I'm unhappy driver, the health of the streets is terrible. And the government receives by social networks or in a best case with mobile app reports of the users about the potholes, but this comes with a big risk assuming that you are driving also you will not able to stop for reporting the accurate location of the pothole.
Nowdays, the biggest wearable are the cars, totally full of sensors specially gyroscope and GPS, So, why don't use this to create a real time radiography of the streets? how? easy, in every moment I know my position and with the gyroscope how much the car is vibrating.... so, when the car cross the threshold we can assume we hit a pothole. With the sum of all the community we can show the latest state of the streets.
The prototype for this project will be made with an Arduino Yun as a SmartBeacon using the BLE as a protocol to read the sensors data. When the engine stops, We will able to upload the points of interest to AWS IoT using the smartphone and create a map with this info.