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Andrew BerryAdam O' CeallaighJack DuffSpivey

Slack Away Button with Wia Dot One and Button Module

In this tutorial, we will be going over how to make a button module toggle your presence on Slack from auto to away.

IntermediateFull instructions provided19 minutes2,229
Slack Away Button with Wia Dot One and Button Module

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Wia Dot One
Wia Dot One
Micro USB 16340 Lithium Battery Shield Mobile Power Holder Adapter For Arduino
Wia Button Module
Wia Button Module
Wia Micro USB Cable
Wia Micro USB Cable

Software apps and online services



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Custom parts and enclosures

Button Module with Dot One Case Main

This is the top portion of the case for the Button Module on top of the Dot One. This will protect the two from drops. Be sure to clean up the edges of the case to make sure that when you put the Dot One in it you are not going to hurt the Dot One.

Button Module with Dot One Case Lid

This is the lid to the main portion of the case. It can be tough to get this lid on because the plastic of the printer can expand at the edges and make the fitment tough. It can be helpful to sand down the edges of the main case to fit the lid on the bottom.


Slack Button Toggle Preference Code Project

This is the portion of code which initiates creates events for the flows.
/* The following instructions and comments are based on the assumption that you are framiliar with the 
syntax of C++ anda few funtioins and tools that are commonly used in C++ and classes used with Wia.*/

//These are libraries stored by Wia which are necessary for Wia products
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <Wia.h>

const int button = 17; // This is the pinout for the button module
int status = 0; // This is the status that is toggled through

Wia wiaClient = Wia(); /// This is specific to Wia and necessary for Wia to function

void setup() {
  WiFi.begin(); // this starts the connection 
  delay(2500); // delay is necessary for the WIFI to work properly
  pinMode(button, INPUT_PULLDOWN); // this sets up the pin for the button

void loop() {
  while (digitalRead(button) == HIGH) //this keeps looping through while the button is pressed
    if (status == 0) { /* when the status was on awa and the button is pressedy toggle to auto and switch status to 1*/
      wiaClient.createEvent("toggle-auto"); /* this is the event which initiates the flow to toggle the slack presence with an HTTP request (refer to flows code)*/
      status = 1; // status 1 represents auto
      while (digitalRead(button) == HIGH) // this loop ensures that one click toggles once
        delay(10); // keep delaying for 10ms until the button is released
    else if (status == 1) /* when the status was on auto and the button is pressed toggle to away and switch status to 0*/
      wiaClient.createEvent("toggle-away"); /* this is the event which initiates the flow to toggle the slack presence with an HTTP request (refer to flows code)*/
      status = 0; // status 0 represents away
      while (digitalRead(button) == HIGH)
        delay(10); // keep delaying for 10ms until the button is released

Flow Run Function Code

This is the code that the Run Function in the flow uses to select which the HTTP request to make based on what event has come in from the other code block
var event = input.body.name;
if (event == "toggle-away" ) {
	output.body = "slack.com/api/users.setPresence?token=xoxp-000000000000-000000000000-000000000000-000000000000000000000000&presence=away&pretty=1";
	/* The link above is the link you copited from the Slack API (without the https://) test although you need to make sure that at the end of the HTTP request it says "presence= away" because this will make the presence set to away*/
} else {
	output.body = "slack.com/api/users.setPresence?token=xoxp-000000000000-000000000000-000000000000-000000000000000000000000&presence=away&pretty=1";";
	/* The link above is the link you copited from the Slack API test (without the https://) although you need to make sure that at the end of the HTTP request it says "presence= auto" because this will make the presence set to auto*/


Andrew Berry
25 projects • 11 followers
Adam O' Ceallaigh
20 projects • 8 followers
Jack Duff
32 projects • 8 followers
Man of the people. Champion of the downtrodden. Marketing magic @ Wia. Becoming a maker by learning, building, and exploring
82 projects • 59 followers
Tourist in a Tutu || US Born || Melbourne/Mexico/California Raised || New Yorker at ❤️ || SF to Dublin to be COO of Wia the best IoT startup


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