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Pedro Martin
Published © GPL3+

Bluetooth RPM Letterboard v3.0

Capacitive touch, field programable whiteboard w/onboard LEDs & Piezo for keystroke feedback & Bluetooth keyboard for Text-To-Speech via iOS

AdvancedFull instructions provided435

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Adafruit ESP32 Feather V2
Adafruit 12-Key Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout
onsemi 74HC595 Shift Register
0805 0.01uF SMD Capacitor
Reverse Mount SMD LED 1204 PCB Type
1206 250mW 110-ohm SMD resistor
2016 SMD piezo buzzer
LiPo Battery - 3.7V 420mAh
THT Slide SPDT EG1218 Switches

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE 2
I used to edit on VS Code and compile/run on Arduino IDE 1.8 (by declaring Outside Editor the on Arduino IDE Preferences). No more. The IDE 2 rocks!
Espressif Arduino ESP32
Autodesk Fusion
ESP32 BLE Keyboard


Read more



#include "Arduino.h"
#define DEBUG //uncomment for debug printouts
#ifdef DEBUG
  #define dprint(x)      Serial.print(x) 
  #define dprintln(x)    Serial.println(x)
  #define dprintBIN(x)   Serial.print(x,BIN)
  #define dprintlnBIN(x) Serial.println(x,BIN)
  #define dprintHEX(x)   Serial.print(x,HEX)
  #define dprintlnHEX(x) Serial.println(x,HEX)
  #define dprintBegin(x) Serial.begin(x)
  #define dprint(x)      bleKeyb.print(x)
  #define dprintln(x)    bleKeyb.println(x)
  #define dprintBIN(x)   bleKeyb.print(x)
  #define dprintlnBIN(x) bleKeyb.println(x)
  #define dprintHEX(x)   bleKeyb.print(x)
  #define dprintlnHEX(x) bleKeyb.println(x)
  #define dprintBegin(x)
  #define dprint(x)
  #define dprintln(x)
  #define dprintBIN(x) 
  #define dprintlnBIN(x)
  #define dprintHEX(x)  
  #define dprintlnHEX(x) 
  #define dprintBegin(x)

#include "Declarations.h"
#include "tunes.h"
#include "fSupport.h"
#include "fCore.h"

void setup() {
  dprintBegin(115200);  dprintln("------start");
  //pinMode(13, OUTPUT);     //--Built in RED LED

  pinMode(buzzPin, OUTPUT); 
  //ledcSetup(buzzChan, 10000, 12); //--Parms=(channel, freq, resolution)
  ledcAttachPin(buzzPin, buzzChan);

  pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);
  send2Shift(B11000000,B11111111);  //all LEDs off

  storedVars.begin("baseVars", false);
  //bleMode = storedVars.getBool("bleModeTemp",true);
  symbolTable = storedVars.getUChar("symbolTableTemp",1);
  //dprint("FLASH bleMode = "); dprintln(bleMode);
  dprint("FLASH symTable = "); dprintln(symbolTable);

  digitalWrite(NEOPIXEL_I2C_POWER, HIGH);
  pinMode(0, OUTPUT); 
  yellow = pix.Color(255,255,0);  orange = pix.Color(255,50,0);
  blue = pix.Color(0,150,255);    red = pix.Color(255,0,0);
  green = pix.Color(0,255,0);     violet = pix.Color(255,0,255);

  //---Cap Sensors---
  Wire.begin (22,20);
  Wire.setClock(400000); //MAX=400khz per MPR121 specs
  //Wire.setTimeOut(50); //default=50 ms
  dprint("I2C Clock: "); dprintln(Wire.getClock());
  dprint("Time Out : "); dprintln(Wire.getTimeOut());
  if (!S0.begin(0x5A)) {dprintln("0x5A Not Ok"); buzz(30); while (1); } else buzz(10);
  if (!S1.begin(0x5C)) {dprintln("0x5C Not Ok"); buzz(30); while (1); } else buzz(11);
  if (!S2.begin(0x5D)) {dprintln("0x5D Not Ok"); buzz(30); while (1); } else buzz(12);

  //---Functions Switches & Interrupts
  for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
    FS[i].value = digitalRead(FS[i].PIN); //---initial state of each switch
    if (FS[i].value) progMode = false;
  letterKeyb = FS[0].value; dprintln("\n0:letter: " + String(letterKeyb));
  wordKeyb = FS[1].value; dprintln("1:word: " + String(wordKeyb));
  phraseKeyb = FS[2].value; dprintln("2:phrase: " + String(phraseKeyb));
  ledKeyb = FS[3].value; dprintln("3:LED: " + String(ledKeyb));
  buzzKeyb = FS[4].value; dprintln("4:Buzz: " + String(buzzKeyb));

  //---BLE Keyboard---
  if (letterKeyb + wordKeyb + phraseKeyb == 0) {
    bleMode = false; dprintln("bleMode OFF in Setup");}
  else {  
    bleKeyb.setName("RPM Board GEN3");  
  loadSymbols(symbolTable); //moved from CapSensors group to playTune at end of Setup

void loop() {
  if (!progMode && bleMode) {  // i.e. in runMode
    while (!bleKeyb.isConnected() && !progMode && bleMode) { //the last two conditions could change via interrupts
      waitingOnBLE = true; 
      keybON = false; 
      if (sFlag) chkSwitches();  //in case user enters progMode or turns BLE OFF while waiting for BLE pair    
    waitingOnBLE = false;
    if (!keybON && bleKeyb.isConnected()) {  //run once after connected or reconnected
      keybON = true;
      bleKeyb.setDelay(3); //to compensate for fast input in iOS. Default=8
  if (sFlag) chkSwitches();
  if (LEDisON) chkOnLED(); 


int r, c, h, i, j, k, t;
ulong speed; 

//---Preferences (FLASH Memory)---
#include <Preferences.h>  //https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-save-data-permanently-preferences/
Preferences storedVars;   //https://docs.espressif.com/projects/arduino-esp32/en/latest/api/preferences.html

//---BLE Keyboard & TTS Feedback---
#define USE_NIMBLE
#include <BleKeyboard.h> //.h file modified as per https://github.com/T-vK/ESP32-BLE-Keyboard/pull/111#issuecomment-954894261
BleKeyboard bleKeyb("RPMLetterboard","PMC2022",99);
bool keybON = false;
bool bleMode = true; 
char charCache[51] = {}; // c-string to hold a 50-char string
byte charCount = 0;
char * pch;

//---Cap Sensors---
ulong lastTouch = 0;
uint16_t tReg5A = 0; uint16_t tReg5C = 0; uint16_t tReg5D = 0;
uint32_t NOTcurrCols, NOToldCols, currCols, oldCols = 0;
uint16_t NOTcurrRows, NOToldRows, currRows, oldRows = 0;
uint32_t touchedCols, releasedCols, touchedRows, releasedRows;
#include "Wire.h"  // C:\Users\pedro\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.4\libraries\Wire\src
#include "MPR121.h"
MPR121 S0, S1, S2;
bool seqOK = true;

const byte buzzPin = 12;
const byte buzzChan = 0; //channel 15 misfires: don't use

uint32_t yellow, orange, blue, red, green, violet; 
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
Adafruit_NeoPixel pix(1,0);

// https://docs.arduino.cc/tutorials/communication/guide-to-shift-out
// https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/language/functions/advanced-io/shiftout/
const byte clockPin = 5;
const byte latchPin = 19;
const byte dataPin = 21;
//           shift1 output =xxcdefgh
//              row number =  123456 (1 = current source activated)
const byte rowShiftOne[6] = {B100000,B010000,B001000,B000100,B000010,B000001};
//               shift1 output = abxxxxxx
//                  col number = 9A (0 = current drain activated)
const byte    colShiftOne[10] = {B11,B11,B11,B11,B11,B11,B11,B11,B01,B10}; 
const byte colShiftOneFat[10] = {B11,B11,B11,B11,B11,B11,B11,B11,B00,B00}; 
//                shift2 output = abcdefgh
//                    col number =67854321 (0 = current drain activated)
const byte    colShiftTwo[10] = {B11111110,B11111101,B11111011,B11110111,B11101111,B01111111,B10111111,B11011111,B11111111,B11111111};
const byte colShiftTwoFat[10] = {B11111100,B11111100,B11110011,B11110011,B01101111,B01101111,B10011111,B10011111,B11111111,B11111111};
ulong elapsedLED = 0;
bool LEDisON = false;
int onTimer = 200; //adapt to speed of user but beware also used in progMode as witness
byte sym4LED;
byte spaceShiftOne, spaceShiftTwo ,enterShiftOne, enterShiftTwo, backsShiftOne, backsShiftTwo;

//---Funtcion Switches & Interrupts---
// FORUM solution:  https://forum.arduino.cc/t/attachinterrupt-using-array-of-function-pointer/1019684/4
// https://docs.espressif.com/projects/arduino-esp32/en/latest/api/gpio.html?highlight=interrupt#about
typedef struct {
  const uint8_t PIN;
  bool value;
} fSwitch;
fSwitch FS[5] = {{27,0},{33,0},{15,0},{32,0},{14,0}}; //function switches in these pins
volatile bool sFlag = false;
volatile bool buzzFlag = false;
volatile bool waitingOnBLE = false;
volatile bool oldRead, newRead;
volatile uint8_t debCount = 0;
bool buzzKeyb = false;  
bool ledKeyb = false;
bool letterKeyb = false; // send letter. Will read letter (immediately) & word (when sending SPACE)
bool wordKeyb = false; // send word (no letter). Will read immediately because will also send SPACE
bool phraseKeyb = false; // send phrase. Will read immediately

ulong elapsedBatt = 0;
int battTimer = 0;
float battRead; 

// String vs string  https://forum.arduino.cc/t/difference-between-char-array-and-string/603608/8
//            basic  https://www.arduinoplatform.com/arduino-programming/understanding-character-strings-in-arduino/
//          c++ Lib  https://cplusplus.com/reference/cstring/
//                   https://forum.arduino.cc/t/solved-printing-a-portion-of-a-char-string/159984
        //int tempInt = pch - charCache + 1;                        
        //dprintln(charCache + tempInt);
        //strncpy(charTemp,&charCache[pch - charCache + 1],charCount);
        //dprintln(&charCache[pch - charCache + 1]);

//---Board Prog Mode, Symbol Tables
byte symbolTable = 1;
bool progMode = true;
byte cSym, vSym;
byte rSym = 2;
byte offR = 1;
byte offC = 0;
byte hSym = 6;
byte sym2Pix[14][22]; //has to be full 14x22 to allow for possible offsets in Row / Col
byte LEDrSym[60]; byte LEDcSym[60];  //60 LEDs
char symbol[61] = {}; //*************************************one more for null termination?
int lastSymNum = 99;
int currSymNum;
char currSym, lastSym;
//all symbols have same measures, Other layouts w/o LEDS can use all 14 rows these three use 12 rows (1 LED every 2 rows)
// All Layouts w/LED: rSym=2, offR=1, offC=0 --> hSym = 6
// cSym = (large 4), (medium 3), (qwerty 2)  --> vSym = (5),(7),(10) (plus 1 w/o LED))
//const byte vSym = trunc((22 - offC) / cSym) - (cSym==2); // number of vertical (cols) symbols = vSym
//const byte hSym = trunc((14 - offR) / rSym); // number of horizontal (rows) symbols = hSym*/


#include <Adafruit_BusIO_Register.h>
#include <Adafruit_I2CDevice.h>  
#define I2CADDR_DEFAULT 0x5A 
enum {  // Device register map
  MPR121_TOUCHSTATUS_L = 0x00,
  MPR121_TOUCHSTATUS_H = 0x01,
  MPR121_FILTDATA_0L = 0x04,
  MPR121_FILTDATA_0H = 0x05,
  MPR121_BASELINE_0 = 0x1E,
  MPR121_MHDR = 0x2B,
  MPR121_NHDR = 0x2C,
  MPR121_NCLR = 0x2D,
  MPR121_FDLR = 0x2E,
  MPR121_MHDF = 0x2F,
  MPR121_NHDF = 0x30,
  MPR121_NCLF = 0x31,
  MPR121_FDLF = 0x32,
  MPR121_NHDT = 0x33,
  MPR121_NCLT = 0x34,
  MPR121_FDLT = 0x35,
  MPR121_TOUCHTH_0 = 0x41,
  MPR121_RELEASETH_0 = 0x42,
  MPR121_DEBOUNCE = 0x5B,
  MPR121_CONFIG1 = 0x5C,
  MPR121_CONFIG2 = 0x5D,
  MPR121_ECR = 0x5E,
  MPR121_AUTOCONFIG0 = 0x7B,
  MPR121_AUTOCONFIG1 = 0x7C,
  MPR121_UPLIMIT = 0x7D,     
  MPR121_LOWLIMIT = 0x7E,   
  MPR121_SOFTRESET = 0x80,

enum { //Input vaiables for Autoconfig
  p_USL = 245,
  p_LSL = 170,
  p_TL = 220,
  p_TT = 16,
  p_RT = 4,
  p_MHDR = 1,
  p_NHDR = 1,
  p_NCLR = 1, 
  p_FDLR = 0,
  p_MHDF = 2,
  p_NHDF = 2,
  p_NCLF = 1,
  p_FDLF = 0,
  p_NHDT = 1,
  p_NCLT = 0,
  p_FDLT = 0,
  p_DT = 4,
  p_DR = 2,
  p_FFI = 10, //initial stable value = 18
  p_SFI = 4,
  p_ESI = 4,

class MPR121 {
    MPR121();  //Hardware I2C
    bool begin(uint8_t i2caddr = I2CADDR_DEFAULT, TwoWire *theWire = &Wire);
    uint8_t readRegister8(uint8_t reg);
    void writeRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value);
    void setThresholds(uint8_t touch, uint8_t release);
    //uint16_t readRegister16(uint8_t reg);      
    //uint16_t touched(void);
    //uint16_t filteredData(uint8_t t);
    //uint16_t baselineData(uint8_t t);
     Adafruit_I2CDevice *i2c_dev = NULL;

MPR121::MPR121() {}  // Default constructor

bool MPR121::begin(uint8_t i2caddr, TwoWire *theWire) {
  if (i2c_dev) delete i2c_dev;
  i2c_dev = new Adafruit_I2CDevice(i2caddr, theWire);
  if (!i2c_dev->begin()) {
    dprintHEX(i2caddr); dprintln(": I2C Fail"); 
    return false;
  writeRegister(MPR121_SOFTRESET, 0x63); //reset all regsiters to 0x00 except 0x5C=0x10 & 0x5D=0x24
  writeRegister(MPR121_ECR, 0x0);  //go to STOP Mode
  uint8_t c = readRegister8(MPR121_CONFIG2);
  if (c != 0x24) {
    dprintHEX(i2caddr); dprintln(": Reset Fail");
    return false;

  writeRegister(MPR121_MHDR, p_MHDR);
  writeRegister(MPR121_NHDR, p_NHDR);
  writeRegister(MPR121_NCLR, p_NCLR);
  writeRegister(MPR121_FDLR, p_FDLR);
  writeRegister(MPR121_MHDF, p_MHDF);
  writeRegister(MPR121_NHDF, p_NHDF);
  writeRegister(MPR121_NCLF, p_NCLF);
  writeRegister(MPR121_FDLF, p_FDLF);
  writeRegister(MPR121_NHDT, p_NHDT);
  writeRegister(MPR121_NCLT, p_NCLT);
  writeRegister(MPR121_FDLT, p_FDLT);
  writeRegister(MPR121_DEBOUNCE, (p_DR << 4) + p_DT);

  uint8_t AFE = 1;  // CDC=1 as default. CDCx will be used instead
  switch (p_FFI) {
    case 10: AFE += 64; break;
    case 18: AFE += 128; break;
    case 34: AFE += 192; break;
  uint8_t FCR = 32; // CDT=0.5uS (32 BIN) as default. CDTx will be used instead
  switch (p_SFI) {
    case 6: FCR += 8; break;
    case 10: FCR += 16; break;
    case 18: FCR += 24; break;
  uint8_t temp = p_ESI;
  FCR += log10(temp) / log10(2);
  writeRegister(MPR121_CONFIG1, AFE); 
  writeRegister(MPR121_CONFIG2, FCR); 

  writeRegister(MPR121_UPLIMIT, p_USL);     
  writeRegister(MPR121_TARGETLIMIT, p_TL); 
  writeRegister(MPR121_LOWLIMIT, p_LSL);   

  writeRegister(MPR121_AUTOCONFIG0, AFE - 1 + B111011); // Bxx011011 factory default
                //AFE-1 = FFI when CDC = 1 (default). Must match FFI in 0x5C - CONFIG1
                //RETRY=01,11 (2,8 times) for autoconfig and autoreconfig
                //BVA=10 same as the CL bits in ECR (0x5E)
                //ARE=1 (auto reconfig enabled), ACE=1 (autoconfig enabled)

  byte ECR_SETTING = B10000000 + 12; //5 bits baseline tracking, proximity disabled + 12 (11xx) electrodes running
  writeRegister(MPR121_ECR, ECR_SETTING); 
  delay(40); //make time for autoconfig and possible auto reconfig of all electrodes
  dprint("--Sensor at 0x"); dprintlnHEX(i2caddr);
  for (uint8_t i = 0x5F; i < 0x6B; i++) {  //Display results of autoconfig
    uint8_t r = readRegister8(i);
    dprint("CDC"); dprint(i - 0x5F);    //0 to 11
    dprint("(0x"); dprintHEX(i);      //5F to 6A
    dprint("):"); dprint(r);  
    temp = trunc((i - 0x5F)/2);
    r = readRegister8(temp + 0x6C); 
    dprint("\tCDT"); dprint(i - 0x5F);  //0 to 11
    dprint("(0x"); dprintHEX(temp + 0x6C);  //6C to 71
    dprint("):" ); 
    if ((i - 0x5F) % 2 == 0) dprintln((r & B00000111)); //lower 3 bits
    else dprintln((r >> 4));  //upper 4 bits 
  return true;

void MPR121::setThresholds(uint8_t touch, uint8_t release) {  
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 12; i++) {  //set all thresholds to same value
    writeRegister(MPR121_TOUCHTH_0 + 2 * i, touch);
    writeRegister(MPR121_RELEASETH_0 + 2 * i, release);

uint8_t MPR121::readRegister8(uint8_t reg) {
  Adafruit_BusIO_Register thereg = Adafruit_BusIO_Register(i2c_dev, reg, 1);
  return (thereg.read());

void MPR121::writeRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value) {
  bool stop_required = true;  //MPR121 must be put in Stop Mode to write to most registers
  Adafruit_BusIO_Register ecr_reg = Adafruit_BusIO_Register(i2c_dev, MPR121_ECR, 1);
  uint8_t ecr_backup = ecr_reg.read();  //get current value of MPR121_ECR register
  if ((reg == MPR121_ECR) || ((0x73 <= reg) && (reg <= 0x7A))) stop_required = false;
  if (stop_required) ecr_reg.write(0x00);  //set to zero to set board in stop mode
  Adafruit_BusIO_Register the_reg = Adafruit_BusIO_Register(i2c_dev, reg, 1);
  the_reg.write(value);  //write value in passed register
  if (stop_required) ecr_reg.write(ecr_backup);  //write back the previous set ECR settings

uint16_t MPR121::filteredData(uint8_t t) {
  if (t > 12) return 0;
  return readRegister16(MPR121_FILTDATA_0L + t * 2);

uint16_t MPR121::baselineData(uint8_t t) {
  if (t > 12) return 0;
  uint16_t bl = readRegister8(MPR121_BASELINE_0 + t);
  return (bl << 2);

uint16_t MPR121::touched(void) {
  uint16_t t = readRegister16(MPR121_TOUCHSTATUS_L);
  return t & 0x0FFF;

uint16_t MPR121::readRegister16(uint8_t reg) {
  Adafruit_BusIO_Register thereg = Adafruit_BusIO_Register(i2c_dev, reg, 2, LSBFIRST);
  return (thereg.read());


void setProgMode() {
  storedVars.begin("baseVars", false);
  for (k=0;k<22;k++) 
    if (bitRead(touchedCols,k)) { // this is select, not toggle
      if (k>14) {
        dprintln("layout tres"); 
        if (!storedVars.putUChar("symbolTableTemp",3)) dprintln("error preferences symbolTable 3");
        loadSymbols(3); k=22; } 
      else {
        if (k>7) {
          dprintln("layout dos");
          if (!storedVars.putUChar("symbolTableTemp",2)) dprintln("error preferences symbolTable 2");
          loadSymbols(2); k=22; }
        else {
          dprintln("layout uno");
          if (!storedVars.putUChar("symbolTableTemp",1)) dprintln("error preferences symbolTable 1"); 
          loadSymbols(1); k=22; }

void printTouchData() {
  lastSymNum = 99;
  lastSym = 99;
  seqOK = true;
  for (r=0; r<14; r++)
    if (bitRead(touchedRows,r))
      for (c=0; c<22; c++) 
        if (bitRead(touchedCols,c)) {
          currSymNum = sym2Pix[r][c];
          currSym = symbol[currSymNum];
          if (lastSymNum != 99 && currSym != lastSym) { //not the first cycle and diff symbols touched
            seqOK = false; c=22; r=14;
            dprintln("\nSeq Not Ok: diff symbols"); 
          else {
            if (currSym == '&') { //touched a blank space in QWERTY layout
              seqOK = false; c=22; r=14;
              dprintln("\nSeq Not Ok: blank space"); 
            else {
              if (currSymNum > (vSym*hSym)) { //touched area doesn't have a symbol -> sym2Pix is 14x22 w/default value=98
                seqOK = false; c=22; r=14;
                dprintln("\nSeq Not Ok: outside area");
          lastSymNum = currSymNum;
          lastSym = currSym;

  if (seqOK) { 
    switch (int(currSym)) {
    case 32:  sym4LED = 12;
              if (bleMode) {
                if (letterKeyb) {dprint(currSym); bleKeyb.print(currSym);}  //-------if LETTER
                else {
                  if (wordKeyb) {  //------------------------------------------------if WORD
                    pch = strrchr(charCache, ' ');
                    if (pch != NULL) {dprintln(&charCache[pch - charCache + 1]); bleKeyb.print(&charCache[pch - charCache + 1]);}
                    else {dprintln(charCache); bleKeyb.print(charCache); }
                if (phraseKeyb) {charCache[charCount] = currSym; charCount++; } //---if PHRASE
                else charCount = 0;
                charCache[charCount] = '\0';
    case 8:   sym4LED = 13;
              if (bleMode) {
                if (charCount > 0) {charCount--; charCache[charCount] = '\0'; bleKeyb.print(currSym);}
    case 10:  sym4LED = 14;
              if (bleMode) {
                if (phraseKeyb) { //-------------------------------------------------if PHRASE
                  delay(350); //time for read last word and CR/LF
                  pch = strtok(charCache," ");
                  while (pch != NULL) {
                    dprint(pch); bleKeyb.print(pch);
                    dprint(" "); bleKeyb.print(" ");
                    delay(135 * strlen(pch)); //give iOS time to read whole word
                    pch = strtok(NULL," ");  
                }else {
                  if (wordKeyb && !letterKeyb) { //----------------------------------if WORD
                    pch = strrchr(charCache, ' ');
                    if (pch != NULL) {dprintln(&charCache[pch - charCache + 1]); bleKeyb.print(&charCache[pch - charCache + 1]);}
                    else {dprintln(charCache); bleKeyb.print(charCache); }
                  dprintln(currSym); bleKeyb.print(currSym); //----------------------if LETTER
                charCount = 0; charCache[charCount] = '\0';
    default:  sym4LED = 11;
              if (bleMode) {
                charCache[charCount] = currSym;
                charCache[charCount] = '\0'; 
                if (letterKeyb) {
                  dprint(currSym); bleKeyb.print(currSym); } //----------------------if LETTER
                  /*bleKeyb.println(micros() - speed);*/ 
    //dprint("time="); dprintln(micros() - speed);
  }else { // invalid keypress

void resetTouchVars() {
  touchedRows = 0; touchedCols = 0;
  releasedRows = 0; releasedCols = 0;
  oldRows = 0;  oldCols = 0;
  currRows = 0; currCols = 0;
  lastTouch = 0; currSymNum = 0; currSym = 99;

void chkTouched() {
  //Read Registers 00 & 01 (bytes 1 & 2) and build 14 bit & 22 bit row & col bytes
  Wire.requestFrom(0x5A,2); tReg5A = (Wire.read() + (Wire.read() << 8)) & 0x0FFF;
  Wire.requestFrom(0x5C,2); tReg5C = (Wire.read() + (Wire.read() << 8)) & 0x0FFF;
  Wire.requestFrom(0x5D,2); tReg5D = (Wire.read() + (Wire.read() << 8)) & 0x0FFF;

  currRows = bitRead(tReg5A,11) << 13; //R14 in Sensor A
  for (k=0; k<=11; k++) 
    currRows += (bitRead(tReg5D,k) << (k + 12 - (k * 2))); //R13 to R02 in Sensor D
  currRows += bitRead(tReg5C,0); //R01 in Sensor C   
  currCols = 0;
  for (k=10; k>=0; k--) {
    currCols += (bitRead(tReg5A,k) << ((k * 2) + 1)); //Evens C02 to C22 in Sensor A
    currCols += (bitRead(tReg5C,k + 11 - (k * 2)) << (k * 2)); //Odds C21 to C01 in Sensor C

  //below follows the acum results of several T/R's until (Ts = Rs) or (500mS have elasped)
  NOToldRows = (~oldRows) & 0x3FFF; NOTcurrRows = (~currRows) & 0x3FFF; //keep only rightmost 14 bits
  NOToldCols = (~oldCols) & 0x3FFFFF; NOTcurrCols = (~currCols) & 0x3FFFFF; //keep only rightmost 22 bits
  touchedRows |= (currRows & NOToldRows); touchedCols |= (currCols & NOToldCols);  //(touched now) AND (NOT touched before)
  releasedRows |= (NOTcurrRows & oldRows); releasedCols |= (NOTcurrCols & oldCols); //(NOT touched now) AND (touched before)

  if ((currRows & NOToldRows) + (currCols & NOToldCols) +  //something touched
     (NOTcurrRows & oldRows) + (NOTcurrCols & oldCols) > 0) //something released
     lastTouch = millis(); //something changed in this loop cycle only, therefore register the millis
  oldRows = currRows; oldCols = currCols;

  if (touchedRows > 0 && touchedCols > 0) {  //ACUM of (touched now) AND (NOT touched before). At least 1 row AND 1 col
    if ((touchedRows == releasedRows) && (touchedCols == releasedCols)) {  speed = micros();
      if (!progMode) printTouchData(); else setProgMode(); 
    }else {
      if (millis() - lastTouch > 500) { //no matching pairs but 500ms have elapsed since last T/R change
        if (!progMode) {dprintln("unpaired timeout"); printTouchData(); } else setProgMode(); 
  }else { /*nothing was touched OR only 1 row/col was touched up to this loop cycle: maybe in process of reading full touch event or maybe touch event is done with partial read
      if (nothing was touched) then exit (i.e. continue). Can be known if T+R == 0
      if (in process of reading full touch) then exit (i.e. continue). Unknowable
      if (partial touch finished, i.e. less than 1r AND 1c) then invalid keypress. Can be known only after time lapse
    if ((touchedRows > 0 && touchedCols == 0) || (touchedRows == 0 && touchedCols > 0)) //only 1r OR only 1c touched, else, nothing has been touched
      if (millis() - lastTouch > 200) { //if timeout has not occured, wait for more loops to see if another r/c is coming
        dprintln("\npartial touch timeout");   //need to press harder
        dprint("rows:"); dprintBIN(touchedRows); dprint(", cols:"); dprintlnBIN(touchedCols); //also the point of board noise = mystery

void chkSwitches()  {  //called when sFlag set TRUE by Interrupt (physical switch changed), which is also called with each Buzz from ground bounce)
  //will hit this with every tick caused by buzz from waitingOnBLE. Fix w/board 2.0 cap debouncer
  sFlag = false;
  letterKeyb = FS[0].value; dprintln("\n0:letter: " + String(letterKeyb));
  wordKeyb = FS[1].value; dprintln("1:word: " + String(wordKeyb));
  phraseKeyb = FS[2].value; dprintln("2:phrase: " + String(phraseKeyb));
  ledKeyb = FS[3].value; dprintln("3:LED: " + String(ledKeyb));
  buzzKeyb = FS[4].value; dprintln("4:Buzz: " + String(buzzKeyb));
  if (letterKeyb + wordKeyb + phraseKeyb + ledKeyb + buzzKeyb == 0) // since something changed (i.e. we're here) and all=0, user selected progMode
    {progMode = true; buzz(70);}
  else {
    if (progMode) {progMode = false; buzz(71);} //could've changed any one switch so need to chk if we were in progMode
    else buzz(60); //audio witness for non-progMode switch change
  if (letterKeyb + wordKeyb + phraseKeyb == 0) {  
      dprintln("bleMode OFF"); 
      bleMode = false; 
    if (!bleMode) {
      dprintln("bleMode ON");
      bleMode = true; 
      bleKeyb.setName("RPM Board GEN3");  

void IRAM_ATTR readInterrupts(void *arg) {
  if (!buzzFlag || waitingOnBLE) { // to filter out interruts triggered by ground bounce from ledcWriteTone command
                                   // and allow to go into progMode if waitingOnBLE
    fSwitch *fs = static_cast<fSwitch *>(arg);
    oldRead = digitalRead(fs->PIN);
    debCount = 0;
    while (debCount < 3) {
      newRead = digitalRead(fs->PIN);
      if (oldRead == newRead) debCount++;
      oldRead = newRead; 
    fs->value = newRead;
    sFlag = true;


void buzz(int bType) {
  buzzFlag = true; // to intercept interrupts triggered by ledcWriteTone
  switch (bType) {
    case 10: ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,1000); delay(40); ledcWrite(buzzChan,0); break;
             //--TS1 is up
    case 11: ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,1500); delay(40); ledcWrite(buzzChan,0); break;
             //--TS2 is up
    case 12: ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,2000); delay(40); ledcWrite(buzzChan,0); break; 
             //--TS3 is up 
    case 20: ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,1100); delay(10); ledcWrite(buzzChan,0); pix.setPixelColor(0,blue); pix.show(); delay(1000-10-20); 
             ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,400); delay(20); ledcWrite(buzzChan,0); pix.clear(); pix.show(); delay(1000-20-20); break; 
             //--waiting on BLE pair
    case 21: ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,900); delay(200); ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,400);
             delay(600); ledcWrite(buzzChan,0); break; 
             //--BLE pairing achieved
    case 30: ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,100); pix.setPixelColor(0,red); pix.show(); delay(2000); ledcWrite(buzzChan,0); break;
             //--fatal error, must reboot manually
    case 40: pix.setPixelColor(0,red); pix.show(); ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,1500); delay(40); 
             ledcWrite(buzzChan,0); pix.clear(); pix.show(); break;
             //--low battery   
    case 50: if (buzzKeyb) {ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,200); delay(10); ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,0);} break;
             //--valid keyb click
    case 51: if (buzzKeyb) {ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,60); delay(80); ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,0);} break;
             //--invalid keyb click
    case 60: ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,300); delay(60); ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,0); break;
             //--function switch change
    case 70: ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,500); delay(50); ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,1500); delay(50);
             ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,2500); delay(80); ledcWrite(buzzChan,0); break;
             //--progMode ON
    case 71: ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,2500); delay(50); ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,1500); delay(50); 
             ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,500); delay(80); ledcWrite(buzzChan,0); break; 
             //--progMode OFF
  buzzFlag = false;

void send2Shift(byte shiftOne, byte shiftTwo) {
  digitalWrite(latchPin, 0);
  shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, shiftTwo);
  shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, shiftOne);
  digitalWrite(latchPin, 1);

void turnOnLED(byte type, int rowLED, int colLED) {
  elapsedLED = millis();
  LEDisON = true;
  switch (type) {
    case 10: pix.setPixelColor(0,orange); break; // invalid touch
    case 11: pix.setPixelColor(0,yellow); // valid touch = letter or number
             if (ledKeyb){
               if (cSym == 4) send2Shift(rowShiftOne[rowLED] + (colShiftOneFat[colLED] << 6),colShiftTwoFat[colLED]);
               else send2Shift(rowShiftOne[rowLED] + (colShiftOne[colLED] << 6),colShiftTwo[colLED]);
    case 12: pix.setPixelColor(0,yellow); // valid touch = spacebar
             if (ledKeyb) send2Shift(spaceShiftOne,spaceShiftTwo);  //all layouts have spacebar
    case 13: pix.setPixelColor(0,yellow); // valid touch = backspace
             if (ledKeyb) 
              if (cSym == 2) send2Shift(backsShiftOne,backsShiftTwo); //only layout=2 has backspace
    case 14: pix.setPixelColor(0,yellow); // valid touch = enter
             if (ledKeyb) 
              if (cSym == 3 || cSym == 2) send2Shift(enterShiftOne,enterShiftTwo); //only layouts=3,2 have enter
    case  1: pix.setPixelColor(0,violet); // layout 1 selected in progMode
             send2Shift(B11111111,B11111000); break; //cols 1,2,3
    case  2: pix.setPixelColor(0,violet); // layout 2 selected in progMode
             send2Shift(B11111111,B00101111); break; //cols 5,6,7
    case  3: pix.setPixelColor(0,violet); // layout 3 selected in progMode
             send2Shift(B00111111,B11011111); break; //cols 8,9,A 

void chkOnLED() {
  if (millis() - elapsedLED > onTimer) {
    LEDisON = false;
    send2Shift(B11000000,B11111111);  //all LEDs off

void loadSymbols(byte boardMode) {  
  symbolTable = boardMode;
  // '&' will be filtered out in printTouchData
  switch (boardMode) {
    case 1: cSym = 4; vSym = 5; 
            symbol[0]='a'; symbol[1]='b'; symbol[2]='c'; symbol[3]='d'; symbol[4]='e';
            symbol[5]='f'; symbol[6]='g'; symbol[7]='h'; symbol[8]='i'; symbol[9]='j';
            symbol[25]='y';symbol[26]='z';symbol[27]= 32;symbol[28]= 32;symbol[29]= 32;
            spaceShiftOne = B00000001;
            spaceShiftTwo = B00001111;
    case 2: cSym = 3; vSym = 7;
            symbol[0]='a'; symbol[1]='b'; symbol[2]='c'; symbol[3]='d'; symbol[4]='e'; symbol[5]='f'; symbol[6]='g';
            symbol[7]='h'; symbol[8]='i'; symbol[9]='j';symbol[10]='k';symbol[11]='l';symbol[12]='m';symbol[13]='n';
            symbol[35]='9';symbol[36]='0';symbol[37]=32; symbol[38]=32; symbol[39]=32; symbol[40]=10; symbol[41]=10;
            spaceShiftOne = B11000001;
            spaceShiftTwo = B00100111;
            enterShiftOne = B00000001;
            enterShiftTwo = B11111111;
    case 3: cSym = 2; vSym = 10;
            symbol[0]='1'; symbol[1]='2'; symbol[2]='3'; symbol[3]='4'; symbol[4]='5'; symbol[5]='6'; symbol[6]='7'; symbol[7]='8'; symbol[8]='9'; symbol[9]='0';
            symbol[40]='&';symbol[41]='z';symbol[42]='x';symbol[43]='c';symbol[44]='v';symbol[45]='b';symbol[46]='n';symbol[47]='m';symbol[48]=10; symbol[49]=10;
            symbol[50]='&';symbol[51]=8;  symbol[52]=8;  symbol[53]=8;  symbol[54]=32; symbol[55]=32; symbol[56]=32; symbol[57]=32; symbol[58]=10; symbol[59]=10;
            spaceShiftOne = B11000001;
            spaceShiftTwo = B00001111;
            enterShiftOne = B00000011;
            enterShiftTwo = B11111111;
            backsShiftOne = B11000001;
            backsShiftTwo = B11110001;
  for (i=0; i<14; i++)
    for (j=0; j<22; j++) 
      sym2Pix[i][j] = 98;
  for (h=0; h<hSym; h++) { //hSym symbols down = 6
    t = 0;
    for (i=0; i < vSym; i++) { //vSym symbols across = 10,7,5
      for (j=0; j < rSym; j++) { //rSym rows per symbol = 2
        for (k=0; k < cSym; k++) { //cSym columns per symbol = 2,3,4
          sym2Pix [j + (rSym*h) + offR] [k + (cSym*i) + offC] = vSym*h + i;    
          //dprintln("R=" + String(j+(rSym*h)+offR) + "\tC=" + String(k+(cSym*i)+offC) + "\tS=" + String(vSym*h + i) + "\tSym=" + symbol[vSym*h + i]);
      LEDrSym[(h*vSym)+i] = (((rSym*h) + offR) - 1) / 2;  //0 to 5
      if (cSym == 3) {
        LEDcSym[(h*vSym)+i] =  i + t;  // 0,2,3,5,6,8,9
        if ((i % 2) == 0) t++; }
      if (cSym == 4 || cSym == 2) {
        LEDcSym[(h*vSym)+i] = (((cSym*i) + offC))/2;  //0 to 9
        //dprintln(String((h*vSym)+i)+"\t"+String((((rSym*h)+offR)-1)/2)+"\t"+String((((cSym*i) + offC)    ) / 2)); 

void chkBattery() {
  if (millis() - elapsedBatt > (battTimer)) {  
    elapsedBatt = millis();
    battRead = analogRead(35); 
    battRead = ((battRead*2) / 4095 * 3.3 * 1.095);
    if (battRead < 3.5) {
      battTimer = 5 * 1000;
      battTimer = 5 * 60 * 1000; 


// https://github.com/robsoncouto/arduino-songs

#define NOTE_B0  31
#define NOTE_C1  33
#define NOTE_CS1 35
#define NOTE_D1  37
#define NOTE_DS1 39
#define NOTE_E1  41
#define NOTE_F1  44
#define NOTE_FS1 46
#define NOTE_G1  49
#define NOTE_GS1 52
#define NOTE_A1  55
#define NOTE_AS1 58
#define NOTE_B1  62
#define NOTE_C2  65
#define NOTE_CS2 69
#define NOTE_D2  73
#define NOTE_DS2 78
#define NOTE_E2  82
#define NOTE_F2  87
#define NOTE_FS2 93
#define NOTE_G2  98
#define NOTE_GS2 104
#define NOTE_A2  110
#define NOTE_AS2 117
#define NOTE_B2  123
#define NOTE_C3  131
#define NOTE_CS3 139
#define NOTE_D3  147
#define NOTE_DS3 156
#define NOTE_E3  165
#define NOTE_F3  175
#define NOTE_FS3 185
#define NOTE_G3  196
#define NOTE_GS3 208
#define NOTE_A3  220
#define NOTE_AS3 233
#define NOTE_B3  247
#define NOTE_C4  262
#define NOTE_CS4 277
#define NOTE_D4  294
#define NOTE_DS4 311
#define NOTE_E4  330
#define NOTE_F4  349
#define NOTE_FS4 370
#define NOTE_G4  392
#define NOTE_GS4 415
#define NOTE_A4  440
#define NOTE_AS4 466
#define NOTE_B4  494
#define NOTE_C5  523
#define NOTE_CS5 554
#define NOTE_D5  587
#define NOTE_DS5 622
#define NOTE_E5  659
#define NOTE_F5  698
#define NOTE_FS5 740
#define NOTE_G5  784
#define NOTE_GS5 831
#define NOTE_A5  880
#define NOTE_AS5 932
#define NOTE_B5  988
#define NOTE_C6  1047
#define NOTE_CS6 1109
#define NOTE_D6  1175
#define NOTE_DS6 1245
#define NOTE_E6  1319
#define NOTE_F6  1397
#define NOTE_FS6 1480
#define NOTE_G6  1568
#define NOTE_GS6 1661
#define NOTE_A6  1760
#define NOTE_AS6 1865
#define NOTE_B6  1976
#define NOTE_C7  2093
#define NOTE_CS7 2217
#define NOTE_D7  2349
#define NOTE_DS7 2489
#define NOTE_E7  2637
#define NOTE_F7  2794
#define NOTE_FS7 2960
#define NOTE_G7  3136
#define NOTE_GS7 3322
#define NOTE_A7  3520
#define NOTE_AS7 3729
#define NOTE_B7  3951
#define NOTE_C8  4186
#define NOTE_CS8 4435
#define NOTE_D8  4699
#define NOTE_DS8 4978
#define REST      0

// notes of the moledy followed by the duration. A 4 means a quarter note, 8 an eighteenth , 16 sixteenth, so on 
// negative numbers are used to represent dotted notes, so -4 means a dotted quarter note, that is, a quarter plus an eighteenth!!

int superMario[] = {
  NOTE_E5,8, NOTE_E5,8, REST,8, NOTE_E5,8, REST,8, NOTE_C5,8, NOTE_E5,8, //1
  NOTE_G5,4, REST,4, NOTE_G4,8, //REST,4, 
  //NOTE_C5,-4, NOTE_G4,8, REST,4, NOTE_E4,-4, // 3
  //NOTE_A4,4, NOTE_B4,4, NOTE_AS4,8, NOTE_A4,4,
  //NOTE_G4,-8, NOTE_E5,-8, NOTE_G5,-8, NOTE_A5,4, NOTE_F5,8, NOTE_G5,8,
  //REST,8, NOTE_E5,4,NOTE_C5,8, NOTE_D5,8, NOTE_B4,-4,

int darthVader[] = {
  NOTE_AS4,8, NOTE_AS4,8, NOTE_AS4,8,//1
  NOTE_F5,2, NOTE_C6,2,
  NOTE_AS5,8, NOTE_A5,8, NOTE_G5,8, NOTE_F6,2, NOTE_C6,4,  
  //NOTE_AS5,8, NOTE_A5,8, NOTE_G5,8, NOTE_F6,2, NOTE_C6,4,  
  //NOTE_AS5,8, NOTE_A5,8, NOTE_AS5,8, NOTE_G5,2,

int pinkPanther[] = {
  /*REST,2, REST,4, REST,8, */ NOTE_DS4,8, 
  NOTE_E4,-4, REST,8, NOTE_FS4,8, NOTE_G4,-4, REST,8, NOTE_DS4,8,
  NOTE_E4,-8, NOTE_FS4,8,  NOTE_G4,-8, NOTE_C5,8, NOTE_B4,-8, //NOTE_E4,8, NOTE_G4,-8, NOTE_B4,8,   
  //NOTE_AS4,2, NOTE_A4,-16, NOTE_G4,-16, NOTE_E4,-16, NOTE_D4,-16, 
  //NOTE_E4,2, REST,4, REST,8, 

// sizeof = two bytes (16 bits), two values per note (pitch and duration), so for each note there are four bytes
//int notes = sizeof(melody) / sizeof(melody[0]) / 2; 
//int wholenote = (60000 * 4) / tempo; // calculate the duration of a whole note in ms
int noteDuration = 0;
int tempo, notes, wholenote, divider;

void playTune(byte tune) { 
  if (tune == 1) {
    tempo = 190;
    notes = sizeof(superMario) / sizeof(superMario[0]) / 2;
    if (tune == 2) {
      tempo = 170;
      notes = sizeof(darthVader) / sizeof(darthVader[0]) / 2;
    else {
      tempo = 170;
      notes = sizeof(pinkPanther) / sizeof(pinkPanther[0]) / 2;
  wholenote = (60000 * 4) / tempo; 
  for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote < notes * 2; thisNote = thisNote + 2) { //array is twice the number of notes (notes + durations)
    //divider = melody[thisNote + 1]; // calculates the duration of each note
    if (tune == 1) divider = superMario[thisNote + 1];
      if (tune == 2) divider = darthVader[thisNote + 1];
      else divider = pinkPanther[thisNote + 1];
    if (divider > 0) noteDuration = (wholenote) / divider; // regular note, just proceed
      if (divider < 0) { // dotted notes are represented with negative durations
        noteDuration = (wholenote) / abs(divider);
        noteDuration *= 1.5; // increases the duration in half for dotted notes
    if (tune == 1) ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,superMario[thisNote]);
      if (tune == 2) ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,darthVader[thisNote]);
      else ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,pinkPanther[thisNote]);
    //ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,melody[thisNote]); // play the note for 90% of the duration, leaving 10% as a pause
    delay(noteDuration * 0.9); // Wait for the specief duration before playing the next note.
    ledcWriteTone(buzzChan,0); // stop the waveform generation before the next note.
    delay(noteDuration * 0.1);


Pedro Martin
8 projects • 16 followers


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