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Neeraj pokalaSuresh Krishna

Agricultural Pesticide Spraying Robot

This project can assist individuals in a variety of situations including agricultural production and pesticide application.

IntermediateFull instructions provided6,733
Agricultural Pesticide Spraying Robot

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
DC Motor, 12 V
DC Motor, 12 V
9V battery (generic)
9V battery (generic)
HC-05 Bluetooth Module
HC-05 Bluetooth Module
SG90 Micro-servo motor
SG90 Micro-servo motor
Maker Essentials - Micro-motors & Grippy Wheels
Pimoroni Maker Essentials - Micro-motors & Grippy Wheels
Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L293D
Texas Instruments Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L293D
DC/DC Charge Pump Adjustable Voltage Regulator, 2.7V to 5.5V in
DC/DC Charge Pump Adjustable Voltage Regulator, 2.7V to 5.5V in
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Arduino Web Editor
Arduino Web Editor
MIT App Inventor 2
MIT App Inventor 2


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Block Diagram


Arduino code pesticide spraying robot

#include <Servo.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial BT(A0, A1);

Servo servo_1;
Servo servo_2;

int motor_r2 = 6;
int motor_r1 = 7;

int motor_l2 = 8;
int motor_l1 = 9;

int state;
int speed = 130;

int pos1 = 90;
int pos2 = 90;

int pump = 4;
int pwm = 5;

void setup(){

pinMode(motor_l1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor_l2, OUTPUT); 
pinMode(motor_r1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor_r2, OUTPUT);

pinMode(pump, OUTPUT);

pinMode(pwm, OUTPUT);

// initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
BT.begin(9600); // Setting the baud rate of Software Serial Library 

void loop(){
//if some date is sent, reads it and saves in state
if(BT.available() > 0){     
state = BT.read(); 
if(state > 15){speed = state;}      
   // if the state is '1' the DC motor will go forward
     if (state == 1){forword();Serial.println("Forward!");}

// if the state is '2' the motor will Backword
else if (state == 2){backword();Serial.println("Backword!");}
// if the state is '3' the motor will turn left
else if (state == 3){turnLeft();Serial.println("Turn LEFT");}
// if the state is '4' the motor will turn right
else if (state == 4){turnRight();Serial.println("Turn RIGHT");}
// if the state is '5' the motor will Stop
else if (state == 5) {stop();Serial.println("STOP!");}    

else if (state == 6) {Serial.println("lift"); if(pos1<180){pos1 = pos1+1;}} 
else if (state == 7) {Serial.println("right"); if(pos1>0){pos1 = pos1-1;}} 
else if (state == 8) {Serial.println("up"); if(pos2>0){pos2 = pos2-1;}}  
else if (state == 9) {Serial.println("down"); if(pos2<180){pos2 = pos2+1;}} 

else if (state == 10){Serial.println("pump on");digitalWrite(pump, HIGH);} 
else if (state == 11){Serial.println("pump off");digitalWrite(pump, LOW);} 


analogWrite(pwm, speed);

void stop(){
    digitalWrite(motor_l1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_l2, LOW); 
    digitalWrite(motor_r1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_r2, LOW);

void forword(){
    digitalWrite(motor_l1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_l2, HIGH); 
    digitalWrite(motor_r1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_r2, LOW);  

void backword(){
    digitalWrite(motor_l1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_l2, LOW); 
    digitalWrite(motor_r1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_r2, HIGH);   

void turnRight(){
    digitalWrite(motor_l1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_l2, HIGH); 
    digitalWrite(motor_r1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_r2, HIGH);  

void turnLeft(){
    digitalWrite(motor_l1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_l2, LOW); 
    digitalWrite(motor_r1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_r2, LOW); 


Neeraj pokala

Neeraj pokala

1 project • 4 followers
Suresh Krishna

Suresh Krishna

3 projects • 2 followers
