What does it do
InThings is an open source platform which aim is to get every Internet of Things sensor managed from one platform. In the platform you can register as an user, sign up a sensor and manage it.
Also, you can define actions for be executed when a sensor data is lower or higher a user defined threshold for it so you can, by example, send you a twitter direct message when temperature gets over 27 ºC, or send an email when room noise has stopped.
Using InThings you could watch your home, office, or garden with
Wunderbar sensor and generate fast actions as send tweet, email or
pushing request to external server! And you can use custom sensors
catching data from external servers or pushing InThings your own values... It's the great and customizable IoT free solution!
The idea
It appeared when we were browsing the web comparing our Wunderbar with other projects and we saw they all share common properties but use own platforms. So we thought we need to create an Open source platform which could make easier to manage all the sensors you ave and create great applications with them.
Bill of Materials
Relayr Wunderbar is the first sensor included in this platform and you can use one. You will need a node.js server with mongodb for hosting your own InThings platform and to want to test our beta version :)
Status and video demo
The project is currently being developed and by the moment it's functional with some wunderbar sensors as Temperature, Humidity, Noise, Light or Proximity. Wunderbar is defined as a Reactive sensor type as Pubnub sends info in realtime to our server, but you can define your own external sensor using Passive sensor type (You send from your own server requests to InThings API for updating sensor values) or Catch sensor type (InThings will send a request to a URL for getting sensor data).
The code is on our github account: and it has been created using angular-fullstack generator.
For build the project just run npm install && bower install
after that run grunt serve
for start building and set up development environment server!
If any conflict appears fix it installing some lost packages.
Hope you like it!