A 10x10 LED matrix displays the current day of the month with a color transition from red to green as the days progress.
We'll create an interactive electronic dice using an Nano V3 microcontroller, a pushbutton, and two LED matrix displays.
This is a simple visually interesting toy for describing fluid dynamics.
ESP powered alarm clock with web (WiFi setup) interface, wake up light mode, multiple (recurring) alarms, triggering, messages...
Unicast E1.31 to WS2811/WS2812 WiFi controller, theoretically output up to 1360 pixels* (8 ports/universes, 170 pixels per port).
UltrasonicEyes is a fun and quirky project you can place somewhere and watch as it looks at things moving around in front of it. Freaky!
LED Matrix Display showing time, date, news, current weather & forecast, own messages and Spotify currently playing (ESP32 only).
This project is similar to my previous one but uses the FHT library which turns out to be at least 4 times faster than the FFT.
A simple connected clock and weather report using ESP8266, MAX7219 LED matrix display, and DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor.
This is my project about an Analog Clock on a LED matrix and Arduino.
48x8 Programmable Scrolling LED Matrix using Arduino and Shift Registers.
One year ago I built a simple Arduino dice with my son. We have learned a lot in the meantime and it's time for an update...
Here is a classical arcade snake game. It's made on 16x16 led matrix.
Make beautiful music with Adafruit, SparkFun, Arduino and ProtoStax! Create an RGB matrix audio visualizer with Arduino.
An ATtiny85-based badge-size PCB that can display letters and numbers.
Use the DFRobot 64x64 RGB matrix panel with a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ to bring a dance party with you wherever you go!
Orientation-aware 8x8 LED matrix clock
RGB LEDs triangular/hexagonal pixels matrix.
Complete tutorial on how to control 8x8 Matrix when you do not want to use driver chips like MAX2719 and corresponding Libraries.
A 16x32 LED matrix displaying an evolving RGB countdown 'til the new year. A surefire way to bring a New Year's Eve party to the next level!
Build a word clock with just two parts. A Wemos D1 Arduino and an 8x8 RGB LED matrix.
An animated Mario clock that can be a retro decorative object for any environment
Get close and the Arduino is happy; go away and he gets sad.
Don't have a piece of paper or a pen and you want to play TicTacToe? No problem with this Tech-TicTacToe you can play this Game everywhere.