Published © CC BY-NC-ND

Soil Moisture Tester

Check your plants soil moisture with this simple tester. You will know if you need to water your plants.

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Soil Moisture Tester

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Uno
Soil Moisture Sensor FC-28
Breadboard (Generic)
Resistor 330 ohm
Red Led (Generic)
Green Led
Yellow Led
cable jumpers
Power bank (opcional)
Breadboard Jumper Wire

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Soil moisture terter code

// Soil moisture tester

// Set leds numbers
const int verde = 8;          
const int amarillo = 9;
const int rojo = 10;

// Set analog input
const int sensor = A0;

// Variable to store moisture value
int humedad = 0;

void setup() {
  //Set name as outputs
  pinMode(verde, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(amarillo, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(rojo, OUTPUT);


void loop() {

  humedad = analogRead(sensor); //take the lecture from the sensor

  if(humedad < 300) {             // If the moisture value is less than 300 lights on green led and turns off others.
    digitalWrite(verde, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(amarillo, LOW);
    digitalWrite(rojo, LOW);

  else if(humedad > 300 && humedad < 600){    // If the moisture value is more than 300 but less that 600 lights on yellow led and turns off others..
    digitalWrite(verde, LOW);
    digitalWrite(amarillo, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(rojo, LOW);

  else {                                    // Any value more than 600 lights on red led and turns off others.
    digitalWrite(verde, LOW);
    digitalWrite(amarillo, LOW);
    digitalWrite(rojo, HIGH);
  delay(1000);    //Retardo de 1 segundo antes de iniciar el ciclo nuevamente.



11 projects • 8 followers
Electronic is my passion. I like to work with programming devices like Arduino, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi. I enjoy design electronic projects.
