
.def ZH = r31
.def ZL = r30
; ***** DATA MEMORY DECLARATIONS *****************************************
.equ FLASHEND = 0x3fff ; Note: Word address
.equ IOEND = 0x003f
.equ SRAM_START = 0x0060
.equ SRAM_SIZE = 2048
.equ RAMEND = 0x085f
.equ XRAMEND = 0x0000
.equ E2END = 0x03ff
.equ EEPROMEND = 0x03ff
.equ EEADRBITS = 10
; ***** BOOTLOADER DECLARATIONS ******************************************
.equ NRWW_START_ADDR = 0x3800
.equ NRWW_STOP_ADDR = 0x3fff
.equ RWW_START_ADDR = 0x0
.equ RWW_STOP_ADDR = 0x37ff
.equ PAGESIZE = 64
.equ FIRSTBOOTSTART = 0x3f00
.equ THIRDBOOTSTART = 0x3c00
; ***** INTERRUPT VECTORS ************************************************
.equ INT0addr = 0x0002 ; External Interrupt Request 0
.equ INT1addr = 0x0004 ; External Interrupt Request 1
.equ INT2addr = 0x0006 ; External Interrupt Request 2
.equ OC2addr = 0x0008 ; Timer/Counter2 Compare Match
.equ OVF2addr = 0x000a ; Timer/Counter2 Overflow
.equ ICP1addr = 0x000c ; Timer/Counter1 Capture Event
.equ OC1Aaddr = 0x000e ; Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A
.equ OC1Baddr = 0x0010 ; Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B
.equ OVF1addr = 0x0012 ; Timer/Counter1 Overflow
.equ OC0addr = 0x0014 ; Timer/Counter0 Compare Match
.equ OVF0addr = 0x0016 ; Timer/Counter0 Overflow
.equ SPIaddr = 0x0018 ; Serial Transfer Complete
.equ URXCaddr = 0x001a ; USART, Rx Complete
.equ UDREaddr = 0x001c ; USART Data Register Empty
.equ UTXCaddr = 0x001e ; USART, Tx Complete
.equ ADCCaddr = 0x0020 ; ADC Conversion Complete
.equ ERDYaddr = 0x0022 ; EEPROM Ready
.equ ACIaddr = 0x0024 ; Analog Comparator
.equ TWIaddr = 0x0026 ; 2-wire Serial Interface
.equ SPMRaddr = 0x0028 ; Store Program Memory Ready
.equ INT_VECTORS_SIZE = 42 ; size in words
#endif /* _M32DEF_INC_ */
; ***** END OF FILE ******************************************************