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Vishwas Navada
Published © CC BY-NC-SA

Tele Vaidya - A remote health diagnosis sytem

In developing countries where there is a huge scarcity of doctors, Televaidya can help in diagnosing the health issues using LoRa.

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Tele Vaidya - A remote health diagnosis sytem

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Fingerprint Sensor
DFRobot Fingerprint Sensor
ProtoCentral Pulse Oximeter & Heart Rate Sensor based on MAX30100
ProtoCentral Electronics ProtoCentral Pulse Oximeter & Heart Rate Sensor based on MAX30100
NodeMCU ESP8266 Breakout Board
NodeMCU ESP8266 Breakout Board
TFT LCD, 1.44 "
TFT LCD, 1.44 "
Arduino Mega 2560
Arduino Mega 2560
sx1276 LoRa Modules

Software apps and online services

Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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Smart remote health assist using LoRa and Azure cloud


Vishwas Navada

Vishwas Navada

25 projects β€’ 89 followers
Full stack hardware engineer.
