Using an Adafruit compass/accelerometer and an 80-decibel alarm, this project prevents thieves from stealing your backpack.
A simple project to make a GPS log station with data speed, max speed, distance trip and altitude. all data are write on SD card
This note introduces the use of magnetometers to establish headings. Extensions to the solution for navigation purposes is food for thought.
Application notes for Pmod CMPS2 and Arduino Uno. The 3 components of the magnetic field, module, & angle are displayed in serial monitor
If you're hiking, going on a family trip in the car or just plain curious about where you are, the Spresense is just the device you need.
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the LSM303DLHC GY-511 compass module with Arduino to make a digital compass.
Connect HMC5883L I2C Compass to Arduino, and program it quick and easy!
Project #25 - Movement - GPS Receiver - Mk11
By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to create your own compass using a micro:bit.
The HMC5883is a digital compass designed for low-field magnetic sensing. This device has a wide magnetic field range of +/-8 Oe.
In this project we will learn how to make a compass using the Arduino and the Accelerometer Gyroscope sensor MPU9250. Watch the Video!
To add the feature of Direction Control using the initial direction as a reference and applying a proportional controller.
A telescope alignment compass, for amateur stronomes, without GPS
Build a compass using the Compass, TinyDuino, and LED shields from TinyCircuits.
This project uses SmartEverything Development Board’s on-board iNEMO 9-axis intertial module to make a digital compass.
Turn relays on and off using a compass sensor sort of like a magic wand!
I will do an analysis of the Windows operating system (OS) from the point of view of communication with Bluetooth Low Energy devices.
Electronic version of the Compass, where the position of the needle is indicated by group of a three light-emitting diodes.
Learn how to build a digital compass that displays the heading of your device with respect to magnetic north.
Use a 6-axis sensor (compass + accelerometer) to refine your heading estimates as you weave through in three-dimensional space.
Ever been lost? Get lost no longer with a compass that always points home! (North)
The HMC5883 is a digital compass designed for low-field magnetic sensing.This device has a wide magnetic field range of +/-8 Oe.
In the Rover Challenge need a digital compass to have clear the orientation in the contest. Don't miss out
Learn how to make Calibrated 3-dimensional magnetic field sensor with XinaBox using xChip SI01 – IMU 9DoF.