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Sebastian Groza
Published © GPL3+

Corolla Desk Light

Corolla is a lamp that can be adjusted to focus its light on a reading/working spot or to spread light around for ambient lighting.

IntermediateWork in progressOver 8 days13,575
Corolla Desk Light

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino 101
Arduino 101
Seeed Studio Grove Starter Kit for Arduino/Genuino 101
Pololu 5V, 5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator D24V50F5
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
5 positions linear switch
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Proxxon FBS 240/E


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures


Sketchup drawing


Sketchup drawing


Sketchup drawing


Corolla schematic

Electrical schematic

5 way switch

5 positions switch connection



Code for stepper, LEDs and display
#include <Stepper.h>
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include "rgb_lcd.h"

#define oneMotorTurn 32 //number of steps required to turn motor one complete turn
#define oneOutputTurn 32 * 64 //number of steps required to turn output shaft of the reductor one turn
#define halfOutputTurn 32 * 32 //number of steps required to turn output shaft of the reductor a half turn
#define myledPin 3

rgb_lcd lcd;
String lcdString;
Stepper motor_stepper(oneMotorTurn, 8, 10, 9, 11);// define stepper control pins
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(36, myledPin, NEO_RGB + NEO_KHZ800); //define RGB LEDs strip

//int petalPos;
int brightness;// light intensity
int maxbrightness = 42;//maximum brightness allowed to met condition maxbrightness * maxRatio <=255. I put 42 as start value to match the start values for red, green and ratios.
int maxRatio;//biggest color ratio - used to calculate maxbrightness
int colorTemp;//color intensity used to change light color
int red_ratio = 6;
int green_ratio = 5;
int blue_ratio = 1;
int red_led=1;// value for RED of RGB LED
int green_led=1;// value for GREEN of RGB LED
int blue_led=1;// value for BLUE of RGB LED
int red_lcd=110;// value for RED of RGB LED - I choose these default value for a pale orange backlight color
int green_lcd=90;// value for GREEN of RGB LED
int blue_lcd=10;// value for BLUE of RGB LED

int pot1Pin = A2;//first control potentiometer
int pot2Pin = A1;//second control potentiometer
int pot3Pin = A0;//third control potentiometer
int feedbackpotPin = A3;//feedback potentiometer, used to determine petals position

int switch1Pin1 = 2;//pins from linear switch
int switch1Pin2 = 4;
int switch1Pin3 = 5;
int switch1val1 = 0;
int switch1val2 = 0;
int switch1val3 = 0;
int selectedMode = 1;

int pot1RawValue1, pot1RawValue2, pot1RawValue3;  //variables to store the values coming from the potentiometers
int pot2RawValue1, pot2RawValue2, pot2RawValue3;
int pot3RawValue1, pot3RawValue2, pot3RawValue3;
int ledPot1Value = 0;//variables to store the values coming from the potentiometers mapped on different ranges
int ledPot2Value = 0;
int ledPot3Value = 0;
int lcdPot1Value = 0;//variables to store the values coming from the potentiometers mapped on different ranges
int lcdPot2Value = 0;
int lcdPot3Value = 0;
int feedbackpotValue = 0;
int stepper_turn = 0;

void setup() {
  pinMode(myledPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pot1Pin, INPUT);
  pinMode(pot2Pin, INPUT);
  pinMode(pot3Pin, INPUT);
  pinMode(feedbackpotPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(switch1Pin1, INPUT);
  pinMode(switch1Pin2, INPUT);
  pinMode(switch1Pin3, INPUT);
  strip.begin();//start RGB LEDs
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  lcd.setRGB(red_lcd, green_lcd, blue_lcd);

// Fill the dots one after the other with a color
void colorWipe(uint32_t c, uint8_t wait) {
  for(uint16_t i=0; i<strip.numPixels(); i++) {
      strip.setPixelColor(i, c);

void loop() {
  switch1val1 = digitalRead(switch1Pin1);// read the value from the switch
  switch1val2 = digitalRead(switch1Pin2);
  switch1val3 = digitalRead(switch1Pin3);
  Serial.print("pot1RawValue1 = ");
  Serial.print("pot1RawValue2 = ");
  Serial.print("pot1RawValue3 = ");
  Serial.print("Selected mode = ");

   //each switch position corespond to a combination of one, two or three pins, so is required to check all three pins at once
  if ((switch1val1 == 0)&&(switch1val2 == 0)&&(switch1val3 == 1))//start switch1 position1 - change petals position, brightness and light temperature
      pot1RawValue1 = analogRead(pot1Pin);// read the value from the potentiometers
      pot2RawValue1 = analogRead(pot2Pin);
      pot3RawValue1 = analogRead(pot3Pin);
      feedbackpotValue = analogRead(feedbackpotPin);
      Serial.print("Feedbackpot = ");
      lcd.setCursor(5,0);//coordinates are (column, row) - 0,0 is upper left
      lcd.write("Mode 1");
      if (selectedMode == 2)
            if ((pot1RawValue1 < pot1RawValue2-20) || (pot1RawValue1 > pot1RawValue2+20) || (pot2RawValue1 < pot2RawValue2-20) || (pot2RawValue1 > pot2RawValue2+20) || (pot3RawValue1 < pot3RawValue2-20) || (pot3RawValue1 > pot3RawValue2+20))//I put this condition to not change the Mode parameters when switch from other Mode
                selectedMode = 1;
       if (selectedMode == 3)
            if ((pot1RawValue1 < pot1RawValue3-20) || (pot1RawValue1 > pot1RawValue3+20) || (pot2RawValue1 < pot2RawValue3-20) || (pot2RawValue1 > pot2RawValue3+20) || (pot3RawValue1 < pot3RawValue3-20) || (pot3RawValue1 > pot3RawValue3+20))//I put this condition to not change the Mode parameters when switch from other Mode
                selectedMode = 1;
        if (selectedMode == 1)
            brightness = map(pot2RawValue1, 0, 1023, 0, maxbrightness);
            colorTemp = map(pot3RawValue1, 0, 1023, 0, 15);
            Serial.print("brightness = ");
            Serial.print("colorTemp = ");
            if (pot1RawValue1 < 300)//if the value read from the first potentiometer, pot1, is below this value, petals are closing
                stepper_turn = - halfOutputTurn;
            if ((pot1RawValue1 < 300) && (feedbackpotValue < 690))//if the value read from the feedback potentiometer, is below this value (690 in this case), stepper is stopped to not damage the mechanics and/or motor
                stepper_turn = 0;
                Serial.println("Close stopped");
            if (pot1RawValue1 > 600)//if the value read from the first potentiometer, pot1, is above this value, petals are opening
                stepper_turn = halfOutputTurn;
            if ((pot1RawValue1 > 600) && (feedbackpotValue > 780))//if the value read from the feedback potentiometer, is above this value (750 in this case), stepper is stopped to not damage the mechanics and/or motor
                stepper_turn = 0;
                Serial.println("Open stopped");
            if ((pot1RawValue1 > 300) && (pot1RawValue1 < 600))
                stepper_turn = 0;
                Serial.println("Stepper stop");
            red_led = (brightness * red_ratio) - colorTemp;
            green_led = (brightness * green_ratio) - colorTemp;
            blue_led = (brightness * blue_ratio) + colorTemp;
            colorWipe(strip.Color(green_led, red_led, blue_led), 30);
     delay(300);//this delay is needed for LCD display. Without delay the display is very dim
    }//end switch1 position1

  if ((switch1val1 == 0)&&(switch1val2 == 1)&&(switch1val3 == 1))//start switch1 position 2 - change LEDs colors
      pot1RawValue2 = analogRead(pot1Pin);// read the value from the potentiometers
      pot2RawValue2 = analogRead(pot2Pin);
      pot3RawValue2 = analogRead(pot3Pin);
      lcd.setCursor(5,0);//coordinates are (column, row) - 0,0 is upper left
      lcd.write("Mode 2");
      if (selectedMode == 1)
            if ((pot1RawValue2 < pot1RawValue1-20) || (pot1RawValue2 > pot1RawValue1+20) || (pot2RawValue2 < pot2RawValue1-20) || (pot2RawValue2 > pot2RawValue1+20) || (pot3RawValue2 < pot3RawValue1-20) || (pot3RawValue2 > pot3RawValue1+20))
                selectedMode = 2;
       if (selectedMode == 3)
            if ((pot1RawValue2 < pot1RawValue3-20) || (pot1RawValue2 > pot1RawValue3+20) || (pot2RawValue2 < pot2RawValue3-20) || (pot2RawValue2 > pot2RawValue3+20) || (pot3RawValue2 < pot3RawValue3-20) || (pot3RawValue2 > pot3RawValue3+20))
                selectedMode = 2;
        if (selectedMode == 2)
            ledPot1Value = map(pot1RawValue2, 0, 1023, 1, 252);
            ledPot2Value = map(pot2RawValue2, 0, 1023, 1, 252);
            ledPot3Value = map(pot3RawValue2, 0, 1023, 1, 252);
          /*Serial.print("Pot1 = ");
          Serial.print("Pot2 = ");
          Serial.print("Pot3 = ");
            red_led = ledPot1Value;
            green_led = ledPot2Value;
            blue_led = ledPot3Value;
            lcdString = "R" + String(red_led) + " G " + String(green_led) + " B " + String(blue_led);
            colorWipe(strip.Color(green_led, red_led, blue_led), 30);
          // start calculate the colors ratios
             if (ledPot1Value > ledPot2Value)
                    if (ledPot2Value > ledPot3Value)
                                red_ratio = ledPot1Value / ledPot3Value;
                                green_ratio = ledPot2Value / ledPot3Value;
                                blue_ratio = 1;
                    if (ledPot2Value < ledPot3Value)
                                red_ratio = ledPot1Value / ledPot2Value;
                                green_ratio = 1;
                                blue_ratio = ledPot3Value / ledPot2Value;
                    if (ledPot1Value < ledPot3Value)
                          red_ratio = ledPot1Value / ledPot2Value;
                          green_ratio = 1;
                          blue_ratio = ledPot3Value / ledPot2Value;
              if (ledPot2Value > ledPot1Value)
                    if (ledPot1Value > ledPot3Value)
                          red_ratio = ledPot1Value / ledPot3Value;
                          green_ratio = ledPot2Value / ledPot3Value;
                          blue_ratio = 1;
                    if (ledPot1Value < ledPot3Value)
                          red_ratio = 1;
                          green_ratio = ledPot2Value / ledPot1Value;
                          blue_ratio = ledPot3Value / ledPot1Value;
                    if (ledPot2Value < ledPot3Value)
                          red_ratio = 1;
                          green_ratio = ledPot2Value / ledPot1Value;
                          blue_ratio = ledPot3Value / ledPot1Value;
             // end calculate the colors ratios
          maxRatio = max(red_ratio, green_ratio);
          maxRatio = max(maxRatio, blue_ratio);//calculate the biggest ratio
          maxbrightness = 255/maxRatio;//calculate the maximum brightness
          /*Serial.print("Red_ratio = ");
          Serial.print("green_ratio = ");
          Serial.print("Blue_ratio = ");
          Serial.print("Max ratio = ");
          Serial.print("Max brightness = ");
    }//end switch1 position2

  if ((switch1val1 == 0)&&(switch1val2 == 1)&&(switch1val3 == 0))//start switch1 position 3 - change LCD display background color
      pot1RawValue3 = analogRead(pot1Pin);// read the value from the potentiometers
      pot2RawValue3 = analogRead(pot2Pin);
      pot3RawValue3 = analogRead(pot3Pin);
      lcd.setCursor(5,0);//column, row - 0,0 is upper left
      lcd.write("Mode 3");
      lcdString = "R" + String(red_lcd) + " G " + String(green_lcd) + " B " + String(blue_lcd);

      if (selectedMode == 1)
            if ((pot1RawValue3 < pot1RawValue1-20) || (pot1RawValue3 > pot1RawValue1+20) || (pot2RawValue3 < pot2RawValue1-20) || (pot2RawValue3 > pot2RawValue1+20) || (pot3RawValue3 < pot3RawValue1-20) || (pot3RawValue3 > pot3RawValue1+20))
                selectedMode = 3;
      if (selectedMode == 2)
            if ((pot1RawValue3 < pot1RawValue2-20) || (pot1RawValue3 > pot1RawValue2+20) || (pot2RawValue3 < pot2RawValue2-20) || (pot2RawValue3 > pot2RawValue2+20) || (pot3RawValue3 < pot3RawValue2-20) || (pot3RawValue3 > pot3RawValue2+20))
                selectedMode = 3;
      if (selectedMode == 3)
                Serial.println("Mode 3 selected");
                red_lcd = map(pot1RawValue3, 0, 1023, 1, 252);
                green_lcd = map(pot2RawValue3, 0, 1023, 1, 252);
                blue_lcd = map(pot3RawValue3, 0, 1023, 1, 252);
                Serial.print("Red LCD = ");
                Serial.print("Green LCD = ");
                Serial.print("Blue LCD = ");
                lcd.setRGB(red_lcd, green_lcd, blue_lcd);
                selectedMode = 3;
    }//end switch1 position 3

  if ((switch1val1 == 1)&&(switch1val2 == 1)&&(switch1val3 == 0))//start switch1 position 4
      Serial.println("Mode 4 selected");
    }//end switch1 position 4

  if ((switch1val1 == 1)&&(switch1val2 == 0)&&(switch1val3 == 0))//start switch1 position 5
      Serial.println("Mode 5 selected");
    }//end switch1 position 5
}//end loop


Corolla code repo


Sebastian Groza
1 project • 8 followers
