The project titled "IoT Based Homemade Robot with Wireless and Voice control Mode" was mainly research based project.
This research was conducted focusing on the necessity of robots in our daily life. This documentation shows the system where the robot can be controlled in different ways like voice, wireless, and fully automatic mode. More details can be found here.
Here is the video Documentation:Use Case Diagram:The robot can move its figure individually. I used a servo to move the fingers individually.As it is 1st prototype I tried to make it less costly, So I only used one servo to move all fingers at a time!
Android Application Implementation & TestingUsers can press the temperature button to get the sensor value. The value is shown in the app. The robot can move left, right, we can stop it by pressing the stop button, light on/off button to control light on/off and they are manual functionalities. The robot can also move in AUTO mode.
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