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Rahul Mohoto
Published © GPL3+

Computer Aided Learning with Capsense 4100s Pioneer Kit

An interactive way of learning shapes with Capsense - incorporating a web console, canvas to draw & uses computer vision for computation.

BeginnerFull instructions providedOver 1 day130
Computer Aided Learning with Capsense 4100s Pioneer Kit

Things used in this project


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No Schematic Diagram!

Yahoo! No wiring or, schematic diagram is required!!


Computer Aided Learning Web App

Here we will find the web app repository. This includes all the codes of frontend and backend. The frontend is built with Vue - Javascript Framework, Flask server - Python, OpenCV - To recognize the shapes.

Computer Aided Learning PSoC Creator Files

Here, the repository includes all the files necessary to build and burn the project on PSoC4 4100s Pioneer Kit. It is required to have "PSoC4 Creator" software for the project.


Rahul Mohoto

Rahul Mohoto

9 projects • 19 followers
Hello there. Welcome to the realm of hardware and interfacing. Have been a microcontroller enthusiast since 2011.
