This project is an application made with the card (PSoC Analog Coprosessor), it is an automated system for plant cultivation, which controls the temperature and humidity levels through Bluetooth communication through an application designed in App Inventor.
The project divides into the following sections:
1. Structure construction
2. Programming in PSoC
3. Programming in app inventor
4. Implementations of the circuits
5. Demonstrative video
Section 1. Construction of the structureThe structure has a cylindrical design composed of sliding doors.
First we must start by trimming 3 circles like the following figure in cardboard which will conform the mechanism of the doors, it is important that these measurements are on both sides
Once this is done cut out the section that is shaded in one of the pieces.
Staying as follows.
Now with the third piece we will trim the area that is shaded in the following figure.
Staying as follows.
Now in all the pieces we will cut the small circle of the center, being the following way.
Then cut the shaded sections of the following figures.
Cut out a small 1.5 cm long and 0.5 cm wide baluster stick and attach it to the dark square as shown in the following figure
We do the same for the following figure
To finish the design of the discs, paste a cd which has to match the line drawn on the bottom and trim the parts that remain on the holes made previously, additionally we paste 3 pieces of 1cm x 1cm x 1cm Placing them in triangular form, being as follows.
Now we will make the base and structure.
We started by cutting two circles in the 10cm radio stone carton, drawing a cross in each of them, then cut out 3 circular sticks of 1.5 cm in diameter and 39 cm in length, fixing each one to 3 points of the circles Like shown in the next figure.
To make the doors we make frames with the stick of 0.5 cm wide.
We make a frame that measures 30cm high and 8cm wide with an intermediate division of 4cm as shown in the following figure.
This door will be fixed on the next disc in the area painted red.
Staying as follows.
The procedure for the other two doors is very similar, we now make a door that measures 29cm in length, 8cm in width with a division in 4cm and we will stick it on the next disk in the colored part of red.
Later we will realize the last door that measures 27.5 cm of height, 6cm of width with a division in 3cm and we will fix it in the colored part of red of the following figure.
To join the doors cut a circular stick that measures 1.5cm in diameter and 32cm in height, which we will pass through the middle of the discs, we must take into account that the small stick that had previously stuck 1.5cm high, must Fit into the holes cut in the other disks, to assemble it first you will insert the disc number 3, above the disc 2 and above the disc 1.
The club in which the discs are to be assembled must contain previously fixed sticks which are the ones that fasten the discs, it consists of 3 small sticks 1cm wide and 3cm long, and a fourth stick 1cm wide and 10cm long Which is responsible for holding the servo motor, to this 10 cm long stick will join two sticks over 10cm long located as shown in the following figure.
Finally the disks are assembled with the doors and the servomotor is fixed in such a way as to allow the movement of the doors.
Now we make a box with the stone carton that measures 26cm high, 12cm wide and 6cm long, which will be where our circuit will be, we fix some sticks that will hold the fan and the bulb to the columns of the structure and finally we will cover the Space of the mechanism of the door with black cardboard and the spaces near the fan with transparent paper.
To program the "PSoC Analog Coprocessor" card you must have previously installed Creator 4.0, create a new project and select the card.
Then we add the blocks shown in the following figure.
We set the output pins.
And we write the following code.
The programming in app inventor is made by means of blocks, we start adding a block of clock and a block of Bluetooth, followed by the following buttons to configure the user interface that are seen in the following image.
The clock is set to 1ms
And block programming would look like this.
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