Hackster is hosting Hackster Holidays, Ep. 6: Livestream & Giveaway Drawing. Watch previous episodes or stream live on Monday!Stream Hackster Holidays, Ep. 6 on Monday!
Samira Peiris
Published © GPL3+

PAYota - Pay for What You Use!

This project allows people to use electrical appliance on a 'pay-as-you-go' (PAYG) basis.

BeginnerFull instructions provided8 hours4,149

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
Peacefair Energy Meter
Relay Module (Generic)
Cable, USB to RS485
Cable, USB to RS485

Software apps and online services

IOTA Tangle
IOTA Tangle
Trinity Wallet

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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This is a python flask app. Extract the contents and run pyota.py
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Samira Peiris

Samira Peiris

13 projects • 65 followers
Electrical and electronic engineer from Sri Lanka. I'm interested in AI, computer vision and embedded systems.
