Well... did you ever want to build on a PolarFire along with Beagleboard. org and their builds?
It's not 2020 if you can't build robots of doom out of scrap consumer electronics... (c)freenect Github issue
This tutorial walks through an application that reads/writes data to DDR memory from the Linux userspace on the Zynq-based Arty Z7 FPGA.
Ultra96 combines WiFi, Bluetooth & an SoC with programmable logic. Let's look at the different ways of building Linux projects aimed at it.
The basics of turning a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W into a USB OTG audio interface using the Linux gadget g_audio driver.
The goal of this blog is to create a Vitis 2021.1 hardware accelerator platform for the Zybo-Z7-20 board from Digilent.
A portable computer that runs on a Linux operating system can fit in your pocket.
An introduction to the new arduino-cli.
This tutorial is on using OpenAMP framework for running multiple boot system on single MPSoC FPGA, as Petalinux on APU and Baremetal on RPU.
This project details how to develop an embedded Linux image for a MicroBlaze design on the Arty A7 in PetaLinux.
A Raspberry Pi 4 as NAS server with two WD red 4TB out of an old 19" power amplifier case. (Hard- and software.)
In this tutorial, I will show you how to make a portable hacking station with Raspberry Pi 3 and hack using any Android phone.
A quick write-up guide on the installation process of AMD's FPGA development tools on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
This project walks details the hardware design in Vivado required to run an embedded Linux image on the Arty A7.
This project generates and tests a Linux-based hardware platform for Ultra96v2 using the Xilinx Vitis 2020.1.
A powerful Maritime Instrument & Display Controller, based on UDOO Neo, acting as a navigator, chart plotter, wireless NMEA multiplexer & ?
See how to generate a custom embedded Linux image for the Arty Z7 using PetaLinux 2020.2.
How to compile your SIM7600SA-H application with OpenLinux and update the firmware remotely using the Firmware Over-the-Air feature.
Process to program Xilinx KRIA K26 production SOM non-volatile memory with Xilinx KRIA KV260 starter kit carrier card
Setup of the ZCU102 with AD9371 FMC card for SDR applications.
Overview of kv260 petalinux BSP 2021.1 as a starting point for design and customizations
A little guide how to create petalinux project, with PYNQ and XRT support on Minized, with startup scripts.
This project walks through the creation of a custom Vitis platform and an accelerated application for the Kria KR260 Robotics Starter Kit.
This project walks through how to build a custom hardware design for the Kria KR260 Robotics Starter Kit in PetaLinux 2022.1