Whack!T is an Arduino-powered Whack-a-Mole game with pneumatic action and smart sensing, creating a unique gaming experience!
Realise your K40 laser's potential with open software for productivity and upgraded hardware for enhanced engraving and cutting quality.
In general, my project is a kind of kinetic art. It has a strong audio amplifier 5W and Arduino board, and both are made from scratch.
A 2-in-1 CNC machine with a rotary tool and a laser module. Project is Moved to arnabkumardas.com/diy-project/cnc-router-laser-engraver/
This project introduces a functional extruder at a reasonable price, which can be affordable to the fablab community and others.
I made this for homeroom as a kind of motivational card and as a way for students to get prizes.
A simple 'low-tech' ventilator for treatment of COVID-19, with key focuses on safety, simplicity and low cost
I have designed and built my own CO2 lasercutter. This lasercutter uses a 40 W laser and has a working area of 560 by 960 mm.
Use background radiation to make your dice rolls! Features multiple dice types and guaranteed to make your DnD session more interesting!
Part nightlight, part art, part Internet of Things. This little bluetooth enabled box will surprise and delight.
Dispense yummy snacks right into your mouth using Arduino and a hand!
This robot is my dream :-) Is fully interactive, it have moving parts and it interact with people using AI. I'll show you how I created it.