This project contains a set of IoT PnP applications (nvidia-jetson-dcs & nvidia-jetson-dps) to enable remote interaction and telemetry for DeepStream on Nvidia Jetson Devices for use with Azure IoT Central.
The nvidia-jetson-dcs application accomplishes this using a device connection string for connecting to an Azure IoT Hub instance, while the nvidia-jetson-dps application leverages the Azure IoT Device Provisioning Service within IoT Central to create a self-provisioning device.
The content in this project will focus primarily on the nvidia-jetson-dps application to demonstrate how to create a self-provisioning Azure IoT PnP app that can remotely launch DeepStream processing using a custom configuration present on your Nvidia Jetson device. This will enable you to create a cloud configurable Intelligent Video Application with device monitoring and live telemetry in IoT Central.
With this design, you can remotely activate a custom deepstream configuration that leverages an inferencing model of your choice to perform object detection on any available DeepStream input sources including: camera (USB & CSI), RTSP Streams, and local h.264/5 video files
Getting StartedCompiling this project requires building against the current public-preview of the azure-iot-sdk-c. While it is possible to cross-compile this codebase from an AMD64 machine, we will take advantage of the ARM64 environment present in the Nvidia JetPack OS images to build the included applications. This will require that you have an Nvidia Jetson device configured with the latest JetPack offering from Nvidia and an ability to interact it with the device via ssh or a connected keyboard/mouse/monitor.
Installing the Prerequisite softwareAll steps below must be performed on the Nvidia Jetson device:
Begin by installing the dependencies needed for compilation of azure-iot-sdk-c
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y git cmake build-essential curl libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev uuid-dev pkg-config nano
We will also need to install node.js and the dps-keygen tool for use in generating a DPS Symmetric Key
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo npm i -g dps-keygen
Finally, we will need to download the latest DeepStream 4.0.1.deb installer for your Jetson Device. This will require that you create an Nvidia Developer Account. Once you have registered and logged in, you will be presented with the ability to download the SDK using the aforementioned link:
After downloading the.deb, navigate to the directory where the.deb installer was saved (e.g. ~/Downloads) and install it by running the following:
cd ~/Downloads
sudo apt-get install ./deepstream-4.0_4.0.1-1_arm64.deb
If you have issues installing the DeepStream SDK, refer to the official DeepStream Developer Guide for more information.
Create an IoT Central Application and obtain the DPS connection parametersComplete the Create an Azure IoT Central application (preview features) quickstart to create an IoT Central application using the Preview application template.
Create a new device template in your Azure IoT Central ApplicationNavigate to your newly deployed IoT Central instance at
Select "App Settings => Device templates => New" to create a new Custom Device template
Download the urn_nvidia_jetson_1.capabilitymodel.json file that is included in this repo (Right-Click and select "Save As...")
Name the new Device template "Nvidia Jetson" and select "Import Capability Model" then upload the newly downloaded capability model.
This will populate the device model with pre-configured data associated with the device:
To view how these values are determined at runtime, take a look at the jetson_impl.c file included in the pnp application. Take notice of the implementation for obtaining the available memory on the device and the implementation to read the onboard temperature sensors.Depending on the device, you may wish to customize the way the thermal zones are displayed to better visualize which portion of the device they correspond to. This can be determined by printing out the type for all thermal zones with:
cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone*/type
For example, on the Jetson Nano, the following mapping can be used:Thermal Zone Mapping
Thermal Zone 0 A0
Thermal Zone 1 CPU
Thermal Zone 2 GPU
Thermal Zone 3 PLL
Thermal Zone 4 PMIC
Thermal Zone 5 thermalWe can then update the display name for each of the zones as shown below in the "Customize" section:
In this section, we will create a custom view for displaying telemetry from the device and offer and easy interface for command and control.
In "App Settings => Device Templates" select "Views" => "Generate Default Views" then generate the default views using the default options:
This process will analyze our uploaded device capability model and do a "best effort" to create a viewing dashboard. Select the Generated "Overview" View and remove all of the windows it has created to start fresh.
On the left-side panel, drag an "image" view over to the right-side and expand it to be 2x2:
Select the "gear" icon to configure and upload an image to correspond to your device and select "Apply":
Next, from the "Telemetry" section on the left hand side, drag over the CPU and GPU items and shrink them to 1x1, then select the "measure" icon and configure it to use "Last Known Value"
Next, under "Properties" select "Device model", "Manufacturer", and "Operating System" then select "Combine" and shrink the result to 2x1:
From the "Telemetry" section, drag over the "Detections" and place it next to your image as shown, then configure it to use "Line Chart":
Next, from the "Command" section, drag over the "setDeepStreamConfig" command and expand it to 2x1:
Under "Properties" select "Processor manufacturer", "Total memory", and "Total Storage" then select "Combine" and shrink the result to 2x1:
Finally, from the "Telemetry" section, select "A0", "CPU", "GPU", "PLL", and "thermal" not PMIC and configure it to use "Line Chart" and expand it to 3x4:
At this point, feel free to play around and customize to your desire, there are additional properties and visualiztions that can be used. Once you are satisfied, select "Save".
The last step if very important as DPS will fail to register your device if the capability model has not been published! Select "Publish" from the upper right then select "Publish" again on the resulting prompt:
We are now ready to build and test the pnp application against our uploaded capability model and view it's telemetry in the Views we created.
Building the PnP ApplicationClone the preview release of the SDK to your home directory using the public-preview
cd ~
git clone --recursive -b public-preview
The --recursive
argument instructs git to clone other GitHub repos this SDK depends on. Dependencies are listed here.
Navigate into the newly created folder containing the contents of the azure-iot-sdk-c and copy this repo inside of it with:
cd ~/azure-iot-sdk-c
git clone
Open the CMakeLists.txt
in the azure-iot-sdk-c folder and modify it to include the azure-iot-nvidia-jetson-deepstream-pnp folder so that the pnp applcations will be built together with the Device SDK. To do this, run:
nano ~/azure-iot-sdk-c/CMakeLists.txt
Add the following lines to the very end of the file:
Save the file by pressing "CTRL+X" and press "Y" when prompted to save.
In the same azure-iot-sdk-c folder, create a folder to contain the compiled app.
cd ~/azure-iot-sdk-c
mkdir cmake
cd cmake
In the cmake folder you just created, run CMake to build the entire folder of Device SDK including the PnP app code.
cmake .. -Duse_prov_client=ON -Dhsm_type_symm_key:BOOL=ON -Dskip_samples:BOOL=ON
cmake --build . --config Release
Retrieve the DPS connection information from Azure IoT Central, including [DPS ID Scope], [DPS Symmetric Key], and [device ID].These values will be passed as parameters to the nvidia-jetson-dps application executable. To obtain these, you may reference the steps to Generate a device key then follow the steps below.[DPS ID Scope] is obtained from the "Administration => Device Connection" section of your IoT Central Application.
Once you have obtained the Primary Key, execute the following:
(Note: the value for -di can be any name of your choosing and will become the name registed to IoT Central when the application is first run)
dps-keygen -di:jetson-device -mk:{Primary Key from IoT Central}
The value used for -di becomes [device ID] and the output of executing the above command becomes [DPS symmetric key] (i.e. not the value of the Primary Key)
Running the PnP ApplicationOnce the build has succeeded and you have the DPS connection information, you can test the pnp app by invoking it with the appropriate parameters.
To pass the DPS info as command line parameters, modify the following line with the values obtained in the previous step:
~/azure-iot-sdk-c/cmake/azure-iot-nvidia-jetson-deepstream-pnp/nvidia-jetson-dps/nvidia-jetson-dps [Device ID] [DPS ID Scope] [DPS symmetric key]
With the application running, navigate to "Devices" and you should see your newly registered device, if this fails, double-check that you have published the capability model and produced a proper key with dps-keygen:
Select the device to be presented with the "About information" published by the pnp application:
Select "Overview" to be presented with your custom view:
In this section, we will configure DeepStream on the device from IoT Central using a sample configuration included in this project. As-is, this configuration takes input from an attached webcam and processes it using a Resnet model to detect people, cars, bicycles, and road signs.
You will need to plug in a compatible USB webcam, if you would like to test the configuration while connected to a monitor, you can run the following:
deepstream-app -c ~/azure-iot-sdk-c/azure-iot-nvidia-jetson-deepstream-pnp/deepstream/configs/deepstream-app/source1_usb_dec_infer_resnet_int8_windowed.txt
You should see output similar to the following:
If the deepstream-app starts without issues and continues running, you can be assured that the configuration and your webcam are working. You can terminate the application by pressing "CTRL+C"
If you are not connected to a monitor, you will want to run the following:
(Note: There will not be any visualization on screen as in the previous example)
deepstream-app -c ~/azure-iot-sdk-c/azure-iot-nvidia-jetson-deepstream-pnp/deepstream/configs/deepstream-app/source1_usb_dec_infer_resnet_int8_novisual.txt
Verify that the deepstream-app can start with either of these configurations, once you have concluded that the configuration is good, we can now set it from IoT Central.
Ensure that your pnp app is still running, if it is not, restart it again using the same parameters as before. Next, navigate to your device in IoT Central and select the "Commands" tab. You should see the following:
Modify the following value to set the DeepStream configuration path and begin producing telemetry for detected objects from the attached USB camera's video stream:
(Note: ~ expansion will not work here, you must explicitily specify the path to the sample config in the current user's home directory)
Obtain the current user with:
echo $USER
Then update this command by replacing the [$USER] placeholder with the value from the previous command:
For example, if echo $USER
returns nvidia
, you would use:
Now paste in the modified command and click the "Run" button
Be careful that you do not include any trailing whitespace!
You should see the deepstream-app startup output appear in the PnP application output. After a short while, the app will begin detecting objects using the included configuration which will appear in the "Detections" section of your "Overview" View. After you have verified this is working, you are ready to customize the configuration to your needs.
For a reference to additional sample configurations, you may peruse the samples included with the DeepStream SDK on your device at /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-4.0/samples/configs/
To use a custom DeepStream configuration, it is important that you have the following option enabled gie-kitti-output-dir
and set to '/tmp/deepstream-detections-output-dir' in your configuration as shown here. The PnP app expects primary detector output to appear in this specific path so this must be set if you wish to use a custom configuration. Please refer to the official DeepStream Configuration Groups documentation for more customization options.
With minor modification, you can specify a custom model by changing the primary detector, or take input from a different video source, or modify how output is displayed at runtime (or not displayed). Do be aware that the pnp app does not have access permissions to X11 by default so you ma[DPS ID Scope] [DPS symmetric key] [device ID]y encounter issues if using the EglSink option for output, this is why a windowed and novisual variant exist for the sample configuration.