Recreating a scene from the Angry Birds video game using painted pumpkins and a giant pig tower is an exciting way to celebrate Halloween!
A Cylon Pumpkin with Arduino Nano.
Have the scariest Jack-O-Lantern on your street by adding glowing lights and spooky music!
Dominate Halloween by having this Internet of Things pumpkin on your front porch throwing flames at the press of a button.
This tutorial will explore direct node to node LoRa communication. The two nodes will "Ping-Pong" between each other lighting up pumpkins.
This pumpkin is watching you. Every step you take, every move you make is seen by this creepy little guy.
Tech out your Halloween Pumpkin with PocketBeagle from This low cost embedded 1GHz Linux PC is fun and easy to learn.
A flame throwing Jack-O-Lantern is a real Halloween highlight and definitely something to impress the trick-or-treaters and your neighbors.
Just in time for Halloween, here's a project that's an electrified ode to the classic carved squash.
The kids come closer to check out a normal looking carved pumpkin, but it comes alive with LED blinking and moving top! The kids get scared.
A Jack-O'-Lantern that lights up and plays a short song when switched on.