This project was made to present a complete LoRa solution. This is the first part of a complete workshop that includes:
Let's start!
1) AntennasThe gateway has 3 antennas. 2 small antenas for frequencies 2.4/5.5GHz (WiFi and Bluetooth) and 1 bigger for frequencies 868/900MHz (LoRa). Plug them following the image below:
Connect the gateway via Ethernet on the same network your computer is connected.
Access the gateway through the IP address or DNS https://rg1xx29378B.local, replacing the last 6 characters of the address with the last 6 characters of the MAC Address that is on the label under the gateway:
Log in using the default credentials:
On the first login, you are prompted to change the default credentials. Select a new username and password:
Please sign in again, this time with your new credentials. You will be redirected to the gateway home page.
On the gateway homepage, select the "Wi-Fi" option on the top bar, and click "Scan" to scan for available Wi-Fi networks.
Select a Wi-Fi network, enter your credentials, and click Connect.
Select the option "LoRa" in the upper bar, choose the "The Things Network - US" preset and click "Apply".
The Things Network is a free virtual hub that will concentrate all the data sent by the gateway. This data can be handled using applications in the TTN itself or forwarded to other cloud services such as IBM Bluemix, Amazon AWS, or Microsoft Azure.
Go to and click on "Gateways":
Click Register Gateway:
Enter the MAC Adress* of the gateway as "EUI Gateway":
Create a Description, select the frequency United States 915MHz
, select router ttn-router-us-west
, indicate on the map the location of your gateway, click "Register Gateway" to finish.
If you followed the previous steps correctly your gateway should already be showing up with the status "connected".
To receive the data of the connected devices to the gateway it is necessary create an application. Go back to the link and click on "Applications":
Click "Add Applications":
Create an ID for your application, enter a description, select ttn-handler-us-west
and click "Add Application" to finish.
Congratulations! Your Gateway and Application were successfully created.
Follow the next part of workshop to configure a device.
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