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Samira Peiris
Published © GPL3+

Ada Modbus Analyzer

A handheld MODBUS-RTU Master using STM32 and Ada.

IntermediateFull instructions provided8 hours3,643

Things used in this project

Hardware components

STM32F407VGT6 Development Board
SSD1306 - 128x64 I2C OLED Display
RS485 to TTL Converter
Pushbutton switch 12mm
SparkFun Pushbutton switch 12mm
ST-Link V2
RJ45 Socket
SparkFun LiPo Charger Basic - Micro-USB
SparkFun LiPo Charger Basic - Micro-USB

Software apps and online services

GNAT Community
AdaCore GNAT Community

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)


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ADA Modbus Analyzer

If there are any issues, create one at the GitHub repo. Schematics, Gerbers, EAGLE Library, Enclosures and Source code all available here.


Samira Peiris
13 projects • 66 followers
Electrical and electronic engineer from Sri Lanka. I'm interested in AI, computer vision and embedded systems.


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