Can we make our project to talk with the internet? How to connect our esp32 with the internet? Can we stream data from it? Is it safe to store data in the cloud server?
Adafruit IO is a platform designed to stream, log, and interact with our data. Adafruit IO is a cloud server that can be used by anybody who wants to log his data with the internet. With Adafruit IO we can use any device which can send data over the internet. Adafruit IO keeps our data private and secure will never send it anywhere.
HOW TO CONNECT OUR ESP32 WITH IOT IN 5 MINS:This video will show how to send the data to Adafruit IO using ESP32
HOW TO INSTALL THE ADAFRUIT IO LIBRARY:STEP1: In the Arduino ide <sketch<include library<manage library
STEP2: Enter Arduino library to search box and then install
STEP3: Dependencies for library< install all
To Create a new account on adafruit io:
STEP1: Sign to create an account
STEP2: Navigate to adafruit io Dashboard
STEP3: Create a dashboard to visualize and interact with the data being sent between our esp32 board and Arduino io.
STEP4: Click Dashboard button<Name your dashboard< to create
STEP5: To turn ON/OFF our led add toggle button for it
Create new block< select toggle block<feed name< create<next step
led feed< next step< button ON as 1<button OFF as 0<create block
STEP6: To display button pressed data from board to adafruit io
Create new block<gauge<feed name<create<next step
Block tittle<gauge min value 0<gauge max value 1<create block
For this video we need:
- ESP32