As my tachometer failed I replaced the original coil mech with a stepper motor, luckily the needle was a perfect fit.
The pins of the L293D HW310 are connected to the Arduino pro micro and X27-168 as follows:
L293D HW310 pins
(VCC ) Red VCC 5v+ to Pro Micro VCC 5v+
(GND): Black to Arduino pro GND
(IN1): Green to Arduino pro pin 4
(IN2): Yellow to Arduino pro pin 5
(IN3): Brown to Arduino pro pin 6
(IN4): Orange to Arduino pro pin 7
L293D HW310 connectors
Vin Red 12v+ from car
V gnd white 12v- from car
B+ to X27-168 pin 1 white
B- to X27-168 pin 2 grey
A+ to X27-168 pin 3 purple
A- to X27-168 pin 4 blue
Arduino pro micro(GND): Arduino GND for rpm signal via voltage divider
Arduino pro pin 2 Purple to rpm signal from voltage divider max 5v
(GND): Arduino GND for led
Arduino pro pin 9 white to LED
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