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Yasiru Tishan
Published © MIT

WIFI Control Car Arduino Concept | Internet of Things

We built the car employing a variety of transmission methods. But what about a car that can be controlled over WIFI.

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WIFI Control Car Arduino Concept | Internet of Things

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO Board can be used to connect, if ESP-32 not there.
Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298
SparkFun Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298
thingSoC ESP32 WiFi Module
thingSoC ESP32 WiFi Module
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Li-Ion Battery 1000mAh
Li-Ion Battery 1000mAh
DC Motor, 12 V
DC Motor, 12 V
Slide Switch
Slide Switch
Maker Essentials - Micro-motors & Grippy Wheels
Pimoroni Maker Essentials - Micro-motors & Grippy Wheels

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Hot glue gun (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

Design Architectural Structure - CAD Plan


Connecting Wires to the L298N Motor Driver & ESP 32

So, let’s make this smart car step by step. The required components are as follows: -
Used the necessary items and quantity with the help of the above hardware required table.
• Secondly, glue the four gear motors to the car kit board, to do this, use the hot glue gun.
• Thirdly, attach the motor driver board to the top of the foam board. Afterward, connect the gear motors to the Motor driver board. For that, use the below circuit diagram.
• OK, now glue the breadboard as follows. Then, attach the Node MCU board to the breadboard.
Next, connect the motor driver board to the Node MCU board. For that, use the above circuit diagram.
• Now, connect the battery holder with the GND and 12v terminals on the motor drive board. After, glue it onto the car kit board.
• OK. let’s set up the website. After connecting your device to the WIFI and go to the link in the above “web & app interface made to send commands” page.
• Lastly, attach the batteries to the battery holder and turns ON your smart car. Now, go to the site: - http://wificar.c1.biz/ project and control it easily. OK, enjoy this project.


Arduino Code

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
//defining pins
#define ENR  D1          // Enables  motors Right
#define ENL  D2          // Enables motors Left
#define IN1  D5          // L298N in1 motors Right
#define IN2  D6          // L298N in2 motors Right
#define IN3  D7           // L298N in3 motors Left
#define IN4  D8           // L298N in4 motors Left
String command;             //String to store web command "state"
int Speed = 450;         // initial speed 400-1024
int SpeedDiv = 3;         //value that speed will be divided by

const char* ssid = "WiFi Car";// wifi ssid name
ESP8266WebServer server(80);//server port-80, 80 is http port

void setup() {
pinMode(ENR, OUTPUT);//declaring pins as input or output in this case all are outputs
pinMode(ENL, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN4, OUTPUT);
Serial.begin(115200);//establishing serial communication between Arduino board and pc

// Connecting WiFi
WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP);//wifi mode set as wifi access point
WiFi.softAP("WifiCar", "Password", 1, 0, 1);
//WiFi.softAP(ssid, pwd, channel, hidden, max_connection)
IPAddress myIP = WiFi.softAPIP();
Serial.print("AP IP address: ");//prints AP IP..... in serial monitor
Serial.println(myIP);//ip address prints in arduino serial monitor
// Starting WEB-server
server.on ( "/", HTTP_handleRoot );
server.onNotFound ( HTTP_handleRoot );

void Forward(){ //function for car forward
digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);
//if this is turned high l298n bridge would switch the polarities(+,-) and motor will turn backward
digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH);
//when this is turned high l298n bridge would switch the polarities(-,+) and motor will turn forward
analogWrite(ENR, Speed);//enables l298N right side according to speed

digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);
digitalWrite(IN4, HIGH);
analogWrite(ENL, Speed);//enables l298N left side according to speed

void Reverse(){ //function for reverse
digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
analogWrite(ENR, Speed);

digitalWrite(IN3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(IN4, LOW);
analogWrite(ENL, Speed);

void Right(){ //fuction for turning right
//In this fuction when left side wheels are going backward the other side of wheel turns 
//backwards by doing that it gives the ability to turn in the same place(like in tanks)
      digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENR, Speed);

      digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN4, HIGH);
      analogWrite(ENL, Speed);

void Left(){//function for turning left
//In this fuction when right side wheels are going forward the other side of wheel turns backwards
//by doing that it gives the ability to turn in the same place(like in tanks)
      digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH);
      analogWrite(ENR, Speed);

      digitalWrite(IN3, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN4, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENL, Speed);

void goAheadRight(){//fuction for turning right while moving      
      digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH);
      analogWrite(ENR, Speed/SpeedDiv);
      //speed get divided by speeddiv and reduces the speed of right side wheels
      digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN4, HIGH);
      analogWrite(ENL, Speed);

void goAheadLeft(){//fuction for turning left while moving;      
      digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH);
      analogWrite(ENR, Speed);

      digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN4, HIGH);
      analogWrite(ENL, Speed/SpeedDiv);
      //speed get divided by speeddiv and reduces the speed of left side wheels 

void goBackRight(){ //fuction for going right while reversing
      digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENR, Speed/SpeedDiv);

      digitalWrite(IN3, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN4, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENL, Speed);

void goBackLeft(){ //fuction for going left while reversing
      digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENR, Speed);

      digitalWrite(IN3, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN4, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENL, Speed/SpeedDiv);

void Stop(){  //stop
      digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENR, 0);

      digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN4, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENL, 0);

void loop() {  
      command = server.arg("State"); //functioning the fuctions according to user input
      if (command == "F") Forward(); 
      else if (command == "B") Reverse();
      else if (command == "L") Left();
      else if (command == "R") Right();
      else if (command == "I") goAheadRight();
      else if (command == "G") goAheadLeft();
      else if (command == "J") goBackRight();
      else if (command == "H") goBackLeft();      
      else if (command == "1") Speed = 470; 
      else if (command == "2") Speed = 540;
      else if (command == "3") Speed = 680;
      else if (command == "4") Speed = 750;
      else if (command == "5") Speed = 1023;         
      else if (command == "S") Stop();
void HTTP_handleRoot() 
if(server.hasArg("State"))//when server recives a command
       Serial.println(server.arg("State"));//prints present state in arduino serial monitor
  server.send ( 200, "text/html", "" );//getting the command


Yasiru Tishan

Yasiru Tishan

2 projects • 5 followers
confident character and goal-oriented team leader and count on interpersonal skills and organizational planning as my critical strengths.
