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i olllElephant Robotics

Facial Recognition and Tracking Project with mechArm

This article is a description of the most critical robotic arm control module.

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours2,217

Things used in this project

Hardware components

mechArm 270 Pi
Elephant Robotics mechArm 270 Pi
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
ATOM Lite ESP32 Development Kit
M5Stack ATOM Lite ESP32 Development Kit

Software apps and online services


Hand tools and fabrication machines

Camera Flange
Elephant Robotics Camera Flange


Read more



from cmath import rect
from pickle import TRUE
import cv2
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import time 
from pymycobot.mycobot import MyCobot
mc = MyCobot('COM9',115200)

def video_info_fps():
    # Load detectors
    face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml')

    # Input video stream  
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    # To use a video file as input 
    #cap = cv2.VideoCapture('demo.mp4')
    '''cal FPS'''
    # https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-displaying-real-time-fps-at-which-webcam-video-file-is-processed-using-opencv/
    # Initialisation flag bit
    save_state = False
    run_count = 0
    # Fixed starting stance
    mc.send_angles([0, -23, -5, 0, 28, -90.85], 100)

    while True:
        _, img = cap.read()
        # Conversion to greyscale
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        # Face detection
        faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.1, 4)
        # Drawing outlines
        for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
            if w > 200 or w < 80:   #Limit the recognition width to between 80 and 200 pixels
            cv2.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (255, 0, 0), 3)
            center_x = (x+w-x)//2+x 
            center_y = (y+h-y)//2+y 
            size_face = w

        # display
        cv2.imshow('img', img)
        k = cv2.waitKey(30) & 0xff
        if k==27:

        run_num = 20    #Control cycle of 20 frames
        if save_state == False:
            # Save a start point (save_x, save_y)
            save_x = center_x
            save_y = center_y
            save_z = size_face
            origin_angles = mc.get_angles()
            print("origin point = ", save_x, save_y, origin_angles)
            current_coords = mc.get_coords()
            save_state = TRUE
            if run_count > run_num: # Limit the control period to 20 frames
                run_count = 0   
                # Record relative offsets
                error_x = center_x - save_x
                error_y = center_y - save_y
                error_z = size_face - save_z

                # Pixel differences are converted into actual offsets, which can be scaled and oriented
                trace_1 = -error_x * 0.15
                trace_z = -error_y * 0.5
                trace_x = -error_z * 2.0

                # x/z axis offset, note that this is open loop control
                current_coords[2] += trace_z
                current_coords[0] += trace_x

                #Restricting the Cartesian space x\z range
                if current_coords[0] < 70:
                    current_coords[0] = 70

                if current_coords[0] > 150:
                    current_coords[0] = 150

                if current_coords[2] < 220:
                    current_coords[2] = 220

                if current_coords[2] > 280:
                    current_coords[2] = 280

                # Inverse kinematic solutions
                x = current_coords[0]
                z = current_coords[2]
                # print(x, z)

                L1 = 100;
                L3 = 96.5194;
                x = x - 56.5;
                z = z - 114;

                cos_af = (L1*L1 + L3*L3 - (x*x + z*z))/(2*L1*L3);
                cos_beta = (L1*L1 - L3*L3 + (x*x + z*z))/(2*L1*math.sqrt((x*x + z*z)));
                reset = False
                # The solution is only applicable to some poses, so there may be no solution
                if abs(cos_af) > 1:
                    reset = True
                if reset == True:
                    current_coords[2] -= trace_z
                    current_coords[0] -= trace_x
                    print("err = ",cos_af)

                af = math.acos(cos_af);
                beta = math.acos(cos_beta);

                theta2 = -(beta + math.atan(z/x) - math.pi/2);
                theta3 = math.pi/2 - (af - math.atan(10/96));
                theta5 = -theta3 - theta2;
                cof = 57.295 #Curvature to angle

                move_juge = False
                # Limits the distance travelled, where trace_1 joint is in ° and trace_x/z is in mm
                if abs(trace_1) > 1 and abs(trace_1) < 15:
                    move_juge = True
                if abs(trace_z) > 10 and abs(trace_z) < 50:
                    move_juge = True
                if abs(trace_x) > 25 and abs(trace_x) < 80:
                    move_juge = True

                if (move_juge == True):
                    print("trace = ", trace_1, trace_z, trace_x)
                    origin_angles[0] += trace_1
                    origin_angles[1] = theta2*cof
                    origin_angles[2] = theta3*cof
                    origin_angles[4] = theta5*cof
                    mc.send_angles(origin_angles, 70)
                    #Due to the open-loop control, if no displacement occurs the current coordinate value needs to be restored
                    current_coords[2] -= trace_z
                    current_coords[0] -= trace_x 
                # 10 frames set aside for updating the camera coordinates at the end of the motion
                if run_count < 10:
                    save_x = center_x
                    save_y = center_y
                    save_z = size_face
                run_count += 1


i olll
4 projects • 3 followers
Elephant Robotics
99 projects • 215 followers
An Innovative Robotics Company.


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