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M. RamanadhaGKKR
Published © GPL3+

Automatic Charging for Kids Toys on Shelves

Wireless charging is the best option for kids to charge their toys, this will be as a magic trick and every kid likes it.

BeginnerFull instructions provided2 hours1,244
Automatic Charging for Kids Toys on Shelves

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Qi 5W Transmitter Prototype Kit
IDT Qi 5W Transmitter Prototype Kit
Qi 5W Receiver Prototype Kit
IDT Qi 5W Receiver Prototype Kit

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Digital Multimeter


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Wireless transmitter module for Toys

This is the Symbolic form of the transmitter module it can be used to transfer the power wireless to the receiver module.

Wireless receiver module for Toy

This is the symbolic form of the wireless receiver used to charge the rechargeable battery in the toy with out removing from the toy.


M. Ramanadha

M. Ramanadha

4 projects • 4 followers


2 projects • 3 followers
Hobbyist, Design Engineer.
Thanks to Rajasekhar Reddy.
