Saksham Gupta
Published © GPL3+

Room Temperature Monitoring Through Google Assistant

Trigger Google Assitant by saying "What's the Room Temperature" and you will be notified by IFTTT with your current room Temperature.

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Room Temperature Monitoring Through Google Assistant

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Bolt WiFi Module
Bolt IoT Bolt WiFi Module
Temperature Sensor
Temperature Sensor
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
USB-A to Micro-USB Cable
USB-A to Micro-USB Cable

Software apps and online services

Bolt Cloud
Bolt IoT Bolt Cloud
Maker service
IFTTT Maker service


Read more


HardWare Connection


# Credentials for BolT
BOLT_API_KEY = "d8af976d-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-da0021f21278"                 # This is your Bolt Cloud API Key
DEVICE_ID = "BOLTXXXXXXX"                    # This is the device ID and will be similar to BOLTXXXX where XXXX is some numbers

# Credentials for IFTTT

# Importing the Flask class along with the request and Response Objects
from flask import Flask, request, Response
# Importing the BolT modules
from boltiot import Bolt
# Importing the configuration file
import conf 
# Importing the request module to send http requests
import requests
# Importing the json object to read the data received from the bolt cloud(As the data format is JSON)
import json

# Instantiate Flask class with a name of __name__ before assignment it to the app variable
app = Flask(__name__)
# Instantiating the BoLT object using API KEY and Device Id
mybolt = Bolt(conf.BOLT_API_KEY, conf.DEVICE_ID)

def get_sensor_value_from_pin(pin):
    """Returns the sensor value. Returns -999 if request fails"""
        # Requesting the BoLT cloud to send the data from the cloud about the specified PIN
        response = mybolt.analogRead(pin)
        # Converting the response into JSON object
        data = json.loads(response)
        # Returning the sensor value
        return int(data["value"])
    except Exception as e: # If some problem occur I have setup exception handler
        print("Something went wrong when reading the sensor value")
        return -999

# app.route is a decorator to listen for POST requests made against the /temperatureRead path
# The decorator calls the function that immediately follows it when a request is made to the route
# In this case the function is respond that will be called
@app.route('/temperatureRead', methods=['POST']) # change it to post for getting request from ifttt
def respond():

    # Retrieving the A0 sensor value
    sensor_value = get_sensor_value_from_pin("A0")
    if sensor_value == -999:
        print("Request was unsuccessfull from sensor")
        return Response(status=200)

    # Converting the value obtained in Degree Celcius
    sensor_value = (100 * sensor_value) / 1024
    print("Value from sensor is: " + str(sensor_value))

    # Making an JSON object to be sent to IFTTT containg the information about the temperature
    dataToBeSend = {"value1":str(sensor_value), "value2":"", "value3":""}"" + conf.IFTTT_API_KEY, data=dataToBeSend)

    # This response tells that the sender that we received the hook
    return Response(status=200)


Saksham Gupta
1 project • 0 followers
