As we move from wired networking to wireless due to its inherent benefits on deployment, maintenance advantages and eventually cost savings, a common challenge is the RF range anxiety and achieving >10 years of life for battery powered sensors. LoRaWAN® solutions addresses this, starting from a simple RF transceiver having unique chirp modulation to compatible multi channel RF transceiver for Gateways and whole lot of proven software bridging the gap between hardware and cloud.
Hardware setup:This implementation needs
1) Parrytech LoRaWAN® Environmental sensor nodes
2)Parrytech LoRaWAN® analog and digital I/O nodes
3)Parrytech RS485 Modbus to LoRaWAN®nodes to collect data from energy meters via RS485
4)LoRaWAN®gateway to collect data from multiple LoRaWAN®nodes
- Connect BME sensor to a LoRaWAN End device. This sensor collects ambient temperature, Humidity and Air quality from atmosphere.
- Connect LED, Toggle Switch, Potentiometer to a LoRaWAN End Device. This can read analog/digital input and control digital output.
- Connect Energy meter with RS485 Modbus to a LoRaWAN End Device. It will collect energy meter readings.
- Connect LoRaWAN®gateway with Ethernet or Wi-Fi or with LTE network to ensure the internet connection.
Register the gateway and LoRa end devices with any one of the LoRaWAN network service providers. Here TTN(the things Network) is used.
- Register the gateway under the Gateway section.
- Register the End devices under the Application.
- Visualize the data in any IoT platform use any one the protocol under Application->Integration section. Here MQTT is used. Configure the following details:
- MQTT Public Address
- Connection Credentials (Username and Password)
- Refer TTN Documentation for Publish and Subscribe topics
Install the Arduino IDE and upload software developed by Parry Technology to LoRa end Devices(Nodes). The application forwards the data from the LoRa end devices to TTN through pocket forwarder(gateway device). The TTN publishes the data to MQTT broker which can be visualized in thingsboard cloud app or mobile app. Any other web/mobile application which supports MQTT can also be integrated with this.
Things Board IntegrationThe external MQTT broker integration is only possible with things board professional edition. Create account and login in into things board professional edition.
Create an Uplink data converter based on the data format uploaded on MQTT. The main function of Uplink data converter is to parse data of the incoming message and transform that to things board usage.
After that go to the integration section and add new integration(of type MQTT) with suitable name and add the created down link converters. Specify the MQTT Broker with port number(same which is configured on TTN) and add the topic. Save the integration.
After successful creation of integration, the device is added in device groups.
Based on data converter code, the details are shown in latest telemetry section in device details.
Select the details in telemetry (for example GAS) and add to widgets.
Create a dashboard and add the widgets created above.
Things board IoT panel gives an option to install app on your mobile phone to monitor/control the IOT data. For mobile app please drop an email to us (
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