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Scott Walker
Published © MIT

Garden Nomad - Garden Monitoring System

I made a device to help do what we all want in the garden: keep our plants alive.

IntermediateWork in progressOver 1 day185
Garden Nomad - Garden Monitoring System

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Soil Moisture & Temperature Sensor
Seeed Studio Soil Moisture & Temperature Sensor
Gravity: Analog Spear Tip pH Sensor / Meter Kit
DFRobot Gravity: Analog Spear Tip pH Sensor / Meter Kit
Gravity: I2C BME280 Environmental Sensor
DFRobot Gravity: I2C BME280 Environmental Sensor
0.96" OLED 64x128 Display Module
ElectroPeak 0.96" OLED 64x128 Display Module
Gravity: I2C VEML7700 Ambient Light Sensor (0~120Klx)
DFRobot Gravity: I2C VEML7700 Ambient Light Sensor (0~120Klx)
Battery, 3.7 V
Battery, 3.7 V
Adafruit Solar Charge Controller
Solar Panel, 2.5 W
Solar Panel, 2.5 W
I can't find the exact one online, I am using a 5V 3A solar panel.
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
PTS 645 Series Switch
C&K Switches PTS 645 Series Switch
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 100 ohm
Resistor 100 ohm

Software apps and online services

VS Code
Microsoft VS Code

Hand tools and fabrication machines

3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
Laser cutter (generic)
Laser cutter (generic)


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Custom parts and enclosures

PH Housing


Supports to set component shelf on in order to ensure correct height

Laser Cut Template for acrylic cover

This piece sits on top of the component shelf to provide a little weatherproofing

Front Cover


Hinges were made for the front cover and the PH probe housing

Main Housing

Shelving for components

PH Cradle 1

Cradle to hold PH Probe in its housing - part 1

PH Cradle 2

Cradle to hold PH Probe in its housing - part 2


Fritzing Breadboard

Fritzing Schematics


Github Repository

Contains all the documentation for the project


Scott Walker

Scott Walker

3 projects • 6 followers
