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Rob Lauer
Published © Apache-2.0

Building a LoRaWAN -> Wi-Fi -> Cellular Fallback IoT Device

Using the Blues Notecard LoRa, along with a Cellular + Wi-Fi Notecard, allows you to build a bulletproof wireless connectivity device.

BeginnerFull instructions provided1 hour4,597
Building a LoRaWAN -> Wi-Fi -> Cellular Fallback IoT Device

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Blues Notecard (LoRa)
Blues Notecard (LoRa)
Blues Notecard (Cell+WiFi)
Blues Notecard (Cell+WiFi)

Software apps and online services

Blues Notehub.io
Blues Notehub.io


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Rob Lauer
24 projects • 129 followers
Senior Director of Developer Relations @ Blues
