I made and tested this project on the MATRIX Voice Board.
Its project completely different from this [https://github.com/matrix-io/matrix-creator-android-things]
Because it is based on C ++ HAL realization founded this [https://github.com/matrix-io/matrix-creator-hal]
The benefits are far fewer hardware problems with the polling frequency, and another advantage is that it really works.
Another plus of this -- normal app structure in single activity style.
About application structure:
All black magic casts on C++ level, Java does work as white collar --visualization and other network activity.
- Everloop control
- Mic Array
- Audio out**
** in progress
upd: mic energy demo, mic kiss fft demo added & tested, tested at 44100 sampling rate - ok.
Next step -- audio out. Stay tuned!
mic energy demo
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