Akshet Patel


The farmer can control the water regulations based on real-time parameters.

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Things used in this project

Software apps and online services

IBM BlueMix
IBM Watson IoT Sensor Simulator


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Custom parts and enclosures

Smart Agriculture System Using IoT

Just download the .json files and import them in your node-red.


Flow for Node-red

Import the .josn flow.

Dashboard Tab

Control Tab

Python IDE


IBMWatson_Code_for _Data_Reception.py

import sys
import ibmiotf.device

organization = "1k2xrj"
deviceType = "Data"
deviceId = "1234"
authMethod = "token"
authToken = "123456789"

def commandHandler(cmd):
    print("Command received: %s" % cmd.data)

    for key in cmd.data.keys():
        if key == 'motor':
            if cmd.data['motor'] == 'ON':
                print("MOTOR is turned ON")

            elif cmd.data['motor'] == 'OFF':
                print("MOTOR is turned OFF")

    deviceOptions = {"org": organization, "type": deviceType, "id": deviceId, "auth-method": authMethod,
                     "auth-token": authToken}
    deviceCli = ibmiotf.device.Client(deviceOptions)

except Exception as e:
    print("Caught exception connecting device: %s" % str(e))


while True:
    deviceCli.commandCallback = commandHandler

Flow .json file

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        "func": "if(msg.payload === true)\n    msg.payload = '{\"motor\":\"ON\"}'\nelse\n    msg.payload = '{\"motor\":\"OFF\"}'\nreturn msg;",
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Akshet Patel
3 projects • 6 followers
I am a senior at Manipal University Jaipur, working towards a Bachelor of Technology focused in Mechatronics Engineering.
