A pocket, rechargeable battery PSU for powering small Cosplay-related projects (and not only)
Learn how to build a globally-available power outage detector with Twilio and a Cellular Notecard from Blues Wireless.
Build a small circuit from salvaged components, to make an LED shine brightly from low-voltage sources.
Open source DC boost converter module designed around a single cell lithium battery: 3.7 V in, 5 - 24 V out.
With a code size of 1KB on an ATtiny13A MCU, this tiny module measures voltages up to 22 volts and current up to 5 amps.
Control your 3D printer with voice commands using Snips and Matrix Voice!
How much power does an everyday appliance use? How can we look at and interpret this data?
I needed a power bank for running my USB powered synthesizers at the campfire while off grid and for hours at a time. Here's how I did it.