Do you remember the Snake game? It's very simple, but funny. We built a snake game with Rainbowduino, LED Matrix, and 3-axis Accelerometer and controlled by gravity.
Step 1: Materials
We need:
You may also find all components here.
Step 2: Test Rainbowduino and LED Matrix
All components are now ready, we can test the LED Matrix with Rainbowduino.
All light is RGB LED. So, We can test the LED Matrix with different color (you can get examples in Rainbowduino library).
Step 3: Solder 3-axis Accelerometer to Rainbowduino
In order to make it smaller, we need to get a 3-axis acceleration sensor integrated onto the Rainbowduino. A very simple way to integrate is to solder them together directly. You can see the entire soldering process from this video.
Step 4: Programming
All the source code you can find in Github. The game development is with Arduino, so you must get the Arduino IDE first. Then, copy the Rainbowduino library to Arduino library directory. Lastly, open the Snake Game Arduino sketch (WithJoystick.ino), and upload source code to Rainbowduino.
Step 5: Shell
To confer the game a cool appearance, we made two shells for it. One is a 3D-printed white shell that looks like a 1990s computer monitor, the other is a weave of knitting wool and PP plastic. Be creative and make one by yourself--even a folded paper tray is ok to be a shell.
Step 6: Assemby
The final step is to assemble the modules together.